公司:蘇伊士環能(北京)諮詢有限公司時間:2011-01 至 2015-02
職責:人事職責:負責辦理員工的入職和離職手續;為員工辦理簽證,暫住證,居住證明,專家證等;國內員工海外出差簽證及港澳通行的辦理,中國員工赴海外國家工作簽證的申請流程,協助外籍員工辦理國內駕照,組織、協調公司各類活動與會議,如年會、Team Building、員工生日Party等,行政職責:企業相關證照管理,更新;記錄整理辦公室費用記錄,辦公室固定資產維護與管理,外籍員工公寓契約的簽訂,維護 更新,公司與第三方契約的管理和更新,公司車輛的安排、管理,協助行政經理處理物業相關事宜。採購/財務部分:採購辦公用品、辦公設備,進行詢價,契約審核,創建PO訂單,按照公司財務流程進行支付。配合財務部準備報銷材料 審核單據,請款申請,收款通知,發票的開立 跟進確認的工作
公司:Wacom時間:2015-06 至 至今
職位:Senior HR & Admin Generalist
職責:HR responsibilities:1.Be responsible for Employees on board, termination and transfer procedures;2. Be responsible for monthly employee attendance record management;3. Be responsible for contract expiry reminder, contract renewal, probation remainder;4. Window person to staff inquires as well as to contact person to FESCO5. Provide HR support on other HR functions including Recruitment / Compensation& Welfare/ Performance Management / Training, etc.6.Organize and coordinate with all kinds of activities and meetings. Admin Responsibilities: 1. In charge of Beijing office administrative management, including environment maintenance and supplier’s management, to keep Beijing Office operating efficiently and effectively;2. Responsible for organizing teambuilding activities in Beijing Office, to establish and maintain work spirit.
學校:首都師範大學時間:2004-03 至 2006-02