
馬慶軍, 男,中國科學院海洋研究所責任研究員,博士研究生導師,實驗海洋生物學重點實驗室主任助理,目前已入選中央組織部“青年千人計畫”、中國科學院“百人計畫”、青島海洋科學與技術國家實驗室“鰲山人才”優秀青年;研究方向為結構生物學。


姓 名:馬慶軍 性 別:
研究方向:結構生物學/生物海洋學 職 稱:研究員/博導
部 門:實驗海洋生物學重點實驗室/青島海洋科學與技術國家實驗室-海洋生物學與生物技術功能實驗室


1993-1997 南開大學, 微生物學學士

1997-2000 中國科學院生物物理研究所, 分子生物學碩士,導師為董貽誠研究員和吳伸副研究員。

2000-2003 哥廷根大學(University of Goettingen)結構化學系,自然科學博士(Dr.rer.nat.),專業方向為結構生物學和結構化學,導師為世界著名晶體學專家,英國皇家科學院院士George M. Sheldrick教授。

2004-2007 歐洲分子生物學實驗室漢堡分部(EMBL, Hamburg),合作導師為Matthias Wilmanns 博士。

2008 馬克斯普郎克協會結構分子生物學研究單元(Max-Planck Structural Molecular Biology Research Unit at Hamburg),合作導師為Hans D. Bartunik博士。

2009-2010 柏林自由大學 (Free University of Berlin)晶體學所,合作導師為世界著名結構生物學家Wolfram Saenger 教授。

2010-2014 呂貝克大學(University of Luebeck)生物化學所,研究組長。

2014-至今 中國科學院海洋研究所責任研究員。


2016-2019 國家自然科學基金面上項目,74.4萬


近5年來,在PNAS、Acta Crystallogr D、J Virol和J Biol Chem等國際權威期刊上發表論文20餘篇,被他引逾500次。

22.Rocha-Pereira J, Nascimento MS, Ma Q, Hilgenfeld R, Neyts J, Jochmans D. The enterovirus protease inhibitor rupintrivir exerts cross-genotypic anti-norovirus activity and clears cells from the norovirus replicon. Antimicrob Agents Chemother

21.Jian Lei, Jeroen R. Mesters, Christian Drosten, Stefan Anemüller, Qingjun Ma, Rolf Hilgenfeld. Crystal structure of the papain-like protease of MERS coronavirus reveals unusual,potentially druggable active-site features. Antiviral Res

20.Qingjun Ma, Yusuf Akhter, Matthias Wilmanns, and Matthias T. Ehebauer. Active site conformational changes upon reaction intermediate biotinyl-5'-AMP binding in biotin protein ligase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Protein Science

19.Haydar Bulut, Qingjun Ma, Sebastien Moniot, Wolfram Saenger, Erwin Schneider, Ardeschir Vahedi-Faridi. Crystal structures of receptors involved in small molecule transport across membranes. Eur J Cell Biol

18.Yibei Xiao#, Qingjun Ma#, Tobias Restle, Weifeng Shang, Dmitri I. Svergun, Rajesh Ponnusamy, Georg Sczakiel, Rolf Hilgenfeld. Non-structural Proteins 7 and 8 of Feline Coronavirus Form a 2:1 Heterotrimer that Exhibits Primer-independent RNA Polymerase Activity. J Virol

17.Yijian Rao#, Qingjun Ma#, Ardeschir Vahedi-Faridi, Anna Sundborger, Arndt Pechstein, Dmytro Puchkov, Lin Luo,Oleg Shupliakov, Wolfram Saenger, Volker Haucke. Molecular basis for SH3 domain regulation of F-BAR-mediated membrane deformation. P Natl Acad Sci USA

16.Yan-feng Zhou, Beiyan Nan , Jie Nan, Qingjun Ma, Santhosh Panjikar, Yu-he Liang, Yiping Wang, Xiao-dong Su. C4-dicarboxylates sensing mechanism revealed by the crystal structures of DctB sensor domain. J Mol Bio

15.Fogg MJ, Alzari P, Bahar M, Bertini I, Betton JM, Burmeister WP, Cambillau C, Canard B, Corrondo MA, Coll M, Daenke S, Dym O, Egloff MP, Enguita FJ, Geerlof A, Haouz A, Jones TA, Ma Q, Manicka SN, Migliardi M, Nordlund P, Owens RJ, Peleg Y, Schneider G, Schnell R, Stuart DI, Tarbouriech N, Unge T, Wilkinson AJ, Wilmanns M, Wilson KS, Zimhony O, Grimes JM. Application of the use of high-throughput technologies to the determination of protein structures of bacterial and viral pathogens. Acta Crystallogr D

14.Qingjun Ma, Xin Zhao, Ali Nasser Eddine, Arie Geerlof, Xinping Li, John E. Cronan, Stefan H. E. Kaufmann, Matthias Wilmanns. The Mycobacterium tuberculosis LipB enzyme functions as a cysteine/lysine dyad acyltransferase. P Natl Acad Sci USA

13.Madhumati Sevvana,Marianna Biadene, Qingjun Ma, Chaoshe Guo, Hans-Dieter Soeling, George M. Sheldrick, David M. Ferrari.Structural elucidation of the PDI-related chaperone Wind with the help of mutants. Acta Crystallogr D

12.Hongping Zhu, Rainer B. Oswald, Hongjun Fan, Herbert W. Roesky, Qingjun Ma, Zhi Yang , Hans-Georg Schmidt, Mathias Noltemeyer, Kerstin Starke, Narayan S. Hosmane. Aluminacyclopropene: Syntheses, characterization, and reactivity toward terminal alkynes. J Am Chem Soc

11.Kathrin Barnewitz, Chaoshe Guo, Madhumati Sevvana, Qingjun Ma, George M. Sheldrick, Hans-Dieter Soeling, David M. Ferrari. Mapping of a substrate binding site in the protein disulfide isomerase-related chaperone wind based on protein function and crystal structure. J Biol Chem

10.Jianfang Chai, Hongping Zhu, Qingjun Ma, Herbert W. Roesky, Hans-Georg Schmidt, Mathias Noltemeyer. Synthesis and structural characterization of three-coordinate Mn-II, Fe-II, and Zn-II complexes containing a bulky diamide ligand DippN(CH2)(3)NDipp (2-)(Dipp=2,6-iPr(2)C(6)H(3)). Eur J Inorg Chem

9. Hongping Zhu, Jianfang Chai, Qingjun Ma, Vojtech Jancik, Herbert W. Roesky, Hongjun Fan, Regine Herbst-Irmer. A seven-membered aluminum sulfur allenyl heterocycle arising from the conversion of an aluminacyclopropene with CS2. J Am Chem Soc

8.Qingjun Ma#, Chaoshe Guo#, Kathrin Barnewitz, George M. Sheldrick, Hans-Dieter Soeling, Isabel Uson,David M. Ferrari. Crystal structure and function analysis of Drosophila Wind – a PDI-related protein. J Biol Chem

7. Qing-jun Ma, Jian-hui Li, Hui-guang Li, Shen Wu, Yi-cheng Dong. Crystal structure of beta-luffin, a ribosome inactivating protein at 2.0Å resolution. Acta Crystallogr D

6. Judit E. Debreczeni, Gabor Bunkoczi, Qingjun Ma, Heiko Blaser, George M. Sheldrick. In-house measurement of the sulfur anomalous signal and its use for phasing. Acta Crystallogr D

5. Guangcai Bai , Qingjun Ma , Herbert W. Roesky, Denis Vidovic, Regine Herbst-Irmer. New synthetic route for organic polyoxometallic clusters: synthetic and structural investigations on the first dumb-bell shaped polyoxozirconium hydroxide with the [Zr-9(mu(5)-O)(2)(mu(3)-O)(4)(mu-O)(4)(mu-OH)(8)] core structure. Chem Commun

4. Yuqiang Ding , Qingjun Ma , Herbert W. Roesky, Isabel Uson , Mathias Noltemeyer, Hans-Georg Schmidt. Syntheses, structures and properties of [{HC(CMeNAr)(2)}Ge(E)X] (Ar=2,6-iPr(2)C(6)H(3); E = S, Se; X = F, Cl). Dalton T

3. Yuqiang Ding, Qingjun Ma, Herbert W. Roesky, Regine Herbst-Irmer, Isabel Uson, Mathias Noltemeyer, Hans-Georg Schmidt. Synthesis, structures, and reactivity of alkylgermanium(II) compounds containing a diketiminato ligand. Organometallics

2. Yuqiang Ding, Qingjun Ma, Isabel Uson, Herbert W. Roesky, Mathias Noltemeyer, Hans-Georg Schmidt. Synthesis and structures of [{HC(CMeNAr)(2)}Ge(S)X] (Ar=2,6-iPr(2)C(6)H(3), X = F, Cl, Me): Structurally characterized examples with a formal double bond between group 14 and 16 elements bearing a halide. J Am Chem Soc

1.Qing-jun Ma, Guang Yao, Shen Wu, Hui-guang Li, Jian-hui Li, Yi-cheng Dong. Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of luffaculin, a ribosome-inactivating protein from sponge-gourd seeds. Acta Crystallogr D


