先後講過4門本科生課程—“建築鋼結構設計”、“高層建築結構”、“建築結構CAD” 和“建設法規”;1門研究生課程—“結構穩定理論”;並主講1門專升本課程—“材料力學”;同時指導本科生“鋼結構課程設計”、“畢業設計”(鋼結構方向);指導專升本學生“畢業設計”(混凝土框架)。
1. HW and YAM M CH, (2009) Modelling of a self-centring damper and its application in structural control. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, submitted.
2. HW, Hao JP and Jiang WS, (2009) Experimental study on a new beam-to-column connection. Materials and Structures, submitted.
3. HW, Cho C and Wilkinson T (2008) A numerical study on bolted end-plate connection using shape memory alloys. Mater. Struct. 41(8):1419-1426.
4.MHW and Cho C (2008) Feasibility study on a superelastic SMA damper with re-centring capability. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 473(1-2):290-296.
5. HW, Wilkinson T and Cho C (2007) Feasibility study on a self-centering beam-to-column connection by using the superelastic behavior of SMAs. Smart Mater. Struct. 23(5):1555-1563.
6. HW, Cho C, Kim C and Beom HG (2007) Evaluation of Cracked Beam-to-column Connection from Brittle Failure. Key Engineering Materials 353-358:1021-1024.
7. HW, Cho C, Kim C and Beom HG (2007) Application of Superelasticity of SMAs in Bolted End-plate Connection. Key Engineering Materials 353-358:3039-3042.
8. HW, Cho C, Pan Q and Beom HG (2006) A study on the lower flange’s fracture of endplate bolted connection. Key Engineering Materials 326-328:983-986.