出版社: 上海交通大學出版社; 第1版 (2010年7月1日)
外文書名: Memory of Shanghai
平裝: 111頁
正文語種: 英語
開本: 16
ISBN: 9787313056320
條形碼: 9787313056320
尺寸: 28.2 x 20.4 x 1 cm
重量: 499 g
《風華上海(英文版)》內容簡介:Using both pictures and words, this book demonstrates the development history of the Shanghai city and its people and culture with vivid images. Different from previous works, this book emphasizes the depths and expanses of time, starting from the beginning of the formation of Shanghai to the 21st century.
Through all kinds of pictures, and from the perspectives of economy, culture, folklore, arts and etc., it offers a multi-point multi-faceted view of the history of Shanghai in its integration of the Chinese and Western cultures and the resulting formation of its urban spirit.
The origin of Shanghai
Shanghai in ancient times
Prosperity due to the port opening
A traditional town in the south of China
The opening of the Shanghai port
The port opening in Shanghai
The life of foreign residents
Modern municipal government
City residential houses
Old Memories of Shanghai
Miles of Nanjing Road
Restaurants and places of entertainment
Horse race club
Urban women
The battle of resistance in Shanghai and the Jewish refugees
Shanghai's NEW LOOK
Shanghai's new look
Urban construstion
Life in Shanghai
The World Expo