主演: Matt Walton / Sean Matic / Anthony Ames
IMDb連結: tt0387805
英文版:Richard LeMay's directorial debut is a quirky American indie, with subtle acting and unexpected plot twists that dispel cliches about its subject matter. Conrad is a successful CEO at an ad agency whose lover has left him due to his overwhelming tendency to be a control freak. Though an attractive man, Conrad opts to hire a prostitute for sex rather than risk emotional involvement, but when Ian arrives at his door he is unable to understand why such a nice boy chooses to sell himself for a living. Consequently, Conrad offers the hot Aussie hustler a job at his agency in exchange for bi-weekly sexual favors. The complications that ensue for both men attempting to navigate the sticky territory of money, sex, and love, are both amusing and highly moving.
主演: Matt Walton / Sean Matic / Anthony Ames
IMDb連結: tt0387805
回目 正文 賞析 注釋 賞釋圖書簡介作者: 塗俏 著 出 版 社: 作家出版社 出版時間...“時間就是金錢,效率就是生命”的口號,影響了全中國。 作者簡介: 塗俏,女,記者...》在“2000年太盤點”中將塗俏列為該年度“中國八大漢子”。2003年塗俏...
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