
廈門大學科學儀器工程系 工學學士(1986-1990)
廈門大學化學系 碩博連讀 (1990-1996)中國赴日本國留學生預備學校(東北師範大學)(1993-1994)
廈門大學化學系分析化學專業 理學博士 1996
美國University of Florida化學系 博士後 (1996-1997)
美國Los Alamos 國家實驗室生物科學部 博士後 (1997-2001)
美國Los Alamos 國家實驗室生物科學部 高級研究員 (2001-2005)
廈門大學化學化工學院 教授、博導(2005.8- )
美國Los Alamos 國家實驗室Strategic hire fund ($100K)(2002)
*通訊作者(*corresponding author)
Wu LN, Huang TT, Yang LL, Pan JB, Zhu SB, Yan XM*, “Sensitive and selective bacterial detection using tetracysteine-tagged phages in conjunction with biarsenical dye”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. DOI: 10.1002/anie.201100334, 2011, in press.
Zheng Y, Lin L, Hang W, Yan XM*, Marrone BL*, “Analysis of beryllium to biomolecule binding using a metal specific fluorescent probe and competitive Assay”, Talanta, doi:10.1016/j.talanta.2011.04.037, 2011, in press.
Zhang Z*, Zheng Y, Hang W, Yan XM*, Zhao YF, “Sensitive and selective off-on rhodamine hydrazide fluorescent chemosensor for hypochlorous acid detection and bioimaging”, Talanta, doi:10.1016/j.talanta.2011.04.078, 2011, in press.
Zhu SB, Wang S, Yang LL, Huang TX, Yan XM*, “Progress in the development of light scattering based techniques for single nanoparticle detection”, Sci. China Chem., 2011, in press.
Xing JC, Yan LJ, Zhang J, Lin L, Gao Y, Chen WG, Song XY, Yan XM, Hang W*, Huang BL, “A comparative study of elution gradients in UPLC-TOF-MS-based metabonomics research”, Chromatographia, 2010, 72, 807-813.
Lin L, Yu Q, Yan XM, Hang W*, Zheng JX, Xing JC, Huang BL,“Direct infusion mass spectrometry or liquid chromatography mass spectrometry for human metabonomics? A serum metabonomic study of kidney cancer”, Analyst, 2010, 135, 2970-2978.
Zhu SB, Yang LL, Long Y, Gao M, Huang TX, Hang W, Yan XM*, “Size differentiation and absolute quantification of gold nanoparticles via single particle detection with a laboratory-built high-sensitivity flow Cytometer”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2010, 132, 12176-12178.
Long Y, Zhang ZL, Yan XM*, Xing JC*, Zhang KY, Huang JX, Zheng JX, Li W, “Multiplex immunodetection of tumor markers with a suspension array built upon core-shell structured functional fluorescence-encoded microspheres”, Anal. Chim. Acta, 2010, 665, 63-68.
Yan XM, Lin YM, Huang RF, Hang W*, Harrison WW, “A spectroscopic investigation of the afterglow and recombination process in a microsecond pulsed glow discharge”, J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2010, 25, 534-543.
Yang LL, Wu LN, Zhu SB, Long Y, Hang W, Yan XM*, “Rapid, absolute, and simultaneous quantification of specific pathogenic strain and total bacterial cells using an ultrasensitive dual-color flow Cytometer”, Anal. Chem., 2010, 82, 1109-1116.
Zhang ZL, Long Y, Pan JB, Yan XM*, “Preparation of fluorescence-encoded microspheres in a core-shell structure for suspension arrays”, J. Mater. Chem., 2010, 20, 1179-1185.
Ding J, Lin L, Hang W, Yan XM*, “Beryllium uptake and related biological effects studied in THP-1 differentiated macrophages”, Metallomics, 2009, 1, 471-478.
Chen ZJ, Yan XM*, “Simultaneous determination of melamine and 5-hydroxymethylfurfural in milk by capillary electrophoresis with diode array detection”, J. Agric. Food Chem., 2009, 57, 8742-8747.
Zhang J, Yan LJ, Chen WG, Lin L, Song XY, Yan XM, Hang W*, Huang BL*, “Metabonomics research of diabetic nephropathy and type 2 diabetes mellitus based on UPLC-oaTOF-MS system”, Anal. Chim. Acta, 2009, 650, 16-22.
Chen LZ, Lin L, Yu Q, Yan XM, Hang W, He J, Huang BL, “Semiquantitative multielemental analysis of biological samples by a laser ionization orthogonal time-of-flight mass spectrometer”, J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom., 2009, 20, 1355-1358.
Yang LL, Zhu SB, Hang W, Wu LN, Yan XM*, “Development of an ultrasensitive dual-channel flow cytometer for the individual analysis of nanosized particles and biomolecules”, Anal. Chem., 2009, 81, 2555-2563.
Zhang J, Yan LJ, Lin L, Chen WG, Song XY, Yan XM, Hang W*, Huang BL*, “Metabonomics research of diabetic mellitus and diabetic nephropathy based on UPLC-oaTOF-MS system”, Chem. J. Chinese U., 2008, 29, 2171-2173.
Yang LL, Zhu SB, Hang W, Yan XM*, “Development of a single-molecule flow analyzer”, Chem. J. Chinese U., 2008, 29, 1549-1551.
He J, Zhong WW, Tang AJ, Yan XM, Lewis C., Majidi V., Hang W,"A fluorescence detection scheme for ultra large molecules after gas phase separation", Talanta, 2007, 71, 2126-2128.
Yan XM*, Zhong WW, Tang AJ, Schielke E.G., Hang W, Nolan J.P.,“Multiplexed flow cytometric immunoassay for influenza virus detection and differentiation”, Anal. Chem., 2005, 77, 7673-7678.
Yan XM*, Habbersett R.C., Yoshida T.M., Nolan J.P., Jett J.H., Marrone B.L., “Probing the kinetics of SYTOX Orange stain binding to double-stranded DNA with implications for DNA analysis”, Anal. Chem., 2005, 77, 3554-3562.