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從事神經內科診療、教學和科研工作28年,具有紮實的神經內科理論知識和豐富的臨床工作經驗。2000年10月經國家教委選派,赴法國里爾大學地區醫療中心Roger Salengro 醫院神經病學系與記憶中心深造,師從阿爾茨海默病(Alzheimer’s disease, AD)研究領域國際著名專家 Florence Pasquier 教授(該教授是AD國際診斷標準NINCDS-ADRDA2007版、2010版、2014版及VASCOG2014版作者之一)。同期受大使館委託擔任里爾大區留法學者學生聯合會主席。2001年留學歸國後獲得北京市留學歸國人員啟動基金資助,繼續開展輕度認知障礙的多模態磁共振研究和臨床工作。


擔任一項國家重點研發項目“阿爾茨海默病早期診斷新技術研發”(2016YFC1306300)子課題組長;主持或參與國自然重點項目兩項(81430037,61633018),面上項目2項(30970823,31371007);北京市自然科學基金重點項目 (7161009)、北京市科委首都市民健康培育項目(Z131100006813022, Z161100002616020)、首都醫科大學基礎臨床合作項目 (16JL-L08)、中科院心理所行為科學重點實驗室開放基金(20160101)及順義區衛計委資助。




1. Yang Yu#, Xinyu Liang#, Haikuo Yu, Weina Zhao, Yan Lu, Yue Huang, Changhao Yin*, Gaolang Gong*, and Ying Han*. How does white matter microstructure differ between the vascular and amnestic mild cognitive impairment? Oncotarget. 2016 Dec 15. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.13960.

2. Wang XN#,Zeng Y#,Chen GQ,Zhang YH,Li XY,Hao XY,Yu Y,Zhang M,Sheng C,Li YX,Sun Y,Li HY,Song Y,Li KC,Yan TY*,Tang XY*,Han Y*. Abnormalorganizationofwhitematternetworksinpatientswithsubjectivecognitivedeclineandmildcognitiveimpairment. Oncotarget. 2016, 7: 48953-48962. (IF: 5.008)

3. Long Z#, jing B#, Yan H, Dong J, Liu H, Mo X, Han Y*, Li H*. A support vector machine based method to identify mild cognitive impairment with multi-level characteristics of magnetic resonance imaging. Neuroscience. 2016, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroscience.2016.06.025. (IF: 3.231)

4. Xuan-yu Li#, Zhen-chao Tang#, Yu Sun, Jie Tian, Zhen-yu Liu*,Ying Han*. White matter degeneration in subjective cognitive decline: a diffusion tensor imaging study. Oncotarget. 2016, 7: 54405-54414. (IF: 5.008)

5. Chen G, Sheng C, Li Y, Yu Y, Wang X, Sun Y, Li H, Li X, Xie Y, Han Y*. Neuroimaging basis in the conversion of aMCI patients with APOE- ε4 to AD: study protocol of a prospective diagnostic trial. BMC neurol. 2016, 16 (1): 64. (IF: 1.961)

6. Sun Y#, Dai Z#, Li Y, Sheng C, Li H, Wang X, Chen X, He Y, Han Y*. Mapping Functional and Structural Brain Changes in Subjective Cognitive Decline: A Combined Resting-State Functional MRI and Structural MRI Study. Radiology. 2016, Mar 22:151771. (IF: 6.798)

7. Wang Z, Zhang M, Han Y, Song H, Guo R*, Li K*. Differentially disrupted functional connectivity of the subregions of the amygdala in Alzheimer’s disease. J Xray Sci Technol. 2016, 24 (2): 329-42.

8. Li Q, Li X, Wang X, Li Y, Li K, Yu Y, Yin C, Li S*, Han Y*. Topological Properties of Large-Scale Cortical Networks Based on Multiple Morphological Features in Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment. Neural Plasticity. 2016, Article ID 3462309. DOI: 10.1155/2016/3462309. (IF: 3.568)

9. Li X, Li D, Li Q, Li Y, Li K, Li S*, Han Y*. Hippocampal subfield volumetry in patients with subcortical vascular mild cognitive impairment. Scientific Reports. 2016; 6: 20873. DOI: 10.1038/srep20873. (IF: 5.288)

10. Li Y, Wang X, Li Y, Sun Y, Sheng C, Li H, Li X, Yu Y, Chen G, Hu X, Jing B, Wang D, Li K, Jessen F, Xia M*, Han Y*. Abnormal Resting-State Functional Connectivity Strength in Mild Cognitive Impairment and its Conversion to Alzheimer's Disease. Neural Plasticity. 2016, 2016 (3): 1-12. (IF: 3.568)

11. Li Y, Sheng C, Sun Y, Li H, Hu Z, Li X, Wang X, Jia J, He Y, Han Y*. Longitudinal resting-state functional MRI studies of amnestic mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease. Translational Medicine at Capital Medical University: Investigating Major Chronic Diseases (Science/AAAS, Washington, DC, 2015): 12-16.

12. Sun Y, Yang F, Lin C*, Han Y*. Biochemical and Neuroimaging Studies in Subjective Cognitive Decline: Progress and Perspectives. CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics. 2015, 21 (10): 768-775. (IF: 4.019)

13. Yi L, Liang X, Liu D, Sun B, Ying S, Yang D, Li Q, Jiang C*, Han Y*. Disrupted Topological Organization of Resting-State Functional Brain Network in Subcortical Vascular Mild Cognitive Impairment. CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics. 2015, 21(10): 846-854. (IF: 4.019)

14. Zou X, Chung YC, Zhang L, Han Y, Yang Q, and Jia J, Middle Cerebral Artery Atherosclerotic Plaques in Recent Small Subcortical Infarction: A Three-Dimensional High-resolution MR Study. BioMedResInt. 2015, 2015: (540217). (IF: 2.134)

15. Ma L, Chen J, Wang R*, Han Y, Zhang J, Dong W, Zhang X, Wu Y, Zhao Z. The Level of Alzheimer-Associated Neuronal Thread Protein in Urine may be an Important Biomarker of Mild Cognitive Impairment. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience. 2015, 22: 649–652. (IF: 1.387)

16. Zhao Z, Fan F, Lu J, Li H, Jia L, Han Y, Li K*. Changes of Gray Matter Volume and Amplitude of Low-Frequency Oscillations in Amnestic MCI: an Integrative Multi-modal MRI Study. Acta Radiologica. 2015, 56 (5): 614-621. (IF: 2.009)

17. Song H, Long H, Zuo X, Yu C, Liu B, Wang Z, Wang Q, Wang F, Han Y, Jia J*. APOE effects on default mode network in Chinese cognitive normal elderly: relationship with clinical cognitive performance. PLoS One. 2015, 10(7): e0133179. (IF: 3.057)

18. Ma L, Wang R*, Han Y*, Sheng S, Zhu J, Ji Z, Zhao Z, Cao Z, Wang P. Development of a Novel Urine Alzheimer-Associated Neuronal Thread Protein ELISA Kit and Its Potential Use in the Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease. Journal of Clinical Laboratory Analysis. 2015, doi: 10.1002/jcla.21856. (IF: 1.549)

19. Xie Y, Cui Z, Zhang Z, Sun Y, Sheng C, Li K, Gong G*, Han Y*, Jia J*. Identification of amnestic mild cognitive impairment using multi-modal brain features: A combined structural MRI and diffusion tensor imaging study. J Alzheimers Dis. 2015;47 (2):509-22. (IF: 3.920)

20. Ma L, Chen J, Wang R, Han Y, Zhang J, Dong W, Zhao Z, Liu Y, Chu X. Alzheimer-associated urine neuronal thread protein level increases with age in a healthy Chinese population. J Clin Neurosci. 2014, 21(12): 2118-21. (IF: 1.387)

21. Li X, Sun Y, Han Y*. Development of Subjective Cognitive Decline. Neuroscience and Biomedical Engineering. 2015, 3 (1): 1-4.

22. Li S*, Yuan X, Pu F, Li D, Fan Y, Wu L, Chao W, Chen N, He Y, Han Y*. Abnormal Changes of Multidimensional Surface Features Using Multivariate Pattern Classification in Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment Patients. Journal of Neuroscience. 2014, 34 (32): 1054Z1–10553. (IF:5.924)

23. Jia J, Zhou A, Wei C, Jia X, Wang F, Li F, Wu X, Mok V, Gauthier S, Tang M, Chu L, Zhou Y, Zhou C, Cui Y, Wang Q, Wang W, Yin P, Hu N, Zuo X, Song H, Qin W, Wu L, Li D, Jia L, Song J, Han Y, Xing Y, Yang P, Li Y, Qiao Y, Tang Y, Lv J, Dong X. The Prevalence of Mild Cognitive Impairment and its Etiological Subtypes in Elderly Chinese. Alzheimers & Dementia. 2014, 10 (4): 439-447. (IF: 11.619)

24. Yin C#, Yi L,#, Jia L, Wang J, Liu P, Guo Y, Han Y*.Early morphological brain abnormalities in patients with amnestic mild cognitive impairment. Translational Neuroscience. 2014, 5 (4): 253-259. (IF: 1.012)

25. Hu Z, Wu L, Jia J, Han Y*. Advances in longitudinal studies of amnestic mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease based on multi-modal MRI techniques. Neuroscience Bulletin. 2014, 30 (2): 198-206. (IF:2.322)

26. Zhao Z, Lu J, Jia X, Chao W, Han Y, Jia J, Li K. Selective Changes of Resting-State Brain Oscillations in aMCI: An fMRI Study Using ALFF. Biomed Res Int. Volume 2014, Article ID 920902. (IF: 2.134)

27. Wang Z, Liang P, Zhao Z, Han Y, Song H, Xu J, Li K .Acupuncture Modulates Resting State Hippocampal Functional Connectivity in Alzheimer Disease. PLoS One. 2014, 7(8): e42730. (IF: 3.057)

28. Zuo X, Anderson J, Bellec P, Birn R, Biswal B, Blautzik J, Breitner J, Buckner R, Calhoun V, Castellanos F, Chen A, Chen B, Chen J, Chen X, Colcombe S, Courtney W, Craddock R, Di Martino A, Dong HM, Fu X, Gong Q, Gorgolewski K, Han Y, He Y, He Y, Ho E, Holmes A, Hou XH, Huckins J, Jiang T, Jiang Y, Kelley W, Kelly C, King M, LaConte S, Lainhart J, Lei X, Li H, Li K18, Li K27, Lin Q, Liu D, Liu J, Liu X, Liu Y, Lu G, Lu J, Luna B, Luo J, Lurie D, Mao Y, Margulies D, Mayer A, Meindl T, Meyerand M, Nan W, Nielsen J, O'Connor D, Paulsen D, Prabhakaran V, Qi Z, Qiu J, Shao C, Shehzad Z, Tang W, Villringer A, Wang H, Wang K, Wei D, Wei G, Weng X, Wu X, Xu T, Yang N, Yang Z, Zang Y, Zhang L, Zhang Q, Zhang Z, Zhang Z, Zhao K, Zhen Z, Zhou Y, Zhu X, Milham M. An open science resource for establishing reliability and reproducibility in functional connectomics. Sci Data. 2014, 1:140049.

29. Jia J, Wang F, Wei C, Zhou A, Jia X, Li F, Tang M, Chu L, Zhou Y, Zhou C, Cui Y, Wang Q, Wang W, Yin P, Hu N, Zuo X, Song H, Qin W, Wu L, Li D, Jia L, Song J, Han Y, Xing Y, Yang P, Li Y, Qiao Y, Tang Y, Lv J, Dong X. The Prevalence of Dementia in Urban and Rural Areas of China. Alzheimers & Dementia. 2014, 10 (1):1-9. (IF: 11.619)

30. Han Y*, Zhang J, Chen N, He L, Zhou M, Zhu C. Corticosteroids for preventing postherpetic neuralgia. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2013, 28 (3): CD005582.

31. Liu J, Yin C, Xia S, Jia L, Guo Y, Zhao Z, Li X*, Han Y*, Jia J. White matter changes in patients with amnestic mild cognitive impairment detected by diffusion tensor imaging. PLoS One. 2013, 8(3): e59440. (IF:3.057)

32. Wang J, Zuo X, Dai Z, Xia M, Zhao Z, Zhao X, Jia J, Han Y, He Y*. Disrupted Functional Brain Connectome in Individuals at Risk for Alzheimer's disease. Biol Psychiatry. 2013, 73 (5): 472-81.(IF:11.212)

33. Yi L, Wang J, Jia L, Zhao Z, Lu J, Li K, Jia J, He Y, Jiang C*, Han Y*. Structural and Functional Changes in Subcortical Vascular Mild Cognitive Impairment: a Combined Voxel-Based Morphometry and Resting-State Functional MRI Study. PLoS One. 2012, 7 (9): e44758. (IF:3.057)

34. Wang Z, Nie B, Li D, Zhao Z, Han Y, Song H, Xu J, Shan B, Lu J*, Li K*. Effect of Acupuncture in Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer’s Disease: A Functional MRI Study. PLoS One. 2012, 7 (8): e42730. (IF: 3.057)

35. Han Y#*, Lui S#, Wang K, Lang Q, Zou L, Jia J. Anatomical and functional deficits in patients with amnestic mild cognitive impairment. PLoS One. 2012, 7 (2): e28664. (IF:3.057)

36. Wang Z, Liang P, Jia X, Jin G, Song H, Han Y, Lu J, Li K. The baseline and longitudinal changes of PCC connectivity in mild cognitive impairment: a combined structure and resting-state fMRI study. PLoS One. 2012, 7(5): e36838. (IF:3.057)

37. Han Y*, Wang J, Zhao Z, Min B, Lu J, Li K, He Y, Jia J*. Frequency-dependent changes in the amplitude of low-frequency fluctuations in amnestic mild cognitive impairment: a resting-state fMRI study. NeuroImage. 2011, 55(1): 287-295.


38. Hu Z, Wang J, Lang Y, Jia J, Han Y*. Comparison of the neuropsychological characteristics of two subtypes of Mild Cognitive Impairment. Shanghai Archives of Psychiatry. 2011, 23 (5): 265-270.

39. Li S#, Han Y#, Wang D, Yang H, Fan Y, Lv Y, Tang H, Gong Q, Zang Y, He Y*. Mapping surface variability of the central sulcus in musicians. Cereb Cortex. 2010, 20(1): 25-33. ( IF:8.285)

40. Han Y, Yang H, Lv Y, Zhu C, He Y, Tang H, Gong Q, Luo Y, Zang Y*, Dong Q. Gray Matter Density and White Matter Integrity in Pianists' Brain: a Combined Structural and Diffusion Tensor MRI Study. Neurosci Lett. 2009, 459 (1): 3-6. (IF:2.107)

41. Lv Y, Yang H, Wang D, Li S, Han Y, Zhu C, He Y, Tang H, Gong Q, Zang Y*. Correlations in Spontaneous Activity and Gray Matter Density Between Left and Right Sensoritmotor Areas of Pianists. NeuroReport. 2008, 19 (6): 631-634.


42. Han Y*, Li E, Tian J, Chen J, Wang H, Dai J. The Application of Diffusion and Perfusion-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Diagnosis and Therapy of Acute Cerebral Infarction. International Journal of Biomedical Imaging, Volume 2006, Article ID 20164:1–11.


1. 韓瓔 * , 戴建平. 處於研究轉折中的阿爾茨海默病——解讀2016年Lancet新論述[J]. 醫學研究生學報, 2016,29(12):1233-1236.

2. 于海闊,李軒宇,劉祥玉,孫宇,牛海晶, 韓瓔 *. 阿爾茨海默病患者腦血氧信號複雜度的多尺度熵分析. 醫學研究生學報,2016,29(12):1244-1248.

3. 郝立曉, 賈建國, 韓瓔, 孫宇,王曉妮. 主觀認知下降社區管理研究現狀[J]. 中國全科醫學, 2016(35):4285-4290.

4. 韓瓔 *,孫宇. 阿爾茨海默病早期診斷標誌物研究進展. 醫學研究雜誌,2016,45(8):1-4.

5. 李嘉辰,李軒宇,于洋,陳觀群,王曉妮,謝雲燕, 韓瓔*. 不同來源認知下降主訴對阿爾茨海默病診斷和預後的價值. 中國醫藥導報, 2016, 15: 40-43.

6. 中國醫師協會檢驗醫師分會阿爾茨海默病檢驗醫學專家委員會. 阿爾茨海默病檢驗診斷報告模式專家共識. 中華醫學雜誌,2016,96(14):1080-1082. 委員會成員:主任委員:王培昌;副主任委員(按姓氏漢語拼音排列):陳葳、胡曉芳;委員(按姓氏漢語拼音排列):陳葳、丁海濤、杜彥丹、 韓瓔、胡曉芳、賈建平、李偉皓、李玉生、劉平、劉薇拉、屈秋民、任春鋒、王培昌、王啟廣、王萬海、王曉琴、張躍其、趙昕、周義文

7. 盛燦 # 夏明睿#,陳曉丹,孫宇,王曉妮,李紅艷,李瑜霞,李軒宇,于洋,陳觀群,賀永,李坤城, 韓瓔*.遺忘型輕度認知障礙患者的靜息態功能連線強度特徵研究.中華放射學雜誌,2016,50(3):191-195.

8. 李瑜霞,李永秋,孫宇,盛燦,李紅艷,牛海晶, 韓瓔 . 源於阿爾茨海默病的輕度認知障礙患者腦結構及靜息態功能磁共振研究進展.中國臨床醫學影像雜誌,2016,27(2):131-134.

9. 盛燦,李瑜霞,謝雲燕,張忠敏,孫宇,王曉妮,李紅艷,李軒宇,于洋,陳觀群,尹昌浩,李坤成,楊旗, 韓瓔 . 人尿激肽原酶對急性腦梗死側支循環與腦血流灌注影響的多模態MRI研究. 中國臨床醫學影像雜誌,2016,27(2):77-81.

10. 李紅艷,唐振超,盛燦,孫宇,李瑜霞,王曉妮,于洋,李軒宇,陳觀群,李坤成,田捷,劉振宇, 韓瓔*. 對主觀認知下降人群基於TBSS白質損傷研究. 中國臨床醫學影像雜誌,2015,26(12):848-852.

11. 孫宇,王曉妮,盛燦,李瑜霞,李紅艷,趙倩華, 韓瓔*. 阿爾茨海默病臨床前期研究進展. 醫學研究雜誌, 2015,44(9):152-154.

12. 盛燦,李瑜霞, 韓瓔*. 行為變異型額顳葉痴呆診斷標準的進展. 醫學研究雜誌,2015,44(9):155-158.

13. 王曉妮,張朦,李瑜霞,曾揚,盛燦,郝旭陽,孫宇,張逸鶴,李紅艷,于洋,李軒宇,陳觀群,李坤成,賈建平,唐曉英*, 韓瓔*. 遺忘型輕度認知障礙患者腦白質網路拓撲特性的改變. 中華神經科雜誌,2015,48(9):740-747.

14. 盛燦,夏明睿, 韓瓔*. 遺忘型輕度認知障礙的靜息態功能MRI研究進展. 中國臨床醫學影像雜誌,2015,26(7):528-530.

15. 韓瓔*,左西年,李會傑,李淑宇,盧潔,夏明睿,孫宇,王曉妮. 主觀認知下降多模態腦影像研究進展. 醫學研究雜誌,2015,44(6):1-3.

16. 孫宇,王曉妮,盛燦,李瑜霞,李紅艷, 韓瓔*. 主觀認知下降研究進展.中華神經科雜誌,2015,48(5): 417-419.

17. 王曉妮,盛燦綜述, 韓瓔審校. 主觀認知下降生物標記物研究進展. 醫學研究生學報,2015,28(4):423-426.

18. 王曉妮,唐毅綜述, 韓瓔審校. 阿爾茨海默病診斷標準的演變. 醫學研究生學報,2015,28(2):195-198.

19. 韓瓔.臨床是基礎 科研是後勁 ——醫學研究生培養之我見. 醫學研究生學報,2015,28(1):1-3.(導師論壇)

20. 張忠敏,郭艷琴綜述, 韓瓔,郭佑民審校. 急性腦梗死側支循環建立的神經影像學評估. 醫學研究生學報,2015,28(01):85-88.

21. 胡忠婕,盛燦,孫宇,張忠敏,張偉,李瑜霞,李紅艷,孫建平,秦海濱,李坤成,賈建平, 韓瓔*. 阿爾茨海默病高風險人群的結構和靜息態功能MRI特徵. 中華神經科雜誌,2014,47(12):824-830.

22. 韓瓔. 解讀NIA-AA新理解對於阿爾茨海默病的二級預防理念影響. 醫學研究雜誌,2014,43(8):1-3.(專家論壇)

23. 張忠敏,崔再續,郭艷琴,李坤成,賈建平, 韓瓔*. 基於支持向量機的遺忘型輕度認知障礙個體識別研究. 醫學研究生學報,2014, 27(8):814-819.

24. 胡忠婕,陳楠,宋海慶, 韓瓔*. 遺忘型輕度認知障礙和阿爾茨海默病的多模態MRI研究進展. 中華放射學雜誌,2014,48(6):1-4.

25. 韓瓔*,李思思. 大學生的常見情緒障礙及調節.湖南師範大學教育科學學報,2013,12 (3):125-128.

26. 趙維納,賈龍飛, 韓瓔*. 顱內動脈易損性粥樣硬化性斑塊MRI研究進展.中華放射學雜誌,2013,47(5):465-468.

27. 趙維納,郭艷芹, 韓瓔*. 小血管性認知障礙的研究進展.中華臨床醫師雜誌,2013,7(3):1216-1219.

28. 劉江紅, 韓瓔*. 彌散張量成像在輕度認知功能障礙和老年性痴呆中的套用研究進展.中華臨床醫師雜誌,2013,7(1):254-257.

29. 尹昌浩,郭艷芹, 韓瓔*. 輕度認知障礙研究進展. 醫學研究生學報, 2012, 25(9):977-980.

30. 白晶,李寶棟, 韓瓔*. 蒙特婁認知評估量表在不同地區套用現狀.華西醫學, 2012, 27 (4):637-640.

31. 韓瓔*,李林英. MoCA在輕度認知障礙診斷中的套用和發展.大連醫科大學學報,2012, 34 (1):81-84.

32. 中華醫學會神經病學分會痴呆與認知障礙學組寫作組.血管性認知障礙診治指南.中華神經科雜誌,2011,44 (2):142-147. 寫作組成員:陳曉春, 丁新生, 高晶, 郭啟浩, 韓瓔, 黃麗, 賈建平, 李焰生, 羅本燕, 彭丹濤, 唐牟尼, 汪凱, 王蔭華, 魏翠柏, 武劍, 武力勇, 肖世富, 張朝東, 章軍建,張曉君, 張振馨, 張志琚, 周愛紅

33. 郎悅, 韓瓔*,姜長斌,宋海慶,閔保全,賈建平. 輕度認知障礙患者的神經心理學特點初步探討. 華西醫學, 2011,26 (1):61-65.

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1. Zhao TD, Sheng C, Shu N, Han Y*. Accelerated disruption of brain structural connectome with aging in amnestic mild cognitive impairment. The Lancet Neurology Conference, 2016, London, UK. Poster

2. Yu Y, Liang XY, Xie YY, Chen GQ, Li XY, Wang XN, Sun Y, Yin CH, Gong GL, Han Y*.How does white matter connectivity differ between the vascular and degenerative pre-dementia?. The Lancet Neurology Conference, 2016, London, UK. Poster

3. Sun Y, Zhu ZJ, Li XY, Niu HJ, Han Y*. Tracking regional connectivity dynamics in patients with mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease. The Lancet Neurology Conference, 2016, London.UK Poster

4. Wang XN, Bi QH, Shu N, Han Y*. Disrupted white matter structural connectome in individuals with subjective cognitive decline. The Lancet NeurologyConference, 2016, London, UK. Poster

5. Li YX, Jing B, Han Y*. Frequency-dependent changes in the amplitude of low-frequency fluctuationsin mild cognitive impairment with depression. The Lancet NeurologyConference, 2016, London, UK. Poster

6. Sun Y, Zhu Z, Li X, Niu H, Han Y*. Tracking regional connectivity dynamics in patients with mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease. AAIC, 2016, Toronto. Poster

7. Li X, Zhu Z, Sun Y, Niu H, Han Y*.Abnormal Dynamical Signal Complexity in Patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer’s Disease: A Multiscale Entropy Analysis. AAIC, 2016, Toronto,Poster.

8. Yu Y, Liang X, Xie Y, Chen C, Li X, Wang X, Sun Y, Sheng C, Li K, Yin C, Gong G, Han Y*. How Does White Matter Connectivity Differ Between the Vascular and Degenerative Pre-Dementia? AAIC, 2016, Toronto, Poster.

9. Li H, Tang Z, Han Y*. Tract-Based Spatial Statistics Analysis Of White Matter Change in Subjected With Subjected Cognitive Decline. AAIC, 2016, Toronto, Poster.

10. Li Y, Jing B, Han Y*. Frequency-dependent changes in the amplitude of low-frequency fluctuations in mild cognitive impairment with depression. AAIC, 2016, Toronto, Poster.

11. Li X, Tang Z, Sun Y, Liu Z, Han Y*. Diffusion Tensor Imaging Study in the Detection of White Matter Degeneration in Subjective Cognitive Decline. AAIC, 2016, Toronto, Poster.

12. Sheng C#, Zhao T#, Niu W, Bi Q, Shu N*, Han Y*. Age-Related Topological Disruption of the White Matter Structural Network in Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment. AAIC, 2016, Toronto, Canada. Poster.

13. Wang X, Bi Q, Shu N, Han Y*. Abnormal Organization of White Matter Networks in Subjective Cognitive Decline. 82.AAIC, 2016, Toronto, Canada. Poster.

14. Li XY, Sheng C, Xie YY, Yang Q, Yin CH, Li KC, Han Y. Evaluating the establishment of collateral vessels by using contrast enhance magnetic resonance angiography in patients with acute cerebral infarction. ESC, 2016, Venice. Late breaking poster.

15. Wang XN, Sheng C, Yin CH, Yang Q, Li KC, Han Y. Effect of Human Urinary Kallidinogenase on Collateral Circulation and Blood Perfusion in Patients with Acute Cerebral Infarction. ESC, 2016, Venice. Oral presentation.

16. Sun Y, Dai Z, He Y, Han Y. Mapping Functional and Structural Brain Changes in Subjective Cognitive Decline. AAIC, 2015, Washington D.C. Oral presentation.

17. Li X, Han Y. Development of Subjective Cognitive Decline. The 9th International Conference on CME, 2015, Japan. Oral presentation.

18. Sheng C #, Xia M #, Hu Z, Li K, He Y *, Jia J*, Han Y. Decreased resting-state functional connectivity strength in amnestic MCI-to-AD converters and non-converters. AAIC, 2014, Copenhagen. Poster.

19. Hu Z, Xia M, He Y, Jia J, Han Y*. Decreased resting-state functional connectivity of posterior cingulate cortex in amnestic MCI-to-AD converters and non-converters. AAIC, 2013, Boston. Oral presentation.

20. Yin C, Guo Y, Li X, Zhao Z, Han Y*.Changes in white matter integrity in amnestic mild cognitive impairment: a diffusion tensor imaging study. AOCN the 13th annual meeting, 2012, Australia. Poster. (Young investigator encouragement grant)

21. Yi L, Wang J, He Y, Jiang C, Han Y*. Detection of PCC functional connectivity characteristics in subcortical vascular mild cognitive impairment: A resting-state fMRI study. AAIC, 2012, Canada. Poster.

22. Yi L, Wang J, Liu PF, He Y, Jiang C, Han Y*. Structural and Functional Changes in Vascular Cognitive Impairment No Dementia: a Combined VBM and Resting-State fMRI study. 17th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain mapping, June, 2011, Quebec, Canada. Poster.

23. Han Y, Wang J, Zhao Z, Zhan P, Huang R, Wang J, Lu J, Tang Y, Li K, He Y*, Jia J*.Frequency-dependent changes in spontaneous brain activity in amnestic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI): a resting-state fMRI study. OHBM the 16th annual meeting, 2010, Bacelona, Spain. Poster.

24. Han Y, Yang H, L Y, Zhu C, He Y, Tang H, Gong Q, Luo Y, Zang Y*, Dong Q. Gray matter density and white matter integrity in pianist’s brain: a combined structural and diffusion-tensor MRI study. OHBM the 14th annual meeting,2008,Melbourne, Australia. Poster.

