1993年中央電視台推出《東方時空》欄目,拉開了中國電視新聞改革的序幕。年輕的電視從業者們以紀實主義為指引,開始嘗試突破以往的宣傳話語,用新的電視節目形態傳達新的理念。《東方時空》的三個子欄目——《生活空間》、《東方之子》、《焦點時刻》分別成為觀察紀實、談話紀實、報導紀實三種節目形態的發展源頭,這三種節目形態是建構電視啟蒙話語的三種策略,分別體現了人文關懷、思想多元和社會批判三種理念。此後,《焦點訪談》(1994年)、《實話實說》(1996年)、《新聞調查》(1996年)等多個有影響力的電視專題欄目相繼誕生。“關注人”、“尊重”、“平等”,成為這...>> 詳細
In 1993, CCTV launched the column named "Oriental Horizon", which was seen as the start of the China''s TV News reform. Using documentary as a tool, the young television practitioners tried to break the propaganda discourse and use the new form of television programs to convey their new ideas. After then, "In Focus" (1994), "Tell as it is" (1996), "News Probe" (1996), more influential TV Columns have been born. "Concern of individual", "respect" and "equality" has become the consensus of the p...>> 詳細
In 1993, CCTV launched the column named "Oriental Horizon", which was seen as the start of the China''s TV News reform. Using documentary as a tool, the young television practitioners tried to break the propaganda discourse and use the new form of television programs to convey their new ideas. After then, "In Focus" (1994), "Tell as it is" (1996), "News Probe" (1996), more influential TV Columns have been born. "Concern of individual", "respect" and "equality" has become the consensus of the practitioners of these columns, which formed a special television enlightenment discourse in the 1990s.
Three sub-part of the "Oriental Horizon"-"Living Space", "Eastar", "Focus Time" became the source of observation documentary, conversation documentary and report documentary. This three program forms are the three strategies that constructed TV enlightenment discourse, which represent the philosophy of humanities, thoughts and criticism. In the new century, television Enlightenment discourse declined, replaced by the rise of the news channels. Timely reports and live repot are the trend of TV news. Nearly two decades, this three forms experienced of their respective fate, their development, evolution, and demise is a reflection of the transformation of power relations in the television discourse.
The framework of this paper is according to " Discourse, Power, and Subject". It attempts to analyze how did the TV enlightenment discourse build up in the 1990s, and how did it decline; How did the power relations change behind the changes of discourse; How did these changes impact the practitioners of CCTV News In-depth Reporting Department. It should be noted that the discourse analysis of television news is not to prove the correctness or its rationality of some kind of construction, but to reveal the changes in a variety of social conditions, changes in power relations behind the discourse constructed, and more important is to analyze how do the practitioners perform in the discourse construction, what kind of changes have happened to themselves.
Keywords: Television in-depth Reporting, Documentary, Enlightenment, Discourse