
失速扭矩的扭矩產生的裝置,當輸出轉速為零。這還意味著負載導致的成為零即導致熄火裝置的輸出轉速。拖延是一種條件時,電機停轉。發生這種情況時,負載轉矩大於電機軸扭矩即轉矩條件下分解。在這種情況下,電機的最大電流而得出電機不轉動。目前被稱為制動電流。 設備如電動機,蒸汽發動機和液力傳動扭矩在這些條件下產生的

Stall torque is the torque which is produced by a device when the output rotational speed is zero. It may also mean the torque load that causes the output rotational speed of a device to become zero - i.e. to cause stalling.Stalling is a condition when the motor stops rotating.This condition occurs when the load torque is greater than the motor shaft torque i.e. break down torque condition. In this condition the motor draws maximum current but the motor does not rotate.The current is called as Stalling current.

Devices such as electric motors, steam engines and hydrodynamic transmissions produce torque under these conditions.



