
1. 陳雲嫩, 梁禮明. 濕法煙氣脫硫石膏在膠結尾砂充填的套用. 礦產綜合利用. 2005,(1).
2. 陳雲嫩, 李建軍. 新型緩蝕阻垢劑的開發. 工業水處理, 2006,26(2).
3. 陳雲嫩, 聶錦霞. 赤泥附液吸收煙氣中的二氧化硫.有色金屬(季刊), 2007,59(4).
4. Chen yunnen,Ren rushan,Liang qi. Adsorption of Cadmium Ions from Aqueous Solutions by Pine sawdust. Proceeding of the 2007 International Symposium on Environmental Science and Technology, 2007,11(ISTP收錄)
5. Chai liyuan, Chen yunnen. Adsorption and removal of cadmium (II) from aqueous solutions by bio-formulation. Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China, 17(2007) 1057-1062 (SCI、EI收錄).
6. 陳雲嫩, 柴立元. 骨炭去除水中砷(Ⅴ)的試驗研究. 中南大學學報, 2008, 39(2): 1-5.(自然科學版)(EI收錄)
7. Chen yunnen, Chai liyuan. Biosorption Kinetics and thermodynamics of arsenate and arsenite on spent grains. 2nd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, iCBBE 2008, p 3260-3263 (EI收錄).
8. Chen yunnen, Chai liyuan. Comparison for adsorption modeling of heavy metals (Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn) from aqueous solution by bio-formulation. 2nd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, iCBBE 2008, p 3248-3251 (EI收錄).
9. Chen yunnen, Chai liyuan. Equilibrium and kinetics of arsenic (V) sorption by bone char. 2nd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, iCBBE 2008, p 3140-3143 (EI收錄).
10. 陳雲嫩, 柴立元. 砷在地下水環境中的遷移轉化. 有色金屬, 2008,60(1):109~112.
11. Chen yunnen, Chai liyuan. Study of arsenic(V) adsorption on bone char from aqueous solution》, 《Journal of Hazardous Materials》, 2008,(3) (SCI收錄)
12. 陳雲嫩, 柴立元. 骨炭吸附去除溶液中砷的研究. 工業水處理. 2008,28(4)
13. Chen yunnen, Nie jinxia. Biosorption of cadmium from aqueous solutions by waste microzyme. 138th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, TMS 2009, (ISTP收錄)
14. Chen yunnen, Ding yuanchun. Removal of zinc and COD from electroplating effluent using sawdust. 138th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, TMS 2009, (ISTP收錄)
15. 陳雲嫩, 丁元春. 穀殼對水中鎘離子的吸附動力學及熱力學研究. 安徽農業科學, 2009,7
16. Chen yunnen, Nie jinxia. Removal of Ammonia Nitrogen from Wastewater by Modified Spent Grains. Proceeding of the 2009 International Symposium on Environmental Science and Technology(ISTP收錄)
17. Chen yunnen, Ren rushan, Zeng jie. Equilibrium and kinetics of ammonia nitrogen biosorption from wastewater by spent grains. 3rd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, iCBBE 2009, p (EI收錄).
18. Chen yunnen, Nie jinxia, Chen ming. Biosorption of cadmium and zinc from aqueous solution by rice bran. 3rd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, iCBBE 2009, p (EI收錄).
19. Chai liyuan, Chen yunnen, Yang zhihui. Kinetics and thermodynamics of arsenate and arsenite biosorption by pretreated spent grains. Water Environment Research (SCI收錄)