
國家自然科學基金(具有情感的可視語音中基於耦合關係的音視頻關聯方法的研究, 61105076 ),安徽省自然科學基金(可視語音中基於發音特徵的音視頻關聯模型的研究, 11040606M127),安徽省語音產業科技創新專項(具備友好互動能力的情感感知和情感自然表達關鍵技術與系統)。
參與國家自然科學基金項目、安徽省自然科學基金項目、國家973預研項目,以及企業委託項目多項。曾作為負責人參加2008年由歐洲的CHIL(Computers in the Human Interaction Loop)和美國的NIST(National Institute of Standards and Technology)聯合舉辦的CLEAR(Classification of Events, Activities and Relationships)評測,2004年由美國NIST舉辦的世界性的說話人識別評測,分別取得第一名和第三名。以第一作者在SCI檢索的國際期刊Electronics Letters、由Springer出版社出版的Multimodal Technologies for Perception of Humans (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS 4625) 和 Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, LNAI 4798)、《電子學報》、《中國科學技術大學學報》、等國內外核心期刊和重要學術會議上發表多篇論文,其中SCI、EI收錄十餘篇。
1. Yanxiang Chen, Ming Liu, “Audio-Visual Speaker Identification with Asynchronous Articulatory Feature”, Electronics Letters, Vol。 46, No。 3, pp。 255-256, 2010
2. Yanxiang Chen, “Research on Audio-Visual Asynchronous Correlation for Speaker Identification Based on DBN”, Future Intelligent Information Systems (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering), LNEE 86, 2010, pp。 15-21, Springer
3. Yanxiang Chen, “An Unsupervised Scheme for Speaker Indexing of Audio Databases”, In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Intelligent Systems (ICIS 2009), Shanghai, China, pp。 90-93, 2009
4. Yanxiang Chen, “A Chain of Gaussian Mixture Model for Text-independent Speaker Recognition”, In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Speech Database and Assessments (Oriental COCOSDA 2009) , Beijing, China, pp。 92-95, 2009
5. Ming Liu, Yanxiang Chen, “Multichannel and Multimodality Person Identification” , Multimodal Technologies for Perception of Humans (Lecture Notes in Computer Science), LNCS 4625, 2008, pp。 248-255, Springer
6. Yanxiang Chen, Qiong Wang, “A Speaker Based Unsupervised Speech Segmentation Algorithm Used in Conversational Speech”, Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence), LNAI 4798, 2007, pp。 396-402, Springer
7. Yanxiang Chen, Ming Liu, “Research on Robustness of Audio-Visual Speaker Recognition Based on Articulatory Features”,Chinese Journal of Electronics, Vol。 38, No。 12, pp。2920-2924, 2010
8. Yongyong Zhai, Yanxiang Chen, “Extracting Opinion Features in Sentiment Patterns”, In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Information, Networking and Automation, Kunming, China, pp。 115-119, 2010
9。 Yanxiang Chen, Ming Liu, “Audio-Visual Bimodal Person Identification in a Smart Environment”, Journal of University of Science and Technology of China, Vol。 40, No。 5, pp。 486-490, 2010
10. Yanxiang Chen, “Application of Gradient Orientation Histogram in Correspondence between Spectrograms”, Computer Engineering and Applications, to be published
11. Yanxiang Chen, Xi Wu, “A Method of Detecting Re-sampling Based on Expectation Maximization Applied in Audio Blind Forensics”, Journal of Circuits and Systems, to be published
12. 陳雁翔,戴蓓蒨,周曦,劉鳴,“一種適於非限定人語音識別的並行隱馬爾可夫模型(PHMM)”,《電子與信息學報》, Vol。 26, No。 10, pp。 1601-1606, 2004
13. 陳雁翔,戴蓓蒨,周曦,李輝,“基於關鍵數字和HMM的數字串說話人身份確認系統”,《中國科學技術大學學報》, Vol。34, No。1, pp。 70-75, 2004
14. 陳雁翔,戴蓓蒨,周曦,李輝,“基於對話語音的與文本無關的說話人確認系統的研究”, 《中文信息學報》, Vol。18, No。2, pp。 36-42, 2004
15. 陳雁翔,“數字串語音和對話電話語音的說話人識別的研究”,博士學位論文,中國科學技術大學,安徽合肥,2004
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2003年校青年教師講課比賽 校二等獎 計算機與信息學院一等獎