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陳月雲,女,生於內蒙古呼和浩特市,河北籍,工學博士,北京科技大學計算機與通信工程學院教授,博士生導師,通信工程專業副主任。長期以來研究方向圍繞無線移動通信系統理論,寬頻無線通信技術,無線通信系統中的最佳化理論,無線資源管理、空間信息網路通信理論與方法等領域。 長期擔任SCI期刊“JCST”、“KSIITRANS.”、“Science China”、“China Communications”、期刊“套用科學學報”以及IEEE部分國際會議論文審稿人,IEEE會員,北京市朝陽區科委項目評審專家、深圳科技計畫專項評審專家。擔任中國電子學會高級會員,北京市知識產權局技術委員會委員,國家科技重大專項技術專家,北京市科學技術委員會技術專家等多項社會工作。 近年研究方向主要在無線移動通信系統理論,寬頻無線通信技術,無線通信最佳化理論,無線資源管理、無線雲接入技術、空間信息通信網理論與技術等方向開展研究和教學工作。已培養研究生七十餘名。




2011年12月至2012年6月赴美國Stevens Institute of Technology作訪問學者,合作教授為Prof. Yudong Yao (IEEE fellow)。




[1]Xing Yaxin, Chen Yueyun, Lv Chen, Gong Zheng, etc., Swarm Intelligence-based Power Allocation and Relay Selection Algorithm for wireless cooperative network, KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, Vol. 10(3), May. 2016: 1111-1130 (SCI)
[2]Lei Qun, Chen Yueyun, Resource allocation based on hybrid sharing mode for heterogeneous services of cognitive radio OFDM systems, KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, Vol. 9(1), Jan. 2015: 149-168 (SCI)
[3]Wu Xiaolu, Chen Yueyun, Yuan Xiaopan, Joint Resource Allocation and Power Control for Cellular and D2D Multicast Based on Cognitive Radio, IET Communications, Vol. 8(16), 2014: 2805-2813 (SCI)
[4]Wu Xiaolu, Chen Yueyun, Joint Resource Allocation for Cellular and D2D Multicast Based on Cognitive Radio, KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, Vol. 8, No. 1, Jan. 2014: 91-107 (SCI)
[5]Chen Yueyun, Lei Qun, Yuan Xiaopan, Resource allocation based on dynamic hybrid overlay/underlay for heterogeneous services of cognitive radio networks, Wireless Personal Communications, Vol. 79(3), 2014: 1647-1664 (SCI)
[6]Chen Yueyun, Xu Xiangyun, Lei Qun, Joint Subcarriers and Power Allocation with Imperfect Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive D2D Wireless Multicast, KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, Vol. 7, No. 7, Jul. 2013: 1533-1546 (SCI)
[7]Chen Yueyun, Zhang Long, Zhou xianwei, Stochastic Differential Game Model for Decentralized Power Control with Wisdom Regulation Factor in Wearable Audio-Oriented BodyNets, China Communications, 2012, 9(12) (SCI)
[8]Chen Yueyun, Liu Wei, Lin Fuhong, et. al. A Hypergraph High-dimension Clustering Algorithms for Optimized Cooperative Wireless Multicast. China Communications, 2012, 9(8): 135-139 (SCI)
[9]Liu Wei, Chen Yueyun, Yudong Yao, Multi-point Cooperative Fountain Codes Multicast for LTE Cellular System. 12th International Conference on Smart Spaces and Next Generation Wired/Wireless Networking (NEW2AN), 2012: 216-224 (EI)
[10]陳月雲, 劉偉. 基於新型隨機度分布的壓縮噴泉碼研究. 電子與信息學報, 2012, 34(5): 1185-1190 (EI)
[11]陳月雲,談振輝. 多入多出正交頻分復用多播波束成形最佳化. 電波科學學報,2011,26(6):1132-1140 (EI)
[12]Chen Yueyun, Hu Xining, Tan Zhenhui, Power Allocation for OFDM-DF Cooperative Communication, IEEE proceedings on CMC, 2011 (EI)
[13]陳月雲,王莉. 基於異構無線網路移動模型的動態頻寬分配策略. 高技術通訊,2011, 20(11): 1121-1128 (EI)
[14]Chen Yueyun, Tan Zhenhui, A General Algorithm for Biorthogonal Functions and Performance Analysis of Biorthogonal Scramble Modulation System, Wireless Sensor Network, 2010, 2(3): 199-205 (EI)
[15]Zhang Jinbao, Zheng Hongming, Tan Zhen hui, Chen Yueyun, Layered Feedback design for Close-Loop MIMO System,Chinese Journal of Electronics,Beijing China,July 2011, 20(3),Page:539-544 (SCI)
[16]Zhang Jinbao, Zheng Hongming, Tan Zhenhui, Chen Yueyun, Link Evaluation for MIMO-OFDM System with ML Detection, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2010 (EI)
[17]Chen Yueyun, Li Dawei, Hybrid Relay Selection Algorithm in Cognitive Cellular Network, IEEE International Conference on WNIS, 2010
[18]Yueyun Chen, Jing Ai, Zhenhui Tan, “An Access Network Selection Algorithm Based on Hierarchy Analysis and Fuzzy Evaluation”, IEEE The 2009 International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP), Nanjing, China, Sep.17, 2009
[19]Yueyun Chen, Shuaiqi Guo, A Downlink Dynamic Resource Allocation Scheme for Multi-cell OFDMA System, IEEE 2009 International Conference on Wireless Networks and Information Systems (WNIS 2009), Dec. 2009, Shanghai, China, pp316-321
[20]Yueyun Chen, Cuixia Jia, An Improved Call Admission Control Scheme Based on Reinforcement Learning for Multimedia Wireless Networks, IEEE 2009 International Conference on Wireless Networks and Information Systems (WNIS 2009), Dec. 2009, Shanghai, China, pp322-325
[21]Yueyun Chen, Yanyan Liu, A Handoff Strategy Based on Cooperative Diversity for Cellular Relaying Network, IEEE 2009 International Conference on Wireless Networks and Information Systems (WNIS 2009), Dec. 2009, Shanghai, China, pp326-329
[22]Yueyun Chen, Lu wen-qiang, Zhang jin-bo, Tan zhen-hui, “A Kind of Biorthogonal Functions based on Fourier-Legendre series and Its Application in Wireless Transmission System”, IEEE ICSP’08, 2008, Beijing
[23]Yueyun Chen, Li wei-guang, Duan Guo-qiang, “Research & Improvement of AODV Supporting Networks with Unidirectional Links”, IET conference on Wireless, Mobile and Sensor Networks 2007, 12-14 Dec. 2007
[24]Yueyun Chen, Deng xiao-hui, “A Novel Sub-carrier Allocation Algorithm in 3G LTE System”, IET conference on Wireless, Mobile and Sensor Networks 2007, 12-14 Dec. 2007
陳月雲,陳霞,王超,周賢偉. ALL-IP無線移動網移動性管理. 國防工業出版社,2010


2.國家 “新一代寬頻移動通信”科技重大專項(2016ZX03002010-004),2016.1-2017.12,課題負責人









