姓名:陳惠蘇 CHEN Huisu性別:男
1. 水泥基複合材料微觀結構與巨觀性能的多尺度模擬與定量表征技術2. 多重環境因素與荷載耦合作用下鋼筋混凝土的耐久性與壽命預測
3. 粒子堆積模擬技術及套用
4. 膠凝材料(鎂質膠凝材料、高鋁水泥、硫鋁酸鹽水泥、鹼激髮膠凝材料)及輔助膠凝材料的水化熱力學及動力學行為
5. 阻燃型超高性能保溫節能牆體材料開發及套用
6. 超高性能纖維/織物增強水泥基複合材料的開發及套用
7. 固體廢棄物資源再生利用
1996年9月-2003年5月:博士生(碩博連讀),東南大學材料科學與工程系1992年9月-1996年7月 本科,東南大學材料科學與工程系建築土木工程材料專業
2011年6月-7月Visiting Professor,
Physics and Mechanics of Porous Media, Navier Research Unit,
Visiting Scholar,
Microlab, Department of Mechanics, Materials and Structures,
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands
1. 《矽酸鹽學報》第六屆編委會委員2. 矽酸鹽學會高性能混凝土委員會委員
3. 中華全國青年聯合會第十一屆委員會委員
4. ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Construction and Building Materials, Automation in Construction, ASTM Journal of Testing and Evaluation, Indian Journal of Engineering & Materials Sciences, Journal of Sustainable Cement-based Material, Polymers & Polymer Composites; 《矽酸鹽學報》、《複合材料學報》、《建築材料學報》、《南京航空航天大學學報》、Water Science and Engineering(《水科學與工程》), International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials(《礦物冶金與材料學報(英文)》);Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (New Series)( 《哈爾濱工業大學學報》(英文版))等期刊審稿人
1. 2013- The Seventh International Conference on Concrete under Severe Conditions - Environment and Loading (CONSEC13), Sept. 23-25, 2013, Nanjing, China.(科學委員會委員/組織委員會委員)2. 2012- The second International Conference on Sustainable Construction Materials: Design, Performance and Application, Oct. 18-22, 2012, Wuhan, China(SusCoM2012, 組織委員會委員)
3. 2012- SEU-TUDelft-SBT-CSIC-Rilem Doctoral Course: Multi-Scale Modelling Course for Concrete, Oct.8-12, 2012, Nanjing, China(組織委員會委員)
4. 2012- The Second International Conference on Microstructure Related Durability of Cementitious Composites, April 11-13, 2012, Amsterdam, The Netherlands(科學委員會委員/組織委員會委員)
5. 2010- 第十三屆纖維混凝土學術會議暨第二屆海峽兩岸三地混凝土技術研討會,2010年10月,南京。(科學委員會委員)
6. 2010- International Conference on Sustainable Construction Materials: Design, Performance and Application, Aug 10-12, 2010, Wuhan, China(科學委員會委員)
7. 2010- The 4th International Forum on Advances in Structural Engineering(IFASE2010), Oct.21-23, 2010, Nanjing, China(組織委員會委員)
8. 2009- 6th Asia Symposium on Polymers in Concrete, Oct. 29-30, 2009, Shanghai, China(科學委員會委員/組織委員會委員)
9. 2009- SEU-TUDelft-SBT-CSIC-RILEM Doctoral Course: Multi-Scale Modelling Course for Concrete, Oct.12-17, 2009, Nanjing, China(組織委員會委員)
10. 2008- The First International Conference on Microstructure Related Durability of Cementitious Composites, Oct 13-15, 2008, Nanjing, China(科學委員會委員/組織委員會委員)
11. 2008- SEU-SBT-RILEM Doctoral Course: Shrinkage and Cracking of Early-age Concrete: Measurement, Mechanisms and Mitigation, Oct 16-20, 2008, Nanjing, China. (組織委員會委員)
l 生態型高與超高性能結構混凝土材料的研究與套用,2007年國家科技進步獎二等獎l 高性能水泥基建築材料的性能和失效機理研究, 2006年江蘇省科技進步獎一等獎
l 高性能水泥基材料的製備、性能與基本理論研究,2002年教育部提名自然科學二等獎
l 土木工程材料雙語課(土木系本科生):2007-至今l 體視學及其套用(研究生):2008-至今
1. 環境友好現代混凝土的基礎研究第三課題“現代混凝土在多重因素作用下的化學-力學耦合損傷失效機理”第一子題/第二子題(No.2009CB623203, 2009.01-2013.12, 中國科技部973項目, 53萬元)2. 三維間隔織物增強無機複合材料布開發與套用技術研究(橫向項目:2011.09 -2012.12)
3. 超薄真空防火保溫材料開發(橫向項目:2012.09-2013.09.)
4. 水泥基複合材料界面過渡區微觀結構與性能的定量表征(國家自然科學基金委青年基金項目No. 50708018, 2008.01-2010.12, 20萬元)
3. 水泥基複合材料含界面過渡區漿體微觀結構的定量表征技術(教育部高等學校博士學科點專項科研基金(新教師基金)No.20070286018, 2008.01-2010.12, 3.6萬元)
4. 高速鐵路高性能混凝土耐久性技術措施及檢測評定技術(鐵道部科技司, No.2008G031-N , 2008.01-2010.12, 30萬元)
5. 京滬高速鐵路灰渣-秸稈混凝土材料試驗研究(鐵道部科技司,No. 2008G032-6, 2008.01-2009.12, 30萬元)
6. 城市軌道交通新型整體式聲屏障研究與套用(超高性能纖維增強水泥基複合材料課題負責人,南京地下鐵道有限公司,2008.07-2009.12, 12萬元)
7. 在環境因素作用下CA砂漿的體積穩定性和耐久性(高性能土木工程材料國家重點實驗室開放基金課題,No.2010CEM001, 2011.01-2012.12, 10萬元)
1. 基於可靠度的高速鐵路無砟軌道結構全壽命涉及理論與方法研究. (2012-2015,國家自然科學基金委重點項目U1134206, 260萬元)2. 高速鐵路生態型超高性能水泥基複合材料人行道蓋板研究(鐵道部科技司, 2009-2010,40萬)
3. 水泥瀝青砂漿形成與傷損劣化機理及施工質量控制技術研究(2008-2011,鐵道部科技司,No. 2008G031-F , 118萬)
4. 特種套用領域的超高性能水泥基複合材料系列產品的研發與產業化(2008-2011,江蘇省科技成果轉化專項資金項目, 1000萬)
5. 跨江海大型橋樑結構混凝土劣化性能與耐久性對策措施(2006-2009,交通部西部交通項目,300萬)
6. 超高性能纖維增強水泥基複合材料的開發與套用(2007-2012, 東大-創斯達研發中心項目,80萬)
7. 摻廢木屑得纖維增強氯氧鎂水泥擠壓成型製品的配方設計與性能研究(2006~2007,香港科技大學土木系,完成)
8. 水泥基複合材料界面微觀結構及其對材料巨觀性能影響 (2001-2005, 國家自然科學基金重點項目:高性能水泥基建築材料的性能和失效機理研究(項目編號:59938170), 中荷國際合作項目: “Technology of Modern Concrete Composites”)
9. 內外牆體保溫砂漿的研發與套用 (2000 – 2001, 2002~2003 企業項目,完成)
10. 高摻量工業廢渣對高性能混凝土界面微觀結構的影響(1999 – 2001, 南京長江二橋項目“橋用高性能粉煤灰混凝土製備、性能與機理研究“子題,長江二橋指揮部資助,完成)
11. 摻混合材混凝土在凍融與鹽侵蝕雙重因素作用下的耐久性研究(1999-2000, “九五”國家重點科技攻關項目“重點工程混凝土安全性的研究”中“高強混凝土耐久性研究”專題,契約編號96-535-2-1-3-1,完成)。
12. 纖維增強水泥基複合材料的抗爆性能研究 (1997–1998, 工程兵學院合作項目,完成)
13. 高摻量粉煤灰取代低鹼水泥製備GRC的研究 (1996 – 1997, 江蘇省建設廳項目:“新型高耐久GRC材料的製備與套用研究”子題,完成)
14. 高摻量鋼纖維增強水泥基複合材料(SIFCON)的抗侵徹性能研究(1996 – 1997, 工程兵學院合作項目)
(1) 期刊文章:
1. Qiu, K.C., Chen, H.S.*, Ye, H.P., Hong, J.X., and Sun, W. Thermo-mechanical coupling effect on fatigue behavior of cement asphalt mortar. Submitted to International Journal of Fatigue, @ 2012.07.122. Xu, W.X. and Chen,H.S.* Analytical and modeling investigations of volume fraction of interfacial layers around ellipsoidal particles in multiphase materials. Submitted to Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, @ 2012.07.21
3. Xu, W.X. and Chen, H.S.* Evaluation of mesostructure of particulate composites via quantitative stereology and random sequential packing model of mono-/poly-dispersed convex polyhedral particles. Submitted to Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, @2012.09.18
4. Xu, W.X. and Chen, H.S.* Numerical investigation of fresh cement paste microstructure via random sequential packing of dodecahedral cement particles. Revised & Feedback to Computers & Structures, @ 2012.07.25
5. Lv, Z. and Chen, H.S.* A probabilistic model for determining the dosage of pre-embedded spherical/cylindrical capsules in self-healing materials. Submitted to Proceedings of the Royal Society A- Mathematical, Physical & Engineering Sciences ,@2012.08.12
6. Lv, Z. and Chen, H.S.* Analytical models for determining the dosage of capsules embedded in self-healing materials. Revised & Feedback to Computational Materials Science, @ 2012.07.04 (penny crack model)
7. Lv, Z. Chen, H.S.* Self-healing efficiency of unhydrated cement nuclei for dome-like crack mode in cementitious materials. Submitted to Materials & Structures , @2012. 06.19
8. Liu, L., Chen, H.S., Sun, W., Ye, G. Microstructure-based modeling of the diffusivity of cement paste with microcracks. Submitted to Construction and Building Materials, 2012, (under revision) .
9. 劉琳, 陳惠蘇, 孫偉, 吳勝興. 基於格構模型的水泥漿體離子穩態擴散模擬. Submitted to 建築材料學報, 2012.
1. Yuan, H.F. and Chen, H.S.* Quantitative solution of dosage and size of capsules for self-healing of cracks and application in cementitious composites. Accepted and in press by Computers & Concretes, @2012.02.14.2. Lv, Z., Chen, H.S.* and Yuan, H.F. Analytical solution on dosage of self-healing agents in cementitious materials: long capsule model. Journal of Intelligent Materials Systems and Structures, 2012. DOI: 10.1177/1045389X12457250
3. Lv, Z., Chen, H.S.* Simulation and characterization of the quantitative relationship between fibers and cracks in fiber reinforced composite materials. Advanced Science Letters, 2012, 16:278-283. DOI: 10.1166/asl.2012.3292
4. Lv, Z., Chen H.S.* Modeling self-healing efficiency on cracks due to unhydrated cement nuclei in cementitious materials: splitting crack mode. Science and Engineering of Composite Materials, 2012, 19(1):1-7. DOI : 10.1515/secm-2011-0062
5. Lv, Z. and Chen, H.S.* Modeling of self-healing efficiency for cracks due to unhydrated cement nuclei in hardened cement paste. Procedia Engineering, 2012. 27:281-290. DOI: 10.1016/j.proeng.2011.12.454
6. Xu, W.X. Lv, Z. and Chen, H.S.* Effects of particle size distribution, shape and volume fraction of aggregates on the wall effect of concrete via random sequential packing of polydispersed ellipsoidal particles. Accepted and in press by Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, @Sept.17, 2012.
7. Xu, W.X. and Chen, H.S.* Quantitative characterization of microstructure of fresh cement paste via random packing of polydispersed non-spherical cement particles. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 2012, 20(7):075003(13pp). DOI:10.1088/ 0965-0393/20/7/075003
8. Xu, W.X., Chen, H.S.* Microstructural characterization of fresh cement paste via random packing of ellipsoidal cement particles. Materials Characterization, 2012,66(1):16-23. DOI: 10.1016/j.matchar.2012.01.012
9. Xu, W.X., Chen, H.S.* Mesostructural characterization of particulate composites via a contact detection algorithm of ellipsoidal particles. Powder Technology, 2012, 221:296-305. DOI 10.1016/j.powtec.2012.01.016
10. Xu, W.X. and Chen, H.S.* Microstructural modelling of cement-based materials via random packing of three-dimensional ellipsoidal particles. Procedia Engineering, 2012. 27:332-340. DOI: 10.1016/j.proeng.2011.12.460
11. Liu, L., Sun, W., Ye, G., Chen, H.S., Qian Z.W. Estimation of the ionic diffusivity of virtual cement paste by random walk algorithm. Construction and Building Materials, 2012, 28(1):405-413. DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2011.08.077
12. Chen, H.S.*, Sluys, L.J. Stroeve, P. and Sun, W. Theoretical prediction on thickness distribution of cement paste among neighboring aggregates in concrete. Computers & Concretes, 2011,8(2):163-176.13. Xu, W.X. and Chen, H.S.* An overlapping detection algorithm for random sequential packing of elliptical particles. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 2011, 390(13): 2452-2467. DOI: 10.1016/j.physa.2011.02.048
14. Lv, Z., Chen, H.S.* and Yuan, H.F. Quantitative solution on dosage of repairing agent for healing of 3D simplified cracks in materials: short capsule model. Materials & Structures, 2011, 44(5):987-995. DOI: 10.1617/s11527-010-9681-x
15. Lv, Z., Chen, H.S.* and Yuan, H.F. Quantitative solution on dosage of repair agent for healing of cracks in materials: short capsule model vs. two-dimensional crack pattern. Science and Engineering of Composite Materials, 2011, 18(1/2):13-19. DOI: 10.1515/SECM.2011. 004
16. Liu, L., Ye, G., Schlangen, E., Chen, H.S., Qian, Z.W., Sun,W. and van Breugel, K. Modeling of the internal damage of saturated cement paste due to ice crystallization pressure during freezing. Cement and Concrete Composites, 2011, 33(5): 562-571. DOI: 10.1016/j.cemconcomp.2011.03.001.
17. 許文祥,陳惠蘇*. 集料形狀和尺寸對混凝土邊界效應的影響. 矽酸鹽學報, 2011, 39(9): 1498-1504.
18. 呂忠,陳惠蘇*,袁海峰. 水泥基複合材料中纖維和裂紋的幾何關係及其模擬. 東南大學學報(自然科學版), 2011, 41(5):1054-1058.
19. 許文祥,陳惠蘇*. 多尺度橢圓形集料尺寸分布對混凝土邊界效應的影響. 東南大學學報(自然科學版), 2011, 41(5):1048-1053.
20. 劉琳,孫偉,葉光,陳惠蘇,錢智煒. 飽水狀態下水泥漿體冰凍破壞的數值模擬. 東南大學學報(自然科學版), 2011, 41(5):1059-1064.
12. 張政濤,陳惠蘇*,袁海峰,邱克超. 秸稈-氯氧鎂水泥牆體保溫材料配合比設計方法. 東南大學學報(增刊), 2010, 40(supII):28-33.13. 袁海峰, 陳惠蘇*. 凍融破壞下水泥基材料中裂縫聯通行為的模擬. 東南大學學報(增刊), 2010, 40(supII):126-132.
14. 劉琳,孫偉,葉光,陳惠蘇,van Breugel, K. 預測水化水泥漿體離子有效擴散係數的一種新方法. 矽酸鹽學報, 2010,38(11):143-150.
15. Xu, W.X., Chen, H.S.* and Lv, Z. A 2D elliptical model of random packing for aggregates in concrete. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology (Materials Science Edition), 2010, 25(4):717-720.
16. Zhang, W.M., Sun, W., Chen, H.S. 3D visualization of pore structures in cement-based materials by LSCM. Advances in Cement Research, 2010, 22(1):53-57.
17. 陳惠蘇,孫偉,趙國堂,謝大鵬,谷永磊. 人行道蓋板生態纖維增強混凝土技術研究. 鐵道建築, 2010,(9):127-131.
18. 劉小琴,秦鴻根,陳惠蘇. 脫硫石膏的特性及利用. 粉煤灰, 2010, (04):43-46.
19. 童常榮,秦鴻根,郭偉,陳惠蘇. 摻耐腐蝕早強超塑化劑的HPC管樁混凝土性能研究. 混凝土與水泥製品, 2010, (04):
20. 戎志丹,孫偉,陳惠蘇,顧春平. 超高性能水泥基複合材料的力學行為及微觀機理分析. 深圳大學學報, 2010, 27(1):88-94.
21. 郭偉,秦鴻根,陳惠蘇,孫偉. 分形理論及其在混凝土材料研究中的套用. 矽酸鹽學報, 2010, 38(7): 1362-1368.
22. Li, X.Y., Chen, H.S., Chau, C.K. and Li, Z.J. Extrusion of MOC-based Panel. Key Engineering Materials, 2009, 400-402: 263-267. doi:10.4028/0-87849-349-2.26323. Zhang, W.M., Sun, W., Zhang, Y.S., Chen, H.S. Degradation of pore structure and microstructures in hardened cement paste subjected to flexural loading and wet-dry cycles in sea water. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology- Materials Science, 2009, 24(6):940-944.
24. 陳春,錢春香,陳惠蘇,齊承慶. 水泥基保溫材料導熱係數的模型研究. 建築材料學報, 2009, 12(3):348-351.
25. 袁雄洲,孫偉,陳惠蘇. 水泥基材料裂縫微生物修復技術的研究與進展. 矽酸鹽學報,2009, 37(1):160-170.
26. Stroeven, P., Hu, J. and Chen, H.S. Stochastic heterogeneity as fundamental basis for the design and evaluation of experiments. Cement and Concrete Composites, 2008, 30(6):506-514.2007
27. Chen, H.S.*, Sun, W., Stroeven, P. and Sluys, L.J. Overestimation of the interface thickness around convex-shaped grain by sectional analysis. Acta Materialia, 2007, 55(11):3943-3949.28. Chen H.S.*, Sun W., Zhao, Q.X., Sluys, L.J. and Stroeven, P. Effect of fiber curvature on the microstructure of the interfacial transition zone in fresh concrete. Frontiers of Architecture and Civil Engineering in China, 2007, 1(1): 99-106. (Invited Paper)
29. 陳惠蘇*,孫偉. 引氣混凝土氣泡尺寸分布的三維重構. 材料研究學報, 2007, 21(6): 613- 621.
30. 陳惠蘇*,孫偉, 周焱昌,Stroeven, P. and Sluys, L.J. 新拌水泥漿體中鄰近膠凝材料粒子表面最近間距分布的解析解. 複合材料學報, 2007, 24(1):127-134.
31. Hu, J., Chen, H.S. and Stroeven, P. Spatial dispersion of aggregate in concrete: A computer simulation study. Computers and Concretes, 2006, 3(5):301-312.32. Chen, H.S.*, Stroeven, P., Ye, G. and Stroeven, M., Influence of boundary conditions on pore percolation in model cement paste. Key Engineering Materials, 2006, Vol.302-303, 486-492.
33. 陳惠蘇*,孫偉, Stroeven, P.水泥基複合材料界面過渡區體積分數的定量計算. 複合材料學報, 2006, 23(2):133-142.
34. 陳惠蘇*,孫偉,Stroeven, P. 計算混凝土中鄰近集料表面間距平均值的體視學方法. 哈爾濱工業大學學報, 2005, 37(11):1511-1514.35. 陳惠蘇*,孫偉,蔣金洋,Stroeven, P. and Stroeven, M. 砂漿中鄰近集料表面最近間距分布的數值模擬. 複合材料學報, 2005, 22(4): 100-107.
36. Chen, H.S.*, Sun, W., Stroeven, P. and Sluys, L.J. Analytical solution of the nearest surface spacing between neighboring aggregate grains in cementitious composites. 矽酸鹽學報, 2005, 33(7):859-863,870.
37. 陳惠蘇*,孫偉,趙慶新,Stroeven, P. and Stroeven, M. 纖維曲率對界面過渡區初始微觀結構影響的計算機模擬. 矽酸鹽學報, 2005, 33 (4):484-491.
38. 陳惠蘇*,孫偉,Stroeven, P. 水泥基複合材料界面過渡區對材料巨觀性能的影響. 建築材料學報, 2005, 8 (1): 51-62.
39. 陳惠蘇*,孫偉,Stroeven, P. and Stroeven, M. 混凝土中鄰近集料表面最近間距分布的計算機模擬. 矽酸鹽學報,2004, 32 (4): 422-427.40. 陳惠蘇*,孫偉,Stroeven, P. 水泥基複合材料集料與漿體界面研究綜述(一):試驗技術. 矽酸鹽學報, 2004, 32 (1): 63-70.
41. 陳惠蘇*,孫偉,Stroeven, P. 水泥基複合材料集料與漿體界面研究綜述(二):界面微觀結構的形成、劣化機理及其影響因素. 矽酸鹽學報,2004, 32 (1):71-81.
42. 陳惠蘇*,孫偉,趙慶新,Stroeven, P. 截面分析法對界面過渡區厚度的放大作用. 矽酸鹽學報, 2003, 31 (11): 1130-1134.43. 陳惠蘇*,孫偉, Stroeven, P. 計算混凝土中平均最鄰近集料表面間距的正十二面體模型. 矽酸鹽學報,2003, 31 (11): 1048-1052.
44. Chen, H.S.*, Sun, W. and Stroeven, P. Prediction of compressive strength and optimization of mixture proportioning in ternary cementitous systems. Materials and Structures, 2003, 36 (260): 396-401.
45. Sun, W., Chen H.S.*, Luo, X. and Qian, H.P. The effect of hybrid fibers and expansive agent on the shrinkage and permeability of high performance concrete. Cement and Concrete Research, 2001, 31 (4): 595-601.46. 陳惠蘇*, 孫偉, 多元水泥基系統的性能預測及最佳化設計. 矽酸鹽學報, 2001, 29 (2): 97-103.
47. 孫偉,錢紅萍,陳惠蘇, 纖維混雜及其與膨脹劑複合對水泥基材料的物理性能的影響. 矽酸鹽學報, 2000, 28 (2): 95-100.48. 陳惠蘇, 孫偉, 張亞梅, 高摻量粉煤灰對GFRC改性的可行性研究. 工業建築,2000, 30 (4): 62-65.
49. 陳惠蘇, 孫偉, 慕儒, 混合材品種對HSC與SFRHSC抗凍性能的影響. 建築技術, 2000, 31 (10): 676-678.
50. 陳惠蘇, 孫偉, 多元水泥基系統的性能預測及配合比設計初探. 混凝土與水泥製品, 2000, No.5, 5-7.
51. 陳惠蘇, 孫偉, 慕儒. 在摻不同品種混合材的高強砼與鋼纖維高強砼在凍融、凍融-氯鹽同時作用下的耐久性能. 混凝土與水泥製品, 2000, No.2, 36-39.
52. 陳惠蘇, 孫偉, 對PCSm方法的分析討論與改進. 東南大學學報, 2000, 30 (3): 70-74.
53. Yan, H.D., Sun, W. and Chen, H.S. The effect of silica fume and steel fiber on the dynamic mechanical performance of high strength concrete. Cement and Concrete Research, 1999, 29 (3): 423-426.54. 張亞梅,孫偉,陳惠蘇, 粉煤灰強度效應因子的動態預測. 矽酸鹽學報,1999, 27 (6): 665-670.
55. 嚴捍東,孫偉,蔣立新,陳惠蘇, 預應力鋼纖維混凝土軌枕疲勞性能研究. 東南大學學報, 1999, 29 (Sup) : 99-105.
(2) 會議文章:
1. Lv, Z., Chen,H.S.* Analytical models for self-healing of cracks via geometrical probability: Application to cementitious materials. In: Ye, G., van Breugel, K., Sun, W., and Miao, C.W. (eds.) Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Microstructural-Related Durability of Cementitious Composites (RILEM Pro 83), April 11-13, 2012, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Paris: RILEM, paper232. (Presentation)2. Liu, L., Chen, H.S., Sun, W. (2012). Simulation of the diffusivity of cement paste subjected to uni-axial tensile load by a 3d lattice approach. In: Ye, G., van Breugel, K., Sun, W., and Miao, C.W. (eds.) Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Microstructural -Related Durability of Cementitious Composites (RILEM Pro 83), April 11-13, 2012, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Paris: RILEM, paper234. (Presentation)
3. Lv, Z., Chen, H.S.* Self-healing efficiency on cracks due to unhydrated cement nuclei in cementitious materials: splitting crack model. In: Proceedings of International Symposium on Cement & Concrete Materials, Nov.7-9, 2011, Ningbo, China, 124-131. (Presentation)4. Chen, H.S, Stroeven, P., Sluys, L.J. and Sun, W. An approach to determine the size of representative volume element (RVE) for microstructural parameters of cementitious composites. In: Proceedings of the 13th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement, July 3th-8th, 2011, Madrid, Spain, PaperNo.553.
5. Yuan, H.F., Chen, H.S., Lv, Z. Quantitative study and simulation of the intersection and connectivity of fibers and cracks in cementitious composites. In: Proceedings of the 13th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement, July 3th-8th, 2011, Madrid, Spain. PaperNo.386.
5. 陳惠蘇,張政濤,秦鴻根,李宗津,李翔宇. 秸稈/廢木屑-氯氧鎂水泥複合保溫牆體材料的製備技術與性能研究. 南京市第八屆青年學術年會:低碳經濟與新材料產業發展高層論壇, 2010/10/21.6. Xu, W.X. and Chen, H.S. A numerical algorithm for detecting inter-ellipse particles overlapping. In: Choi, C.K. and Yang, Y.B. (eds.) Proceedings of The First International Conference on Advances in Interaction & Multiscale Mechanics (AIMM’10), Seoul: Techno Press, 2010, 1358-1371.
7. Yuan, H.F., Chen, H.S. Determination of length and dosage of capsules for self-healing of cracks in cementitious composites. In: Sui, T.B., and Zhang, W.S. (eds.) Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Cement and Concrete, May.9th-12th, 2010, Jinan,China, Beijing: Foreign Language Press,1357-1363. (Presentation)
8. Lv, Z., Chen, H.S., Yuan, H.F. Analytical solution on dosage of long capsules for the self-healing of cracks in cementitious composites: 2D model. In: Sui, T.B., and Zhang, W.S. (eds.) Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Cement and Concrete, May.9th-12th, 2010, Jinan, China, Beijing: Foreign Language Press,1409-1417. (Presentation)
9. Liu L., Qian Z., Ye G., van Breugel K., Chen H.S., Sun W. (2010). Numerical simulations of chloride migration through cement paste. In: Sui, T.B., and Zhang, W.S. (eds.) Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Cement and Concrete, May.9th-12th, 2010, Jinan, China, Beijing: Foreign Language Press, 315-323. (Presentation)
10. Chen, H.S. Fundamentals of modeling and experimenting technology in cement based materials. In: Miao, C.W., Ye, G. and Chen, H.S. (eds.) Advanced in Civil Engineering Materials: The 50-year Teaching and Research Anniversary of Prof. Sun Wei, Bagneux: RILEM, 2010, 21-32.
11. Liu, L., Sun, W., Chen, H.S. and Ye, G. Prediction of effective diffusion coefficient of concrete based on multiscale approach. In: Kolver, K. and Bentur, A.(Eds.) Proceedings of Concrete Durability and Service Life Planning(ConcreteLife’09), Paris: RILEM, 2009, 423-431.2008
12. Zhang, W.M., Sun, W. and Chen, H.S. Reconstruction and visualization of three dimensional pore structures in cement paste by laser scanning confocal microscopy. In: Sun, W., van Breugel, K., Miao, C.W., Ye, G. and Chen Huisu (eds.). Proceedings of the first International Conference on Microstructure Related Durability of Cementitious Composites. RILEM PRO61, ISBN 978-2-35158-065-3, Oct 13-15th, 2008, Nanjing. Bagneux: RILEM, 2008, 1333-1339.2006
13. Li, Z.J. and Chen, H.S. The development trend of advanced building materials. In: Proceeding of the First International Forum on Advances in Structural Engineering-2006 : Emerging Structural Materials and Systems, Beijing: China Architecture and Building Press, Nov.12-13, 2006, 120-206.(ISBN 7-112-08690-6)(Presentation)14. Stroeven, P., Chen, H.S. and Stroeven, M. On connectivity of porosity in model cement paste. In: Brandt, A.M., Li, V.C. and Marshall, I.H., eds. Proceedings of International Symposium on Brittle Matrix Composites 8, Warsaw: October 23-25, 2006, Warsaw: ZTUREK RSI and Woodhead Publ, 2006, 25-34. (ISBN 1-84569-031-1; ISBN 83-89687-09-7) (Presentation)
15. Stroeven, P., Hu, J. Guo, Z.Q., Chen H.S., and Sluys, L.J. Development of reliable and economic methodology for pore network modelling relevant for durability issues. In: Marchand, J. and Gagné, R. eds. Proceedings of the 2nd International RILEM Symposium on Advances in Concrete through Science and Engineering (CD-ROM), Sept. 11-13, 2006, Laval University, Quebec City, Canada. (Presentation)
16. Chen, H.S., Stroeven, P. and Sun, W. Analytical solution on the distribution of surface spacing between neighboring aggregates in an arbitrary section plane of concrete. In: Lü, Z.T., Wu, Z.S. Li, A.Q. and Meng, S.P. (eds.), Proceedings of the International Symposium on Innovation & Sustainability of Structures in Civil Engineering – Including Seimic Engineering (ISISS’ 2005), (held on 20-22, Nov, 2005, Nanjing, P.R.China), Nanjing: Southeast University Press, 2157-2167.17. Chen, H.S. Stroeven, P. and Ye, G. Influence of aggregate surface spacing on the microstructure of interfacial transition zone in fresh and hardened model cement paste. In: Banthia, N., Uomoto, T. and Bentar, A. et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Construction Materials: Performance, Innovations and Structural Implications (CD-ROM), (held on August 22-24, 2005, Vancouver, Canada), Vancouver: University of British Columbia, 2005, 11pages. (Presentation)
18. Chen, H.S., Stroeven, P., Ye, G. and Stroeven, M. Influence of boundary conditions on pore percolation in model cement paste. In: Feng, N.Q. and Peng, G.F., eds. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Environmental Ecology and Technology of Concrete (EETC-2005), (held on June 6-8, 2005, Urumchi, XinJiang, China). Key Engineering Materials, 2006, Vol.302-303, 486-492. (ISBN: 0-87849-983-0). (Presentation)
19. Chen, H.S., Stroeven, P., Stroeven, M. and Sluys, L.J. Nearest surface spacing between neighboring aggregate particles in concrete: theoretical solution. In: Lakshmanan, N., Gopalakrishnan, S. and Sreenath, H.G. (eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Concrete Composites and Structures (ICACS-2005), (held on January 6-8, 2005, Chennai, India), Chennai: Allied Publishers Pvt. Ltd., 2005, 157-168. (Presentation)
20. 陳惠蘇,孫偉,趙慶新,Stroeven, P., Stroeven, M. and Sluys, L.J. 纖維-水泥漿體界面過渡區初始微觀結構的計算機模擬. 薛偉辰,姚武主編,第十屆全國纖維混凝土會議論文集: 先進纖維混凝土:試驗·理論·實踐,(2004年11月16~18,上海),上海:同濟大學出版社,2004, 342-350. (Presentation)21. Chen H.S., Ye, G. and Stroeven, P. Computer simulation of structure of hydrated cement paste enclosed by interfacial transition zones in concrete. In: Setzer, M.J. and Palecki, S. (eds.), Proceedings of International Conference on Durability of High-Performance Concrete and Final Workshop of CONLIFE (held on Sept. 23-24, 2004, Essen, Germany), Freiburg: AEDIFICATIO Publishers, 2004, 133-144. (Presentation)
22. Stroeven, P. Chen, H.S., Hu, J. and Zheng, J.J. Interfacial transition zone (ITZ) in plain and fiber concrete. In: di Prisco, M., Felicetti, R. and Plizzari, G.A. (eds.), Sixth International RILEM Symposium on Fibre-Reinforced Concretes (BEFIB 2004), RILEM Pro.39 (held on Sept. 20-22 2004, Varenna, Italy), Bagneux: RILEM Publications S.A.R.L., 2004, 903-912.(Presentation)
23. Chen, H.S., Sun W., Stroeven, P. and Sluys, L.J. Analytical solution for ITZ’s thickness around convex shaped aggregate grains based on section analysis method. In: Atluri, S.N. and Tadeu, A.B. (eds.), Advances in Computational & Experimental Engineering and Science, Proceedings of the 2004 International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering & Sciences (ICCES’04) (held on July26-29, 2004, Madeira, Portugal), Encino (California):Tech Science Press, 2004, 357-362. (Presentation)
24. 陳惠蘇, 孫偉, 葉光, Stroeven, P. Stroeven, M. and van Breugel, K. 鄰近集料表面間距變化對水化前後集料-漿體界面過渡區微觀結構的影響. 中國矽酸鹽學會2003年學術年會水泥基材料論文集,2003年9月. (Presentation)25. Hu, J., Chen, H.S. and Stroeven, P. SPACE Simulation of particle flocculation in model cement. In: Yuan Y.S., Shah, S.P. and Lü H.L. (eds.), Advances in Concrete and Structures, RILEM Proceedings 32 (held on May 25~27, Xuzhou, China, 2004), Bagneux: RILEM Publications S.A.R.L., 2003, 196-207. (ISTP收錄, Presentation)
26. Chen, H.S., Stroeven, P. and Sun, W. Gradient structures of interfacial transition zone in fresh cementitious materials. In: Wang, P.M. (ed.) The Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Cement and Concrete (held on Oct.28~Nov.1, 2002, Shanghai), China, Shanghai: Tongji University Press, 2002, 437-442. (Presentation)2000
27. Sun, W., Chen, H.S., Luo, X. and Qian, H.P. Influence of hybrid fibers and expansive agent on the shrinkage and permeability of high performance concrete. In: Leung, C.K.Y., Li, Z.J. and Ding, J.T. (eds.), International Symposium on High Performance Concrete -- Workability, Strength and Durability (held on Dec.10-15, 2000, Hong Kong and Shenzhen, China), Hong Kong: Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 2000, 209-218.1999
28. Sun, W., Pan, G.H., Qi, C.Q. and Chen, H.S. Study on the anti-exploding characteristics fiber reinforced cementitious based composite. In: Reinhardt, H.W. and Naaman, A.E., (eds.), Third International Workshop on HPFRCC3 (held on May 16~19, 1999, Mainz, Germany), London: E&FN SPON, 1999, 565-574. (ISTP 收錄)29. Sun, W., Luo X., Yan, H.D., Qi, C.Q. and Chen, H.S. Penetration and blast resistance of high performance steel fiber reinforced concrete. In: Lok, T.S. (ed.) Proceedings of the 2nd Asia-Pacific Specialty Conference on Fibre Reinforced Concrete (FRC) (held on Aug.27-28, 1999, Singapore), Singapore: CiPiemier 1999, 197-203.
30. 孫偉,嚴捍東,羅欣,陳惠蘇, 高性能鋼纖維增強水泥基複合材料性能及抗侵徹與爆破能力. 閻培瑜,姚燕 (主編):水泥基複合材料科學與技術,北京:中國建材工業出版社,1999,24-27.
1. Chen, H.S., Computer Simulation of the Microstructure of the ITZ between Aggregate and Cement Paste. TUDelft Report No. CM2002-001, Delft: Delft University of Technology, January 2002, 26 pages.(4)編撰論文集
1. Miao, C.W., Ye, G. and Chen, H.S. (eds.) Advances in Civil Engineering Materials-Proceedings of the “50-year Teaching and Research Anniversary of Prof. Sun Wei”. RILEM PRO71, ISBN 978-2-35158-098-1, e-ISBN:978-2-35158-099-8. Bagneux: RILEM, 2010.2. Sun, W., van Breugel, K., Miao, C.W., Ye, G. and Chen Huisu (eds.). Proceedings of the First International Conference on Microstructure Related Durability of Cementitious Composites. RILEM PRO61, ISBN 978-2-35158-065-3, Oct 13-15th, 2008, Nanjing. Bagneux: RILEM, 2008.
1. 陳惠蘇,袁海峰,劉琳,孫偉,李化建,趙國堂,谷永磊. 一種用於測試水泥基材料耐久性的載入裝置及其測試方法. 申請號201110021769.8. 申請日期:2011.01.19.2. 陳惠蘇,鮑步傳,劉琳,孫偉. 一種無機防火保溫板及其製備方法. 申請號: 201110055914.4. 申請日期:2011.03.09
3. 陳惠蘇,司坤,劉琳. 一種建築牆體用真空絕熱板及其製備方法. 申請號: 201210016641.7. 申請日期:2012.01.19
4. 陳惠蘇,司坤,劉琳. 一種真空絕熱板及其製備和套用. 申請號:201210016878.5 申請日期:2012.01.19.
2008.09入學: 張政濤(江蘇交科院)/袁海峰(IFSTTAR, France)/胡建英(Case Western Reserve University,USA);2009.09入學: 楊飛飛(江蘇交科院)/司坤(中冶天工上海十三冶)/葉海平(蘇州某房地產公司);