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男,1972年5月出生,畢業於北京交通大學,中國科學院力學研究所研究員,專業固體力學。 在微尺度塑性力學、表/界面黏附接觸及仿生力學、表/界面黏附自組裝等方面取得系統的創新成果,系列成果發表在、、、、、等重要雜誌,受到國內外同行的積極評價。多次在國內外會議及大學作學術邀請報告,已出版著作2部,發表SCI 論文70餘篇,SCI引用近600次;已培養3名博士生,9名碩士生。2008年獲國家自然科學二等獎(3/3),2009年獲中國力學學會青年科技獎,2011年獲國家傑出青年科學基金,2012年獲茅以升北京青年科技獎,2013年入選中國科學院科技創新“交叉與合作團隊”。


姓 名: 陳少華

性 別: 男

職 務: 無

職 稱: 研究員/博士生導師

學 歷: 博士

通訊地址: 北京市海淀區北四環西路15號


1996.9-1999.5: 北京交通大學,獲固體力學博士學位

1999.7-2001.7: 中國科學院力學研究所,博士後研究

2001.7- 現 在: 中科院力學所 非線性力學國家重點實驗室,先後被評為副研究員、博士生導師、研究員

2002.1-2:瑞典Blekinge Institute of Technology,訪問學者

2003.10-2005.10:德國 MPI for metals research,訪問學者

2007.3, 10-12:香港大學機械工程系,訪問學者












《The Open Mechanical Engineering Journal》編委;





2012年: 茅以升北京青年科技獎

2011年: 國家傑出青年科學基金獲得者

2009年: 第十屆中國力學學會青年科技獎

2008年: 國家自然科學二等獎(魏悅廣、王自強、陳少華)

2007年: 香港大學Sino-British Fellowship Trust Visitorship

2002年: 力學所中青年優秀科技工作者一等獎

2001年: 中科院優秀博士後稱號

2000年: 中科院王寬誠博士後工作獎勵基金



* Chen Shaohua and Wang Tzuchiang, 《Micro-scale Plasticity Mechanics》,2009年,中國科技大學出版社

* 王自強,陳少華,《高等斷裂力學》,2009年,科學出版社

* 王自強,陳少華,不含高階應力的應變梯度理論,黃克智、王自強主編“材料的宏微觀力學與強韌化設計”之專著的一章,清華大學出版社


* Size-dependent surface energy density of typically fcc metallic nanomaterials

C. Zhang, Y. Yao, S. Chen

Computational Materials Science

* The fracture behaviors of carbon nanotube and nanoscroll reinforced silicon matrix composites

H. Chen, S. Chen


* Adhesion between two radially collapsed single-walled carbon nanotubes

C. Zhang, L. Chen, S. Chen

Acta Mech

* The peeling behavior of a graphene sheet on a nano-scale corrugated surface

H. Chen, S. Chen

J. Physics D: Applied Physics

* Adhesive contact between a graphene sheet and a nano-scale corrugated surface

H. Chen, Y. Yao, S. H. Chen

J. Physics D: Applied Physics

* Thermo-mechanical contact behavior of a finite graded layer under a sliding punch with heat generation

P.J. Chen, S. H. Chen

Int. J Solids Struct.

* Partial slip contact between a rigid punch with an arbitrary tip-shape and an elastic graded solid with finite thickness

P.J. Chen, S. H. Chen

Mech. Mater.

* The effect of a graded interphase on the mechanism of stress transfer in a fiber-reinforced composite

Y. Yao, S. Chen, P. Chen

Mec. Mater.

* Application of the complex network method in solid-state sintering

C. Wang, S. Chen

Computational Materials Science

* Effects of the Longitudinal Surface Roughness on Fiber Pullout Behavior in Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Epoxy Resin Composites

Y. Yao, S.H. Chen

ASME: J. Appl. Mech

* Flaw tolerance in a viscoelastic strip

L. Chen, S.H. Chen, H.J. Gao

ASME: J. Appl. Mech

* The effects of fiber’s surface roughness on the mechanical properties of fiber-reinforced polymer composites

Y. Yao, S.H. Chen

J. Composite Mater.

* The effect of geometry on the adhesive behavior of bio-inspired fibrils

Z.L. Peng, S.H. Chen

Soft Matter

* Effect of pre-tension on the peeling behavior of a bio-inspired nano-film and a hierarchical adhesive structure

Z.L. Peng, S.H. Chen

Applied Physics Letter

* Thermo-contact mechanics of a rigid cylindrical punch sliding on a finite graded layer

P.J. Chen, S.H. Chen, Z.L. Peng

Acta Mech.,

* The influence of agglomerates on the densification and micro-structural evolution in sintering of a multi-particle system

C. Wang, S. Chen

Sci. China - Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy

* Factors Influencing Particle Agglomeration during Solid-State Sintering

C. Wang, S. Chen

Acta Mech. Sinica

* The effect of agglomerate on micro-structural evolution in solid-state sintering

C. Wang, S. Chen

Acta Mech. Sinica

* Contact behaviors of a rigid punch and a homogeneous half-space coated with a graded layer

P. Chen, S. Chen

Acta Mech

* Effects of the relative humidity and water droplet on adhesion of a bio-inspired nano-film

Z. Peng, S. Chen

Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces

* Prediction of the initial thickness of shear band localization based on a reduced strain gradient theory

S. Chen, B. Feng, Y. Wei, T. Wang

Int. J. Solids Struct

* The effects of surface roughness and film thickness on the adhesion of a bio-inspired nanofilm

Z. Peng, S. Chen

Phys. Rev. E

* Size effect in mocro-scale cantilever beam bending

S. Chen, B. Feng

Acta Mech

* Size-dependent adhesion strength of a single viscoelastic fiber

S. Chen, G. Xu, A. Soh

Tribology Letters

* Peeling behavior of a bio-inspired nano-film on a substrate

Z. Peng, S. Chen, A. Soh

Int. J. Solids Struct.

* Dynamic behaviors of mode III interfacial crack under a constant loading rate

S. Chen, H. Gao

Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics

* The main factor influencing the tensile properties of surface nano-crystallized graded materials

J. Li, S. Chen, X. Wu, A. Soh, J. Lu

Mater. Sci. Eng. A

* Grain refinement of pure Ti during plastic deformation

S.Wu, K. Fan, P. Jiang, S. Chen

Mater. Sci. Eng. A

* Nanoadhesion of a power-law graded elastic material

S. Chen, P. Chen

Chinese Physics Letters

* Mechanics of adhesive contact on a power-law graded elastic half-space

S. Chen, C. Yan, P. Zhang, H. Gao

J. Mech. Phys. Solids

* Adhesive behavior of two-dimensional power-law graded materials

S. Chen, C. Yan, A. Soh

Int. J. Solids Structure

* Discussion on the contact width in generalized plain strain JKR model for isotropic solids

C. Yan, S. Chen

Acta Mechanica Sinica

* Friction properties of bio-mimetic nano-fibrillar arrays

S. Chen, C. Mi

Chin. Phys. Lett

* An extension of the two dimensional JKR theory to the case with a large contact width

S. Chen, Z. Peng

Chin. Phys. Lett

* New strain gradient theory and analysis

D. Yi, T.C. Wang, S. Chen

Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica

* Orientation-dependent adhesion strength of a rigid cylinder in non-slipping contact with a transversely isotropic half-space

H. Yao, S. Chen, P.R. Guduru, H. Gao

Int. J. Solids Structure,

* Tuning the geometrical parameters of biomimetic fibrillar structures to enhance adhesion.

S. Chen, A. Soh

Journal of the Royal Society Interfac

* Non-slipping JKR model for transversely isotropic materials.

S. Chen, C. Yan, A. Soh

Int. J. Solids Structure

* The capillary force in micro- and nano-indentation with different indenter shapes

S. Chen,A. Soh

International Journal of Solids and Structures

* Robust nano-adhesion under torque

S. Chen, G. Xu, A. Soh

Tribology Lette

* Subsonic interface crack with crack face contact

S. Chen, G. Xu, C. Yan

Advanced Materials Research

* Adhesive models to understand the sensitivity of bio-molecules to environmental signals

S. Chen

Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics

* Non-slipping adhesive contact between mismatched elastic cylinders

S. Chen, H. Gao

Int. J. Solids Struct.

* Bio-inspired mechanics of reversible adhesion: orientation-dependent adhesion strength for non-slipping adhesive contact with transversely isotropic elastic materials

S. Chen, H. Gao

J. Mech. Phys. Solids

* Small scale, grain size and substrate effects in nano-indentation experiment of film-substrate systems

S. Chen, L. Liu, T. C. Wang

Int. J. Solids Structur

*Adhesive contact of an elastic cylinder on stretched substrates

S. H. Chen, H. J. Gao,

Proceedings of Royal Society of London, Series

* Generalized Maugis-Dugdale model of an elastic cylinder in non-slipping adhesive contact with a stretched substrate

S. H. Chen, H. J. Gao

International Journal of Materials Research

* A finite element analysis of a crack penetrating or deflecting into an interface in a thin laminate

S. Kao-Walter, P. Stahle, S. H. Chen

Key Engineering Materials

* Non-slipping adhesive contact between mismatched elastic spheres: a model of adhesion mediated deformation sensor

S. H. Chen, H. J. Gao

J. Mech. Phys. Solids

* General solution to two-dimensional non-slipping JKR model with a pulling force in an arbitrary direction

S. H. Chen, T. C. Wang

J. Coll. Interface Sc

* Investigation of the mechanical properties of thin films by nano-indentation considering the effect of thickness and different coating-substrate combination

S. H. Chen, L. Liu, T. C. Wang

Surface and coatings technology

* A crack perpendicular to and terminated at a bimaterial interface in a finite solid

S. H. Chen, T. C. Wang, S. Kao-Walter

Acta Mech. Sinica

* Nanoscale flaw tolerance of a thin strip under tension

H. J. Gao, S. H. Chen

ASME: Journal of Applied Mechanics

* A study of size-dependent microindentation

S. H. Chen, C. J. Tao, T. C. Wang

Acta Mech

* Size dependent nanoindentation of a soft film on a hard substrate

S. H. Chen, L. Liu, T. C. Wang

Acta Mater

* Nanoindentation of thin-film substrate system: determination of film hardness and young's modulus

S. H. Chen, L.Liu, T. C. Wang

Acta Mechanica Sinica

* Crack tip field and J-integral with strain gradient effect.

S. Xia, T. C. Wang, S. H. Chen

Acta Mech. Sinica

* A crack perpendicular to the bimaterial interface in finite solid

S. H. Chen, T. C. Wang, S. Kao-Walter

Int. J. Solids and Structure

* Crack tip fields with strain gradient effects

S. H. Chen, T. C. Wang

Int. J. Nonlinear Sci. and Numer. Simulation

* Akind of deformation theory for strain gradient effects

S. H. Chen, T. C. Wang

Int. J. Plasticity

* Interface crack problems with strain gradient effects

S. H. Chen, T. C. Wang

Int. J. Fract

* Strain gradient effects in the particle-reinforced metal-matrix composites

S. H. Chen, T. C. Wang

Acta Mech

* Finite element solutions for plane strain mode I crack with strain gradient effects

S. H. Chen, T. C. Wang

Int. J. Solids and Structure,

* Analysis of a rubber cone tensioned by a concentrated force

Y. C. Gao, S. H. Chen

Mech. Res. Communication

* Large strain field near a crack tip in a rubber sheet

Y. C. Gao, S. H. Chen

Mech. Res. Communication

* Asymptotic analysis based K-S constitutive law for a rubber wedge compressed by a line load at its tip

S. H. Chen, Y. C. Gao

Mecanics of Materials

* Strain gradient theory with couple stress for crystalline solids

S. H. Chen, T. C. Wang

European Journal of Mechanics- A/Solids

* Asymptotic analysis and finite element calculation of a rubber notch contacting with a rigid wedge

S. H. Chen, Y. C. Gao

Acta Mechanica

* Asymptotic analysis and finite element calculation of a rubber wedge under tension

S. H. Chen, Y. C. Gao

Acta Mechanica

* Mode I and Mode II crack tip fields with strain gradient effects.

S. H. Chen, T. C. Wang

Acta Mech. Sinica

* Mode I crack tip with strain gradient effect

S. H. Chen, T. C. Wang

Acta Mech. Solida Sin.

* Asymptotic analysis and finite element calculation of a rubber cone under tension.

Y. C. Gao, S. H. Chen

Acta Mech.

* A new hardening law for strain gradient effect.

S. H. Chen, T. C. Wang

Acta Mater

* 橡膠楔體與剛性缺口接觸大變形

陳少華, 李詠芳


* 集中力拉伸下楔體大變形理論分析及數值計算

陳少華, 周喆, 高玉臣


* 應變梯度理論進展

陳少華, 王自強


* 考慮壓頭尖端曲率半徑和應變梯度效應的微壓痕有限元分析

陶彩軍, 王自強, 陳少華


* 考慮壓頭曲率半徑的J 形變理論壓痕有限元分析

陶彩軍, 王自強, 陳少華


* 生物黏附與仿生黏附力學的進展

陳少華, 蘇愛嘉


* 一類螞蟻黏附系統的實驗研究

李新然, 孫冬雅, 謝季佳, 陳少華, 王海軍


* 鋼板軋後控冷模擬與殘餘應力反演研究

李建軍, 陳少華



陳少華, 彭志龍


* 壁虎超強的黏附能力-隱藏在腳下的奧秘










國家傑出青年科學基金: 表面/界面力學





國家自然科學基金重點項目:天然生物材料的多尺度力學與仿生研究 (與清華大學合作)



