自2000年以來,陳大華博士一直從事幹細胞命運調控機制的研究。近年來,陳大華研究組以果蠅生殖幹細胞為模型,在幹細胞命運調控機制研究中取得一系列的進展,證明了小分子RNA、核膜介導的轉錄調控及泛素化等途經在果蠅生殖幹細胞命運決定中起重要作用。相關研究成果發表在 Cell、Plos Biology、Current Biology、Development、 Developmental Cell、PLoS Genetics和Human Molecular Genetics等遺傳學和發育生物學等領域主流雜誌上。
研究組長期的研究方向是以果蠅和小鼠等模式動物作為模型系統,研究幹細胞分裂和分化以及個體衰老與長壽的分子機制。研究組已建立部分染色體幹細胞功能區圖譜,正進行基因組規模的遺傳篩選,尋找控制幹細胞命運的新基因。同時,通過遺傳學手段在活體條件下,大量富集幹細胞,通過生物化學的方法分離和純化決定幹細胞命運的蛋白複合體及目標候選基因產物, 結合遺傳和分子生物學的方法對他們進行功能分析。通過進化上保守性分析,以小鼠為果蠅平行材料,以精原幹細胞為模式,通過過量表達,基因剔除等方法對候選基因進行鑑定,試圖建立小鼠為模式的高等動物幹細胞自我更新和分化的機制模型。鑒於個體的衰老和長壽與個體的生長,營養,生殖,以及其它環境條件相關,研究組還將以果蠅為材料,通過遺傳學方法,篩選和克隆與衰老,長壽相關的基因。
科技部資助項目;科技部生殖發育重大計畫(課題負責人)(2007-2011); “配子發生關鍵基因的功能研究”(2007CB947502)
Xia L, Zheng X, Zheng W, Zhang, Wang H, Tao Y, Chen D. 2012 The Niche-Dependent Feedback Loop Generates a BMP Activity Gradient to Determine the Germline Stem Cell Fate. Current Biology,22, 1–7
Xia L, Jia S, Huang S, Wang H, Zhu Y, Mu Y, Kan L, Zheng W, Wu D, Li X, Sun Q, Meng A, Chen D.* 2010,The Fused/Smurf complex controls the fate of Drosophila germline stem cells by generating a gradient BMP response. Cell, 143(6):978-90
Chen, D-S., Wang, Q., Huang, H., Xia, L., Kan, L., Sun, Q., and Chen D.* 2009, The specific ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis of cyclin A determines the fate of germline stem cells in Drosophila. Development, 136(24):4133-42.
Yang, Y., Xu, S., Xia, L., Wang, J., Jin, P*., and Chen, D.* 2009 The bantam microRNA is associated with Drosophila Fragile X mental retardation protein and regulates the fate of germline stem cells. PLoS Genetics, 5(4):e1000444.
Chang, S., Wen, S., Chen, D* and Jin, P* Small regulatory RNAs in neurodevelopmental Disorders.? Hum Mol Genet,18(R1):R18-26.
Jiang, X., Xia, L., Chen, DS, Yang, Y., Huang, H., Yang, L., Zhao, Q., Sheng, L., Wang, J., and Chen, D.* 2008, Otefin, a nuclear membrane protein, determines the fate of germline stem cells in Drosophila via interaction with Smads complexes. Developmental Cell, 14(4):494-506.
Allan, A., Liang, X., Luo, Y., Pak, C., Li, X., Szulwach, K., Chen, D., Jin, P., Zhao, X. 2008, The loss of methyl-CpG binding protein 1 leads to autism-like behavioral deficits. Hum Mol Genet. 17(13):2047-57.
Yang, L., Chen, D., Duan, R., Xia, L., Wang, J., Qurashi, A., Jin, P*., and Chen, D.* 2007, Argonaute 1 regulates the fate of germline stem cells in Drosophila. Development,134(23):4265-72.
Yang, L., Duan, R., Chen, DS., Wang, J., Chen, D.* and Jin, P* 2007 Fragile X mental retardation protein modulates the fate of germline stem cells in Drosophila. Hum Mol Genet,16(15):1814-20.