



綠知社成立至今,在校團委的指導和社員的努力下,以及社會各界人士的支持下,開展了一些有一定影響、有綠知社特色的活動,並在活動中感染和影響了學校,也使社團得以了提高和完善,在組織建設方面,我們已形成團部、報刊、廣播等各種宣傳形式相結合的多元化宣傳模式;在具體活動方面,我們 曾先後有“紫薇城市花園之旅”、“革命公園清掃”、“豐慶公園植樹造園活動”、環城公園護城河清污之前水污染調查,還參加了邊家村創衛活動,並且與西安市福 利院形成了長期的互動,還有每年開展的環保知識競賽,使同學們大大增強了環保意識,提高了自身素質,規範了道德修養。2006年,我社團很榮幸加入了陝西省青年互助網路協會,並與其它高校環保社團建立了很好的友誼,為以後我社團的發展奠定了良好的基礎。





Green groups was established in October 2002, college students in voluntary organizations, in amateur cultural, ecological environmental protection of extra-curricular activities among the groups. The students to participate in social practice, self-education, self-management, ability to cultivate self-important position, which is based on social status and the establishment of the characteristics of the "Fang Cao Pi sky, green know my heart" for the purpose, to their own actions Create a harmonious home for the slogan of the student societies, and hope that through our unremitting efforts, make environmental awareness enjoys popular support, awakening sleeping people, with each of our actions with those who love nature, Dayong our hands to save the human resistance to Survive. Let our homes be able to put on the former Green loaded!

Green's groups since its establishment, the CYL in school guidance and the efforts of members and the community's support, has undertaken a number of affected to a certain extent, Green knows the characteristics of social activities and activities of the infected and affected schools, Societies can also improve and perfect the organizational building, we have formed the Department of Mission, newspapers, radio and other forms of publicity with the diversification of propaganda model in specific activities, we have been a "City Garden Lagerstroemia Journey, "" revolution sweeping Park "," FENG-park tree planting gardening activities, "Park moat around the city before the clean up water pollution investigation, also participated in the CHUANGWEI-Ka, and with the formation of the orphanage in Xi'an Long-term interaction, for each of the environmental knowledge contests, so that the students have greatly increased the awareness of environmental protection and improve their own quality, standardize the moral cultivation. 2006, I am HONOUR to join the association of Shaanxi Province mutual support network of youth associations, and other colleges and universities and environmental organizations established a good friendship, and for the future development of the societies I laid a good foundation.

"I know the green heart" I hope we will start as soon as possible, starting from the trivial, self-starting. To our common homeland, let us all take positive action, so that Hill become more green, more blue days, water has become clearer. By our actions create a green and harmonious home.

Green groups that aim: Fang Cao Pi sky, the green heart, I know .

Green groups known slogan: own actions create a harmonious home.


社團信箱: lvzhishe@163.com




