德國國王,原為克恩滕公爵。887年被東法蘭克人選為國王,罷黜了其叔父胖子查理(Charles the Fat),但是西法蘭克人、勃艮地和義大利拒絕承認阿努爾夫,加洛林帝國自此瓦解。他擊敗了北歐海盜(891),結束了海盜們對萊茵河沿岸的突襲。還冊封其子為洛塔林基亞(Lotharingia,今洛林〔Lorraine〕)的國王,繼續控制該地。阿努爾夫受教宗福爾摩蘇斯(Pope Formosus)的鼓動出兵義大利,並於895年攻占羅馬,896年加冕為神聖羅馬帝國皇帝。後因病被迫返回德意志,而前任皇帝仍保持皇帝稱號。阿努爾夫在他生命的最後數年裡,目睹摩拉維亞和匈牙利人相繼侵犯德意志,以及他的權力的瓦解。
King of Germany. Originally duke of Carinthia, he was elected king of the East Franks in 887, deposing his uncle, Charles the Fat. The West Franks, Burgundy, and Italy refused to recognize Arnulf, thus dividing the Carolingian empire. He defeated the Vikings (891), ending their raids up the Rhine River, and maintained control of Lotharingia (now Lorraine). He invaded Italy at the urging of Pope Formosus, captured Rome (895), and was crowned Holy Roman Emperor in 896. Illness forced him to return to Germany, however, and the previous emperor continued to rule. Arnulf's last years saw invasions by Moravia and Hungary and the collapse of his power.