We are pleased once again that the need has arisen to produce a new edition of Quantum Mechanics: Introduction. We have taken this opportunity to make several amendments and improvements to the text. A number of misprints and minor errors have been corrected and explanatory remarks have been given at various places. Also, several new examples and exercises have been added. .
We thank several colleagues and students for helpful comments, particularly Dr. Stefan Hofmann who supervised the preparation of this fourth edition of the book. Finallly, we acknowledge the agreeable collaboration with Dr. H. J. Kolsch and his team at Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg. ...
1. The Quantization of Physical Quantities
1.1 Light Quanta
1.2 The Photelectric Effect
1.3 The Compton Effect
1.4 The Ritz Combination Principle
1.5 The Franck-Hertz Experiment
1.6 The Stern-Gerlach Experiment
1.7 Biographical Notes
2. The Radication Laws
2.1 A Preview of the Radiation of Bodies
2.2 What is Cavity Radiation?
2.3 The Rayleigh-Jeans Radiation Law:The Electromagnetic Eigenmodes of a Caity
2.4 Planck's Radiation Law
2.5 Biographical Notes
3. Wave Aspects of Matter
3.1 De Broglie Waves
3.2 The Diffraction of Matter Waves
3.3 The Statistical Interpretation of Matter Waves
3.4 Mean(Expectation)Values in Quantum Mechanics
3.5 Three Quantum Mechanical Operators
3.6 The Superposition Principle in Quantum Mechanics
3.7 The Heisengerg Uncertainty Principle
3.8 Biographical Notes
4. Mathematical Foundations of Quantum MechanicsⅠ
4.1 Properties of Operators
4.2 Combinging Two Operators
4.3 Bra and Ket Notation
4.4 Eigenvalues and Eigenfunctions
4.5 Measurabilit of Different Observbles at Equal Times
4.6 Position and Momentum Operators
4.7 Heisenberg's Uncertaninty Relations for Arbitrary Observables
4.8 Angular-Momentum Operators
4.9 Kinetic Energy
5. Mathematical Supplement
6. The Schrodinger Equation
7. The Harmonic Oscillator
8. The Transition from Classical to Quantum Mechanics
9. Charged Particles in Magnetic Fields
10. The Mathematiical Foundations of Quantum MechanicsⅡ
11. Perturbation Theory
12. Spin
13. A Nonrelativistic Wave Equation with Spin
14. Elementary Aspects
15. Identical Particles
16. The Formal Framework of Quntum Mechanics
17. Conceptual and Philosophical Problems of Quantum Mechanics
Subject Index
We are pleased once again that the need has arisen to produce a new edition of Quantum Mechanics: Introduction. We have taken this opportunity to make several amendments and improvements to the text. A number of misprints and minor errors have been corrected and explanatory remarks have been given at various places. Also, several new examples and exercises have been added. . We thank several colleagues and students for helpful comments, particularly Dr. Stefan Hofmann who supervised the preparation of this fourth edition of the book. Finall..