

“青年千人”研究員,國科大崗位教授,博士生導師。於北京大學獲得學士和碩士學位; 在美國加州大學伯克利分校獲得博士學位後任職於加州大學默塞德分校環境工程系,歷任助教、副教授、正教授。回國後在中國科學院植物研究所組建數字生態系統研究組。


曾任或現任美國NSF、NASA、USDA等機構的大會評審專家,以及“Ecology”、“International Journal of Geographical Information Science(IJGIS)”、 “Remote Sensing of Environment (RSE)”、“Ecography”、 “Global Change Biology”等國際刊物的審稿人。作為第一負責人和共同負責人已經主持完成多項美國自然科學基金會、聯邦地質調查局、聯邦森林局、聯邦國家公園管理局、加州水利局、摩爾基金會等項目。

在生態地理一類數據問題和雷射雷達的生態套用兩個方向取得了系列原創性研究成果,已發表包括 PNAS、 Ecology、 Ecography、 RSE、 IJGIS、 JGR、 PERS等主流生態和遙感類權威刊物收錄的SCI論文87篇,文章總被引用次數為1116次,他引986次。其中2篇論文分獲 IJGIS 2005-2010年度和近10餘年間引用率最高的十篇文章之一;關於雷射雷達數據處理算法的系列論文分獲美國攝影測量學會“Talbert Abrams”獎和“ERDAS 最佳學術論文”獎;相關研究成果被美國自然科學基金會評為重要研究突破(Breaking News),同時被國內外多家知名媒體(如科學美國人、UC Press、Sacramento Bee、 Science 360、GreenBlog、紐約時報、中央電台、新華網、EurekAlert新聞平台等)先後報導。

目前,已培養多名碩士和博士,研究生多次獲得國際獎項,如“國家優秀自費留學生獎學金”、“美國國家科學基金會論文獎” 、美國地理學會最佳論文獎等。











中國科學院科研裝備研製項目,條財字〔2014〕129 號,全自動、高解析度、高通量植物真三維影像分析系統(Plant 3D),2015/01–2016/12,主持。







馬克平,朱敏,紀立強,馬俊才, 郭慶華,歐陽志雲,朱麗 . 2018.E中國生物多樣性大數據平台建設.中國科學院院刊.33(8):838-845.

郭慶華*,楊維才,吳芳芳,龐樹鑫,金時超,陳凡,王秀傑. 2018. 高通量作物表型監測:育種和精準農業發展的加速器.中國科學院院刊. 33(9):940-946.

Guo, Q.*,Hu, T., Jiang, Y., Jin, S., Wang, R., Guan, H., Yang, Q., Li, Y., Wu, F., Zhai, Q., Liu, J., Su, Y.. 2018. Advances in remote sensing application for biodiversity research. Biodiversity Science. 26(8):789-806.

Jin, S., Su, Y., Gao, S., Hu, T., Liu, J., Guo, Q*. 2018. The Transferability of Random Forest in Canopy Height Estimation from Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data. Remote Sensing, 10(8): 1183-1203.

Jin, S., Su, Y., Gao, S., Wu, F., Hu, T., Liu, J., Li, W., Wang, D., Chen, S., Jiang, Y., Pang, S., Guo, Q*. 2018. Deep Learning: Individual maize segmentation from terrestrial Lidar data using Faster R-CNN and regional growth algorithms. Frontiers in Plant Science, 9:866-875.

Li, Y., Su, Y., Hu, T., Xu, G, Guo, Q*. 2018. Retrieving two-dimensional leaf angle distributions from a terrestrial laser scanner data. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,. 56(8): 4945-4955.

Zhao, X., Su, Y., Li, W., Hu, T., Liu, J., Guo, Q*.2018.A comparison of LiDAR filtering algorithms in vegetated mountain areas.Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing.(Published online, DOI: 10.1080/07038992.2018.1481738)

Luo, L., Zhai, Q., Su, Y., Ma, Q., Kelly, M., Guo., Q.2018.A simple method for direct crown base height estimation of individual conifer trees using airborne LiDAR data.Optics Express.26(10):A562-A578.

Wang, D., Wan, B., Qiu, P., Su, Y., Guo, Q., Wu, X. 2018. Artificial mangrove species mapping using Pléiades-1: An evaluation of pixel-based and object-based classifications with selected machine learning algorithms. Remote Sensing. 10(2):1-22.

Li, W., Guo, Q., Tao, S., Su, Y. 2018.VBRT: a novel voxel-based radiative transfer model for heterogeneous three-dimensional forest scenes.Remote Sensing of Environment. 206(1): 318-335.

Liu, R., Li, W., Liu, X., Lu, X., Li, T., Guo, Q.2018. An ensemble of classifiers based on positive and unlabeled data in one-class remote sensing classification. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 11(2): 572-584.

Deng, X., Li, W., Liu, X., Guo, Q. 2018. Newsam, S., One-class remote sensing classification: one-class vs. binary classifiers.International Journal of Remote Sensing. 39(6): 1890-1910.

Zhao, X., Su, Y., Hu, T., Chen, L., Gao, S., Wang, R., Jin, S., Guo, Q.*, 2018. A global corrected SRTM DEM product over vegetated areas.Remote Sensing Letters.9(4): 393-402.

Guo, Q.*, Wu, F., Pang, S., Zhao, X., Chen, L., Liu, J., Xue, B., Xu, G., Li, L., Jing, H., and Chu, C. 2018. Crop 3D—a LiDAR based platform for 3D high-throughput crop phenotyping. Science China Life Sciences. 61(3): 328-339.


Su, Y., Bales, R., Ma, Q., Nydick, K., Ray, R., Li, W., Guo, Q.*, 2017. Emerging stress and relative resiliency of Giant Sequoia groves experiencing multi-year dry periods in a warming climate, Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 122(11): 3063-3075.

Kelly, M., Su, Y., Tommaso, S., Collins, B., Fry, D., Sephens, S., Guo, Q.2017. Impact of error in Lidar-derived canopy height and canopy base height on modeled wildfire behavior.Remote Sensing.10(1): 1-18.

Ao, Z., Su Y., Li, W., Guo, Q.*,Zhang, J. 2017. One-Class classification of airborne LiDAR data in urban areas using a resence and background learning algorithm. Remote Sensing. 9(10): 1-15.

Li, Y., Guo, Q.*, Su, Y., Tao, S., Zhao K., Xu, G. 2017. Retrieving the gap fraction, element clumping index, and leaf area index of individual trees using single-scan data from a terrestrial laser scanner. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.130(8): 308-316.

Wang, R., Wan, B., Guo, Q., 2017. Hu, M., Zhou, S., Mapping regional urban extent using NPP-VIIRS DNB and MODIS NDVI data. Remot Sensing. 9(8): 1-25.

Ma, Q., Su, Y., Tao, S., Guo, Q.*,2017.Quantifying individual tree growth and tree competition using bi-temporal ALS data: a case study in the Sierra Nevada mountains, California. InternationalJournal of Digital Earth.DOI: 1(1): 1-19.

Ma, Q., Su, Y., Guo, Q*.2017. Comparison of canopy cover estimations from airbornelidar, aerial imagery, and satellite imagery.IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 10(9): 4225-4326.

Zhu, J., Su, Y., Guo, Q.*, Harmon, T.,2017. Unsupervised object-based differencing for land-cover change detection. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing. 83(3): 225-236.

Xue, B., Guo, Q.*, Hu, T., Xiao, J., Yang, Y., Wang, G., Tao, S., Su, Y., Liu, J. and Zhao, X. 2017. Global patterns of woody residence time and its influence on model simulation of aboveground biomass. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 31(5): 821-835.

Xue, B., Guo, Q.*, Hu, T., Wang, G., Wang, Y., Tao S., Su, Y., Liu, J. and Zhao, X. 2017. Evaluation of modeled global vegetation carbon dynamics: analysis based on global carbon flux and above-ground biomass data.Ecological Modelling.355(7):84-96.

Guo, Q.*, Su, Y., Hu, T., Zhao, X., Wu, F., Li, Y., Liu, J., Chen, L., Xu, G., Lin, G., Zheng, Y., Lin, Y., Mi, X., Fei, L., Wang X. 2017. An integrated UAV-borne lidar system for 3D habitat mapping in three forest ecosystems across China. International Journal of Remote Sensing.38(8-10): 2954-2972.


Su Y., Ma Q., Guo Q.*, Kean J.J., Gerrard R., Gallagher C. V. 2016. Fine-resolution forest tree height estimation across the Sierra Nevada through the integration of spaceborne LiDAR, airborne LiDAR and optical imagery. International Journal of Digital Earth. 10(3): 307-323.

Li, Y., Guo, Q.*, Tao, S., Zheng, G., Zhao, K., Xue, B., Su, Y. 2016. Derivation, validation, and sensitivity analysis of terrestrial laser scanning-based leaf area index. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing.42(6): 719-729.

Guo, Q. *, Wu, F., Hu, T., Chen, L., Liu, J., Zhao, X., Gao, S., Pang, S. 2016. Perspectives and prospects of unmanned aerial vehicle in remote sensing monitoring of biodiversity. Biodiversity Science. 24(11):1267-1278. (in Chinese).

Guo, Q.*, Liu, J., Li, Y., Zhai, Q., Wang, Y., Wu, F., Hu, T., Wan, H., Liu, H., Shen, W. 2016. A near-surface remote sensing platform for biodiversity monitoring: perspectives and prospects. Biodiversity Science. 24(11): 1249-1266. (in Chinese).

Guo, Q.*, Wu, F., Pang, S., Zhao, X., Liu, J., Xue, B., Xu, G., Li, L., Jing, H., Chu, C. 2016. Crop 3D: a platform based on LiDAR for 3D high-throughput crop phenotyping. Sci Sin Vitae. 46(10): 1210–1221. (in Chinese).

Tao, S., Guo, Q.,Li, C., Wang, Z., Fang, J. 2016. Global patterns and determinants of forest canopy height. Ecology.97(12):3265-3270.

Tao, S., Guo, Q.*, Wu, F., Li, L., Wang, S., Tang, Z., Xue, B., Liu, J., Fang, J. 2016. Spatial scale and pattern dependences of aboveground biomass estimation from satellite images: a case study of the Sierra National Forest, California. Landscape Ecology. 31(8): 1711 – 1723.

Xue, B., Guo, Q.*, Gong, Y., Hu, T., Liu, J., Ohta T. 2016. The influence of meteorology and phenology on net ecosystem exchange in an eastern Siberian boreal larch forest. Journal of Plant Ecology. 9(5): 520-530.

Su, Y., Guo, Q.*, Collins, B., Fry, D., Kelly, M. 2016. Forest fuel treatment detection using multi-temporal airborne LiDAR data and high-resolution aerial imagery —- A case study at Sierra Nevada Mountains, California. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 37(4), 3322 – 3345.

Su, Y., Guo, Q.*, Fry, D. L., Collins, B. M., Kelly, M., Flanagan, J., Battles, J. 2016. A vegetation mapping strategy for conifer forests by combining airborne lidar data and aerial imagery. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing. 42(1): 1 – 15.

Zapata-Rios, X., Brooks, P., Troch, P., McIntosh, J., Guo, Q.2016. Influence of terrain aspect on water partitioning, vegetation structure, and vegetation greening in high elevation catchments in northern New Mexico. Ecohydrology. 9(5): 782 – 795.

Hu, T., Su, Y., Xue, B., Liu, J., Zhao, X., Fang, J. ,Guo, Q.* 2016. Mapping global forest aboveground biomass with spaceborne LiDAR, optical imagery, and forest inventory data. Remote Sensing. 8(7): 1-27.

Su, Y., Guo, Q., Xue, B., Hu, T., Alvarez, O., Tao, S., & Fang, J. 2016. Spatial distribution of forest aboveground biomass in China: Estimation through combination of spaceborne lidar, optical imagery, and forest inventory data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 173(2), 187-199.

Zhao, X.,Guo, Q.*, Su, Y., Xue, B. 2016. Improved progressive TIN densification filtering algorithm for airborne LiDAR data in forested areas. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 117(7): 79 – 91.


Xue, B., Guo, Q. *, Otto, A., Xiao, J., Tao, S., Li, L. 2015. Global patterns, trends, and drivers of water use efficiency from 2000 to 2013. Ecosphere. 6(10): 1 - 18.

Xue, B., Li, Z., Yin, X., Zhang, T., Iida, S., Otsuki, K., Ohta, T., Guo, Q. * 2015. Canopy conductance in a two-storey Siberian boreal larch forest, Russia. Hydrological Processes. 29(6): 1017 - 1026.

Tempel, D., Gutierrez, R.J., Battles, J., Fry, D., Su, Y., Guo, Q., Reetz, M., Whitmore, S., Jones, G., Collins, B., Stephens, S., Kelly, M., Berigan, W., Perry, Z. 2015. Evaluating short- and long-term impacts of fuels treatments and simulated wildfire on an old-forest species. Ecosphere. 6(12): 1 - 19.

Wan, B. Guo, Q. *, Fang, F., Su, Y., Wang, R. 2015. Mapping US urban extents from MODIS data using one-class classification method. Remote Sensing. 7(8): 10143 - 10163.

Su, Y., Guo, Q. *, Ma, Q., Li, W. 2015. SRTM DEM correction in vegetated mountain areas through the integration of spaceborne LiDAR, airborne LiDAR, and optical imagery. Remote Sensing. 7(9): 11202 - 11225.

Tao, S., Fang, J., Zhao, X., Zhao, S., Shen, H., Hu, H., Tang, Z., Wang, Z., Guo, Q.2015. Rapid loss of lakes on the Mongolian Plateau. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 112(7): 2281 - 2286.

Tao, S., Guo, Q. *, Xu, S., Su, Y., Li, Y., Wu, F. 2015. A geometric method for wood–leaf separation using terrestrial and simulated Lidar data. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing. 81(10): 767 - 776.

Tao, S., Wu, F., Guo, Q. *, Wang, Y., Li, W., Xue, B., Hu, X., Li, P., Tian, D., Li, C., Yao, H., Li, Y., Xu, G., Fang, J. 2015. Segmenting tree crowns from terrestrial and mobile LiDAR data by exploring ecological theories. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 110: 66 - 76.

Zhao, K., García, M., Liu, S., Guo, Q., Chen, G., Zhang, X., Zhou, Y., Meng, X. 2015. Terrestrial lidar remote sensing of forests: Maximum likelihood estimates of canopy profile, LAI, and leaf angle distribution. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 209: 100 - 113.

Li, L., Guo, Q. *, Tao, S., Kelly, M., Xu, G. 2015. Lidar with multi-temporal MODIS provide a means to upscale predictions of forest biomass. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 102: 198 - 208.


Alvarez, O., Guo, Q. *, Klinger, R. Li, W., Doherty, P. 2014. Comparison of elevation and remote sensing derived products as auxiliary data for climate surface interpolation. International Journal of Climatology. 34: 2258 - 2268.

Doherty, P., Guo, Q. *, Li, W., Doke, J. 2014. Space-time analyses for forecasting future incident occurrence: A case-study from Yosemite National Park using the presence and background learning algorithm. International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 28(5): 910 - 927.

Doherty, P., Guo, Q. *, Doke, J., Ferguson.D. 2014. An analysis of probability of area techniques for missing persons in Yosemite National Park. Applied Geography. 47: 99 - 110.

郭慶華*, 劉瑾, 陶勝利, 薛寶林, 李樂, 徐光彩, 李文楷, 吳芳芳, 李玉美, 陳琳海, 龐樹鑫. 2014. 雷射雷達在森林生態系統監測模擬中的套用現狀與展望. 科學通報, 59(6), 459-478.

Harpold, A. A., Guo, Q., Molotch, N., Brooks, P., Bales, R., Fernandez-Diaz, J.C., Musselman, K. N., Swetnam, T. L., Kirchner, P., Meadows, M., Flanagan,J., Lucas, R. 2014. Lidar-derived snowpack datasets from mixed conifer forests across the western U.S. Water Resources Research. 50(3): 2749 - 2755.

Kirchner, P. B., Bales, R. C., Molotch, N. P., Flanagan, J., Guo, Q. 2014. LiDAR measurement of seasonal snow accumulation along an elevation gradient in the southern Sierra Nevada, California. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 18(18): 4261 - 4275.

Li, W., Guo, Q. * 2014. A new accuracy assessment method for one-class remote sensing classification. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 52(8): 4621 - 4632.

Lu, X., Guo, Q. *, Li, W., Flanagan, J. 2014. A bottom-up approach to segment individual deciduous trees using leaf-off Lidar point cloud data. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 94: 1 - 12.

Su, Y., Guo, Q. *2014. A practical method for SRTM DEM correction over vegetated mountain areas. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 87: 216 - 228.

Tao, S., Guo, Q. *, Li, L., Xue, B., Kelly, M., Li W., Xu, G., Su Y. 2014. Airborne Lidar-derived volume metrics for aboveground biomass estimation: a comparative assessment for conifer stands. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 198: 24 - 32.

Xu, S., Yang, S., Sun, F., Guo, Q. 2014. Method research on cultivated land extraction based on object one-class classification of high-spatial-resolution images. Bulletin of Surveying and Mapping. 10: 78 - 81 (in Chinese).

Zhou, Y. Chen, J., Guo,Q. *, Cao, R., Zhu, X. 2014. Restoration of information obscured by mountainous shadows through Landsat TM/ETM+ images without the use of DEM data: A new method. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 52(1): 313 - 328.


Berlow, E., Knapp, R., Ostoja, S., Williams, R., McKenny, H., Matchett, J., Guo, Q, Fellers, G., Kleeman, P., Brooks, M. 2013. A network extension of species occupancy models in a patchy environment applied to the Yosemite Toad (Anaxyrus canorus). PloS ONE. 8(8): e72200.

Jakubowski, M.K., Li, W., Guo, Q., Kelly, M. 2013. Delineating individual trees from Lidar data: a comparison of vector- and raster-based segmentation approaches. Remote Sensing. 5: 4163 - 4186.

Li, W., Guo, Q. * 2013. How to assess the prediction accuracy of species presence-absence models without absence data? Ecography. 36: 788 - 799.

Jakubowski, M., Guo, Q., Kelly, M. 2013. Tradeoffs between Lidar pulse density and forest measurement accuracy. Remote Sensing of Environment. 130: 245 - 253.

Jakubowski, M., Guo, Q., Collins, B., Stephens, S., Kelly, M. 2013. Predicting surface fuel models and fuel metrics using Lidar and CIR imagery in a dense, mountainous forest. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing. 79: 37 - 49.


Cisneros, R., Schweizer, D., Zhong, S., Hammond, K., Perez, M., Guo, Q., Traina, S., Bytnerowicz, A., Bennett, D. 2012. Analysing the effects of the 2002 McNally fire on air quality in the San Joaquin Valley and southern Sierra Nevada, California. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 21: 1065 - 1075.

Doherty, P., Guo, Q.*, Alvarez, O. 2012. Expert versus machine: A comparison of two suitability models for emergency helicopter landing areas in Yosemite National Park. Professional Geographer. 65(30): 466 - 481.

Fernandez, M., Hamilton, H., Alvarez, O., Guo, Q. 2012. Does adding multi-scale climatic variability improve our capacity to explain niche transferability in invasive species? Ecological Modelling. 246, 60 - 67.

Guo, Q. *, Li, W., Liu, D., Chen, J. 2012. A framework for supervised image classification with incomplete training samples. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing. 78: 595 - 604.

Liu, Y., Guo, Q.*, Tian, Y. 2012. A software framework for classification models of geographical data. Computers & Geosciences. 42: 47 - 56.

Li, W., Guo, Q. *, Kelly, M., Jakubowski, M. 2012. A new method for segmenting individual trees from the Lidar point cloud. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing. 78: 75 - 84.

Rahilly, P., Li, D., Guo, Q., Zhu, J., Ortega, R., Quinn, N., Harmon, T. 2012. Mapping swamp timothy (Crypsis schoenoides) seed productivity using spectral values and vegetation indices in managed wetlands. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 33(16): 4902 - 4918.

Zhao, F., Sweitzer, R., Guo, Q., Kelly, M. 2012. Characterizing habitats associated with fisher den structures in southern Sierra Nevada forests using discrete return Lidar. Forest Ecology and Management. 280: 112 - 119.

Zhao, F., Guo., Q., Kelly, M. 2012. Allometric equation choice impacts lidar-based forest biomass estimates: A case study from the Sierra National Forest, CA. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 165: 64 - 72.

祝錦霞, 郭慶華, 王珂. 2012. 濕地高解析度遙感影像的變化檢測. 中國農業科學, 45(21), 4369-4376.


Doherty, P., Guo., Q.*, Liu, Y., Wieczorek, J., Doke, J. 2011. Georeferencing incidents from locality descriptions and its applications: A case study from Yosemite National Park Search and Rescue. Transactions in GIS. 15(6): 775 - 793.

Li, W., Guo, Q.*, Elkan, C. 2011. Can we model the probability of presence of species without absence data? Ecography. 34: 1096 - 1105.

Guo, Q.*, Li, W., Liu, Y., Tong, D. 2011. Predicting potential distributions of geographic events using one-class data: concepts and methods. International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 25(10): 1697 - 1715.

Li, D., Guo, Q.*, Rahilly, P., Phelps, G., Harmon, T. 2011. Correlation between soil apparent electroconductivity and plant hyperspectral reflectance in a managed wetland. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 32(9): 2563 - 2579.

Zhu, J., Guo, Q.*, Harmon, T. 2011. Reducing mis-registration and shadow effects on change detection in wetlands. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing. 77(4): 325 - 334.

Li, W., Guo, Q.*, Elkan, C. 2011. A positive and unlabeled Learning algorithm for one-class classification of remote sensing data. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 49(2): 717 - 725.

2010 年及以前

Guo, Q.*, Liu, Y. 2010. ModEco: An integrated software package for ecological niche modeling. Ecography. 33: 637 - 642.

Xiao, C., Tian, Y., Shi, W., Guo, Q., Wu, L. 2010. A new method of pseudo absence data generation in landslide susceptibility mapping with a case study of Shenzhen. Science China-Technological Sciences. 54: 75 - 84.

Guo, Q.*, Li, W., Yu, H., Alvarez, O. 2010. Effects of topographic variability and Lidar sampling density on several DEM interpolation methods. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing. 76(6): 701 - 712.

Li, W., Guo, Q.* 2010. A maximum entropy approach to one-class classification of remote sensing imagery. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 31(8), 2227 - 2235.

Bales, R., Guo, Q., Shen, D., McConnell, J., Du, G., Burkhart, J., Spikes, V., Hanna, E., Cappelen, J. 2009. Annual accumulation for Greenland updated using ice-core data developed during 2000–2006 and analysis of daily coastal meteorological data. Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres. 114, D06116, DOI: 10.1029/2008JD011208.

Liu, Y., Guo, Q.*, Wieczorek, J., Goodchild, M. 2009. Positioning localities based on spatial assertions. International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 23(11): 1471 - 1501.

Fernandez, M., Blum, S., Reichle, S., Guo, Q.*, Holzman, B., Hamilton, H. 2009. Locality uncertainty and the differential performance of four common niche-based modeling techniques. Biodiversity Informatics. 6: 36 - 52.

Guo, Q.*, Liu, Y., Wieczorek, J. 2008. Georeferencing locality descriptions and computing associated uncertainty using a probabilistic approach. International Journal of Geographic Information Science. 22(10): 1067 - 1090. (One of the top 10 most cited papers in IJGIS in the past 5 years).

Liu, Y., Guo, Q.*, Kelly, M. 2008. A framework of region-based spatial relations for non-overlapping features and its application in object based image analysis. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 63(4): 461 - 475.

Liu, Y., Goodchild, M., Guo, Q.*, Tian, Y., Wu, L. 2008. Towards a general field model and its order in GIS. International Journal of Geographic Information Science. 22(6): 623 - 643.

Liu, D., Kelly, M., Gong, P., Guo, Q. 2007. Characterizing spatial-temporal tree mortality patterns associated with a new forest disease. Forest Ecology and Management. 253(1-3): 220 - 231.

Kelly, M., Guo, Q., Liu, D., Shaari, D. 2007. Modeling the risk of a new invasive forest disease in the United Sates: An evaluation of five environmental niche models. Computer, Environment and Urban System. 31(7): 689 - 710.

Guo, Q., Kelly, M., Gong, P., Liu, D. 2007. An object-based classification approach in mapping tree mortality using high spatial resolution imagery. GIScience & Remote Sensing. 44(1): 24 - 47.

Liu, D., Gong. P, Kelly, M, Guo, Q. 2006. Automatic registration of airborne images by combining area-based methods with local transformation models. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing. 72(9): 1049 - 1059.

Kim, J., Guo, Q., Baldocchi, D., Xu, L., Leclerc, M. 2006. Upscaling CO fluxes from tower to landscape: Overlaying tower flux footprint calculations on high resolution (IKONOS) vegetation density images. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 136: 132 - 146.

Guo, Q., Kelly, M., Graham, C. 2005. Support vector machines for predicting distribution of Sudden Oak Death in California. Ecological Modeling. 182(1): 75 - 90.

Guo, Q., Kelly, M. 2004. Interpretation of scale in paired quadrat variance methods. Journal of Vegetation Science. 15(2): 763 - 770.

Wieczorek, J., Guo, Q., Hijmans, R. 2004. The Point-Radius method for georeferencing locality and calculating associated uncertainty. International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 18(8): 745 - 767 (One of the top 10 most cited papers in IJGIS in the past decade).

Kelly, M., Sharri, D., Guo, Q., Liu, D. 2004. A comparison of standard and hybrid classifier methods for mapping hardwood mortality in areas affected by "sudden oak death". Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing. 70(11): 1229 - 1239.

Piao, S., Fang, J., Ji, W., Guo, Q., Ke, J., Tao, S. 2004. Variation in a satellite-based vegetation index in relation to climate in China. Journal of Vegetation Science. 15(2): 219 - 226.

Fang, J., Piao, S., Field, C., Pan, Y., Guo, Q., Zhou, L., Peng, C., Tao, S. 2003. Increasing net primary production in China from 1982 to 1999. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 1(6): 293 - 297.

Piao, S., Fang, J., Zhou, L., Guo, Q., Mark, H., Wei, J., Yan, L., Shu, T. 2003. Interannual variation of monthly and seasonal normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) in China from 1982 to 1999. Journal of Geophysical Research. 108(D14), 10.1029/2002JD002848.

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