學科方向: 生物信息學專業,方向為原核生物基因組分析及基因預測
2000年9月至2006年1月在天津大學張春霆院士指導下攻讀生物信息學博士學位。曾獲得第七屆談家楨生命科學獎學金一等獎、第二屆天津大學學生科學獎和2008年全國優秀博士學位論文提名論文獎。至今已在Nucleic Acids Research,BMC Bioinformatics,BMC Genomics,DNA Research等雜誌發表SCI論文11篇,累計影響因子超過40點。這些論文和相關的軟體共被他引90多次,包括權威的Cell,Nature Methods,PLoS Biology,Journal of Virology等期刊。一篇第一作者的論文入選‘Faculty of 1000’論文。作為核心力量開發多個細菌、古細菌及病毒基因識別軟體,其中ZCURVE 1.0軟體擁有70多家註冊用戶(主要為國外)。
16. Guo FB*, Ye YN, Zhao HL, Lin D, Wei W. (2012) Universal pattern and diverse strengths of successive synonymous codon bias in three domains of life, particularly among prokaryotic genomes.] DNA Res.i] [Epub ahead of print]. [Full Text]
15. Guo FB. (2012) Replicating strand asymmetry in bacterial and eukaryotic genomes. ]Curr Genomics.i] 13(1):2-3. [Full Text]
14. Guo FB*, Wei W. (2012) Prediction of genomic islands in three bacterial pathogens of pneumonia.] Int J Mol Sci.i] 48:416-421. [Full Text]
13. Guo FB*, Wei W, Wang XL, Lin H, Ding H, Huang J, Rao N. (2012) Co-evolution of genomic islands and their bacterial hosts revealed through phylogenetic analyses of 17 groups of homologous genomic islands. ]Genet Mol Res.i] 11(4):3735-43. [Full Text]
12. Tong H, Guo FB*, Ye YN. (2011) Automatic prediction of non-coding RNA genes in prokaryotes based on compositional statistics.]Indian J Biochem Bio.i] 48:416-421. [Full Text]
11. Ning L, Guo FB*. (2011) Theoretical analyses of gene expression for five human pathogens.] Afr J Microbiol Res.i] 5:4071-4079.[Full Text]
10. Wei W, Guo FB*. (2011) Prediction of genomic islands in seven human pathogens using the Z-Island method. ]Genet Mol Res.i]10:2307-15. [PUBMED] [Full Text]
9. Du MZ, Guo FB*, Chen YY. (2011) Gene re-annotation in genome of the extremophile Pyrobaculum aerophilum by using bioinformatics methods.] J Biomol Struct Dyn.i] 29:391-401. [PUBMED] [Full Text]
8. Wei W, Guo FB*. (2010) Strong strand composition bias in the genome of ]Ehrlichia canisi] revealed by Multiple Methods.] Open Microbiol J.i] 21:98-102. [PUBMED] [Full Text]
7. Guo FB*, Ning LW, Huang J, Lin H, Zhang HX. (2010) Chromosome translocation and its consequence in the genome of]Burkholderia cenocepacia i]AU-1054. ]Biochem Biophys Res Commun.i] 403: 375-9. [PUBMED] [Full Text]
6. Guo FB*, Lin H, Huang J. (2009) A plot of G+C content against sequence length of 640 bacterial chromosomes shows the points are widely scattered in the upper triangular area. ]Chromosome Res.i] 17:359-64. [PUBMED] [Full Text]
5. Guo FB* , Yuan JB. (2009) Codon usages of genes on chromosome, and surprisingly, genes in plasmid are primarily affected by strand-specific mutational biases in ]Lawsonia intracellularisi]. ]DNA Resi]. 16:91-104. [PUBMED] [Full Text]
4. Guo FB* , Lin Y. (2009) Identify protein-coding genes in the genomes of ]Aeropyrum pernixi] K1 and ]Chlorobium tepidumi] TLS. ]J Biomol Struct Dyn.i] 26:413-20. [PUBMED] [Full Text]
3. Guo FB*, Yu XJ. (2007) Separate base usages of genes located on the leading and lagging strands in ]Chlamydia muridarumi]revealed by the Z curve method. ]BMC Genomics.i] 8:366. [PUBMED] [Full Text]
2. Guo FB*, Yu XJ. (2007) Re-prediction of protein-coding genes in the genome of ]Amsacta moorei entomopoxvirusi]. ]J Virol Methodsi]. 146:389-392. [PUBMED] [Full Text]
1. Guo FB* (2007) The distribution patterns of bases of protein-coding genes, non-coding ORFs, and intergenic sequences in]Pseudomonas aeruginosa i]PA01 genome and its implications. ]J Biomol Struct Dyn.i] 25:127-133. [PUBMED] [Full Text]