1981~1985年甘肅農業大學本科畢業,分配到中國農業科學院畜牧與獸藥研究所工作, 歷任研究實習員,助理研究員1994年10月-2001年3月赴日本九州大學生物資源與環境學部動物與海洋生物資源科學系留學攻讀修士與博士學位。 2001年4月-2003年3月任九州大學農學部動物飼料生產與利用研究室研究員,2003年4月-2004年5月任九州大學先端科學技術共同研究中心研究員。2004年5月回國作為高層次中青年學科帶頭人人才引進加盟南京農業大學動物科技學院。
參加工作以來分別獲農業部科技進步獎二等獎兩項,國家科技進步獎三等獎一項。自1998年以來,發表SCI 收錄論文37篇。
1. Effect of Ensiling Density on Fermentation Quality of Guineagrass (Panicum maximum Jacq.) Silage During the Early Stage of Ensiling. Asian–Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences(SCI),2005. Vol 18, No.9:1273-1278. 1/4
2. Effect of Additives on the Fermentation Quality and Residual Mono- and Di-saccharides Compositions of Forage Oats (Avena sativa, L.) and Italian Ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) Silages. Asian–Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences(SCI), 2005. Vol 18, No.11: 1582-1588. 1/4
3. Comparison of Fermentation Characteristics of Italian Ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) and Guineagrass (Panicum maximum Jacq.)during the Early Stage of Ensiling. Asian–Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences(SCI), 2005. Vol 18, No. 12: 1727-1734. 1/5
4. Effect of Adding Glucose, Sorbic Acid and Pre-Fermented Juice on the Fermentation Quality of Guineagrass (Panicum maximum Jacq.) Silage. Asian–Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences(SCI), 2004. Vol.17, No.6: 808-813. 1/4.
5. Changes in Mono–and Disaccharides Compositions of
Guineagrass (Panicum Maximum Jacq.) Silage During Early Stages of Ensiling. Journal of Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University(SCI), 2003, 47(2):333-339. 1/4
6. Fermentation Quality of Forage Oat (Avena sativa L.) Silages Treated with Pre-Fermented Juices, Sorbic Acid, Glucose and Encapsulated-Glucose. Journal of Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University(SCI), 2003, 47(2):341-349. 1/4
7. Effects of Addition of Glucose and Sorbic Acid on the Fermentation Quality of Guineagrass (Panicum Maximum Jacq.) Silages. Journal of Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University(SCI), 2003, 47(2):351-358. 1/4
8. Dynamics of Early Fermentation of Italian Ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) Silage. Asian–Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences(SCI), 2002, Vol.15. No.11:1606-1610, 1/4.
9. Effect of Slower Nitrogen Releasing Additive on the Quality of Napiergrass (Pennisetum Purpureum Schumach.) Silage. Journal of Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University(SCI),2001, 45(2):415–421, 3/8.
10. Effect of Ensiling Density on Fermentation Quality of Napiergrass (Pennisetum Purpureum Schumach.) Silage. Journal of Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University(SCI),2001, 45(2):423–429, 3/7.
11. The Changes in pH value in silo during the ensiling. The west Japan Journal of Animal Science. 1997, Vol.48. 1/3.
12. Characteristics of gas and organic acid production during the early stage of ensiling. The west Japan Journal of Animal Science.1998, Vol.49. 1/3.
13. Characteristics of gas and organic acid production of tropical grass silages during the early stage of ensiling. Grassland Science Japan. 1998, Vol.44. 1/3.
14. Changes in pH value of tropical grass silages in silo during the ensiling. Japanese Society of Zootechnical Science.1998, Vol.48. 1/3.
15. Effect of parking density on the fermentation quality of guineagrass silage during the early stage of ensiling. The west Japan Journal of Animal Science. 1999, Vol.50. 1/6.
16. Effect of parking density on the fermentation quality of phasey bean silage during the early stage of ensiling. The west Japan Journal of Animal Science. 2000, Vol.51. 1/5.
17. Studies on various factors affecting well fermentation quality of phasey bean silage------I. Changes in water soluble carbohydrates. Grassland Science Japan. 2000, Vol.46. 2/6.
18. Studies on various factors affecting well fermentation quality of phasey bean silage------II. Changes in nitrogenous compounds and protein hydrolysis of plant enzyme activities. Grassland Science Japan. 2000,