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已經完成一項國家自然科學基金; 現主持一項國家自然科學基金、一項教育部博士點基金、及一項新世紀優秀人才支持計畫項目。在量子計算模型及其邏輯基礎、量子信息,模糊與機率計算模型及其套用方面取得了一系列的成果, 解決了一些關鍵問題,並為後繼工作奠定了基礎。

迄今作為獨立或主要作者在國內外學術期刊和國際重要學術會議上發表了五十餘篇學術論文,包括 《Artificial Intelligence》、《Information and Computation》、 《Journal of Computer and System Sciences》、《Theoretical Computer Science》、 《IEEE Transactions on Systems,Man and Cybernetics-Part B》、 《IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control》、 《IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems》、 《Physical Review A》、《Journal of Physics A》、《中國科學》、《Computability in Europe 2008》 《歐洲控制會議2007》等,其中SCI收錄期刊30餘篇次,EI收錄期刊20餘篇次,迄今被他人在SCI收錄的期刊上引用76次。部分已發表論文的目錄如下(*為通信作者):


u 邱道文,Simulations of Quantum Turing Machines by Quantum Multi-Counter Machines,in: A. Beckmann, C. Dimitracopoulos, and B. Lowe (Eds.), Logic and Theory of Algorithms, Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on Computability in Europe (CiE'2008), Athens, Greece, June 15- 20, 2008, pp. 397-406. Also, see quant-ph/0501176, 2005.

u Lvzhou Li, 邱道文*,A note on quantum sequential machines,Theoretical Computer Science, accepted.

u 邱道文, A sufficient and necessary condition for

superdense coding of quantum states, International Journal of Quantum Information, accepted.

u J.Y. Wen, D.W. Qiu, Entanglement in adiabatic quantum searching algorithms, International Journal of Quantum Information, accepted.

u L.Z. Li, 邱道文*, Optimal discrimination between quantum operations, Journal of Physics A: Math. Theor. 41 (2008) 335302.

u Lvzhou Li, 邱道文*,Determining the equivalence for 1-way quantum finite automata, Theoretical Computer Science, 403 (2008) 42-51.

u 邱道文, A note on Trillas’ CHC models, Artificial Intelligence, 2007, 171 (4): 239-254. (SCI, EI收錄)

u 邱道文,Automata theory based on quantum logic: reversibilities and pushdown automata, Theoretical Computer Science, 2007,386: 38-56. (SCI, EI收錄)

u Lvzhou Li,邱道文*,Determination of equivalence between quantum sequential machines, Theoretical Computer Science ,2006,358: 65-74. (SCI, EI收錄)

u 邱道文,Minimum-error discrimination between mixed quantum states, Physical Review A, 2008, 77 (1) : 012328, 12 pages. (SCI, EI收錄)

u 邱道文,Automata theory based on quantum logic: some characterizations,Information and Computation,2004, 190:179-195. (SCI, EI收錄)

u 邱道文,Mingsheng Ying,Characterizations of Quantum Automata, Theoretical Computer Science, 2004, 312 (2-3): 479-489.(SCI,EI收錄)

u 邱道文,Notes on automata theory based on quantum logic, Science in China (Series F: Information Sciences),2007,50 (2):154-169 (SCI收錄)。中文版: 邱道文,基於量子邏輯的自動機理論中的一些註記, 《中國科學》(F輯),2007,37(6):723-737.

u Lvzhou Li, 邱道文*, Local entanglement is not necessary for perfect discrimination between unitary operations acting on two qudits by local operations and classical communication,Physical Review A,2008,77(3):032337 (7 pages) .

u Lvzhou Li, 邱道文*, The states of W-class as shared resources for perfect teleportation and superdense coding, Journal of Physics A: Math. Theor. 40 (2007) 10871-10885. (SCI收錄)

u Lvjun Li, 邱道文*, Probabilistic cloning with supplementary information contained in the quantum states of two auxiliary systems, Physics Letters A ,2007,362:143-153.(SCI收錄)

u 邱道文, Novel cloning machine with supplementary information for copying quantum superposition of multiple clones, Journal of Physics A: Math.Gen., 2006,39:5135-5150. (SCI收錄)

u 邱道文,Some general probabilistic quantum cloning and deleting machines,Physics Letters A,2003, 308 (5-6): 335-342. (SCI收錄)

u 邱道文,Optimum unambiguous discrimination between subsets of quantum states, Physics Letters A,2003, 309 (3-4): 189-197. (SCI收錄)

u 邱道文,基於量子邏輯的自動機和文法理論, 軟體學報,2003, 14 (1): 23-27.

u 邱道文,量子自動機的刻畫,軟體學報,2003, 14 (1): 9-15. (EI收錄)

u 邱道文,Combinations of probabilistic and approximate quantum cloning and deleting,Physical Review A,2002,65(5): 052329. (SCI,EI收錄)

u 邱道文,Some analogies between quantum cloning and quantum deleting,Physical Review A,2002,65(5): 052303. (SCI,EI收錄)

u 邱道文,Upper bound on the success probability of separation among quantum states,Journal of Physics A: Math. Gen., 2002,35: 6931-6937. (SCI收錄)

u 邱道文,Non-optimal universal quantum deleting machine,Physics Letters A,2002, 301 (3-4): 112-116. (SCI收錄)

u 邱道文,Upper bound on the success probability for unambiguous discrimination,Physics Letters A,2002, 303:140-146. (SCI收錄)

u 邱道文,Characterization of quantum sequential machines,International Journal of Theoretical Physics,2002,41(5): 811-822. (SCI收錄)

u D.W. Qiu, Research report: State complexity of operations on two-way quantum finite automata, arXiv: 0807.0476, 2008.

u D.W. Qiu, Some observations on two-way finite automata with quantum and classical states, in: 2008 International Conference on Intelligent Computing (ICIC' 08), Shanghai, China, September 15-18, 2008. To appear inz: Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Also, see quant-ph/0701187, 2007.


u 邱道文*, H. Wang, A Probabilistic Model of Computing with Words, Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 2005,70(2): 176-200. (SCI, EI收錄)

u Fuchun Liu, 邱道文*, et al., Decentralized Diagnosis of Stochastic Discrete Event Systems, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. 2008, vol.53, no. 2. 535-546. (SCI、EI收錄)

u Fuchun Liu, 邱道文*, Safe Diagnosability of Stochastic Discrete Event Systems, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. 2008, vol. 53, issue 5, pp. 1291-1296. (SCI、EI收錄期刊)

3. “模糊邏輯與模糊計算模型”的研究論文

u 邱道文, Supervisory Control of Fuzzy Discrete Event Systems: A Formal Approach, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics-Part B, 2005,35(1): 72-88. (SCI,EI收錄)

u Huaiqing Wang, 邱道文*, Computing with Words via Turing Machines: A Formal Approach, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 2003, 11 (6): 742-753. (SCI,EI收錄)

u 邱道文*, Fuchun Liu, Fuzzy Discrete Event Systems under Fuzzy Observability and a Test-Algorithm, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems. Accepted for publication as a Regular paper (11 pages). (SCI、EI收錄期刊)

u Fuchun Liu, 邱道文*, Decentralized Supervisory Control of Fuzzy Discrete Event Systems, European Journal of Control, 2008, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 234-243. (SCI,EI收錄)

u Hongyan Xing, 邱道文*, F. Liu, Z. Fan, Equivalence in automata theory based on complete residuated lattice-valued logic, Fuzzy Sets and Systems,2007, 158: 1407-1422. (SCI, EI收錄)

u H.Xing, 邱道文*, Pumping lemma in context-freegrammar theory based on complete residuated lattice-valued logic, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, to appear.

u 邱道文, Pumping lemma in automata theory based on complete residuated lattice-valued logic: A note,Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 2006, 157:2128-2138. (SCI, EI收錄)

u H.Xing, 邱道文*, F. Liu, Automata theory based on complete residuated lattice-valued logic: Pushdown automata, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, accepted.

u 邱道文, Characterizations of Fuzzy Finite Automata, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 2004,141 (3): 391-414.(SCI,EI收錄)

u 邱道文, Fuzzifying Topological Linear Spaces, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 2004, 147: 249-272. (SCI,EI收錄)

u 邱道文,基於完備剩餘格值邏輯的自動機理論(I):拓撲刻畫,中國科學(E輯),2003, 33 (2):137-146.

英文版:邱道文,Automata theory based on complete residuated lattice-valued logic, Science in China (Series F: Information Sciences), 2001,44 (6): 419-429.

u 邱道文,基於完備剩餘格值邏輯的自動機理論(II):可逆性及同態, 中國科學(E輯),2003,33(4): 140-149;

英文版:邱道文, Automata theory based on complete residuated lattice-valued logic (II),Science in China (Series F:Information Sciences),2002, 45( 6): 442-452. (SCI收錄)

u Fuchun Liu, 邱道文*, Decentralized Supervisory Control of Fuzzy Discrete Event Systems, European Control Conference, Kos, Greece, July 2-5, 2007, pp. 4984-4991.

u Fuchun Liu, 邱道文*, Lyapunov Stability of Fuzzy Discrete Event Systems, International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Qingdao, Shandong Province, China, August 21-24, 2007. Also, in: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 4682, pp. 693-701, 2007. (EI收錄)


u D.W. Qiu, Z.J. Fan, The Wallman Extensions in Fuzzifying Topology, Journal of Fuzzy Mathematics 9 (2001) 81-88.

u D.W. Qiu, Fuzzy Compactness of Cover-style, Journal of Zhongshan University 37 (3) (1998) 46-49.

u D.W. Qiu, Fuzzy Paracompactness of Cover-style, Journal of Zhongshan University 37 (5) (1998) 107-109.

u D.W. Qiu, Fuzzifying Compactification, Journal of Fuzzy Mathematics 5 (1997) 251-262.

u D.W. Qiu, Non-connectedness in Fuzzifying Topology, Journal of Engineering Mathematics 12 (1995) 42-48. (in Chinese)

u D.W. Qiu, Local Compactness in Fuzzifying Topology, Fuzzy Systems and Mathematics 8 (1994) 183-188. (in Chinese)

u D.W. Qiu, J.Z. Shen, A Generalization of KyFan Theorem in Fuzzifying Topology, Fuzzy Systems and Mathematics 7 (1993) 82-86. (in Chinese)

即,KyFan定理在不分明化拓撲中的推廣,模糊系統與數學, 1993, 7: 82-86.

4. “調和分析”的部分研究論文

u D.W. Qiu, Some of integral operators on spaces of

homogeneous type, Chinese Annals of Mathematics(數學年刊) 22A (2001) 797-804. (in Chinese)

u D.W. Qiu, D.G. Deng, The T(1) Theorems and Commutators on Spaces of Homogeneous Type, Acta Mathematica Sinica (數學學報) 45 (2002) 65-74. (in Chinese)

u D.W. Qiu, Compactness of Commutators on Spaces of

Homogeneous Type, Advance in Mathematics (數學進展)33 (2003) 345-355.

u D.W. Qiu, Characterizations of some of function spaces, Journal of Mathematical Research \& Exposition (數學研究與評論)21 (2001) 433-437. (in Chinese)

u D.W. Qiu, Molecular characterizations of some Hardy spaces, Journal of Zhongshan University 39 (1) (2000) 5-8. (in Chinese)

u D.W. Qiu, Some of Commutators on Spaces of Homogeneous Type, Northeast. Math. J. 16 (2000) 215-224.

5. 邀請報告

(1) Bounds on minimum-error discrimination between mixed quantum states, International School and Conference on Quantum Information (ISCQI - 2008) , Bhubaneswar, India, Mar. 4-12, 2008.

6. 綜述文章

u 邱道文*,李綠周, An overview of quantum computation models: quantum automata,Frontiers of Computer Science in China, 2 (2) (2008) 193-207.








