

邱曉燕,女,漢族,重慶榮昌人。中共黨員,副教授,碩士生導師。大學本科畢業於西南大學物理教育專業,碩士研究生畢業於西南大學凝聚態物理專業,博士研究生畢業於南京大學凝聚態物理專業。2006年8月-2007年1月,在香港理工大學套用物理系“智慧型材料研究中心”任Research Assistant, 從事高介電柵介質材料研究。


邱曉燕,重慶人,博士,西南大學物理科學與技術學院副教授,碩士導師。 先後於1998,2001年在西南大學物理學院獲本科和碩士學位;2006年於南京大學固體微結構實驗室獲博士學位後返回西南大學物理學院任教,主要承擔《力學》,《理論力學》等課程的教學任務;在納米介電功能薄膜與器件方面發表SCI科研論文30餘篇,先後主持國家和省部級科研項目7項,Adv. Funct. Mater. , Applied physics letter,J. Applied physics, Chin. Phys. Lett.學術期刊審稿人. 國家自然科學基金委,重慶市科委基金通訊評審專家,廣西自然科學基金委特邀評審專家。



(01)高介電柵介質材料鉿鋁酸鹽薄膜的製備和界面性質研究:重慶市自然科學基金(CSTC2007BB4352),主持, 2007.07-2009.07.

(02) 高介電常數柵介質材料鉿鋁酸鹽薄膜的製備和界面性質研究:西南大學博士基金項目 (SWUB2007007), 主持,2007.04-2009.04.

(03) 師範類專業重點課程《力學》數位化建設: 西南大學教育教學改革研究項目, 主持,2009.09-2010.04.

(04) 物理專業免費師範生創新性課堂教學改革研究:西南大教育教學改革研究項目, 主持, 2010.01-2012.12.

(05) HfAlOx介電薄膜d0鐵磁性與介電性的集成可行性探究: 國家青年基金項目(國家自然科學基金委10904124),主持,2010.01-2012.12.


(07)網路環境下物理免費師範生特色課堂教學研究: 重慶市教育委員會,主持,2011.1-2012.12



[1] X. Y. Qiu (邱曉燕), G.D. Zhou , J. Lia, Y. Chen, X.H. Wang, J.Y. Dai,Memory characteristics and tunneling mechanism of Ag nanocrystal embedded HfAlOx films on Si83Ge17/Si substrate,Thin Solid Films,2014(562): 674–679

[2] X. Y. Qiu (邱曉燕), J. Li , P. Chen , Y. Zhang , Y. T. Tu , X. H. Wang W. Lu, Post-annealing treatments and interface effects on anomalous magnetic characteristics of HfOx film, Integrated Ferroelectrics: An International Journal, 2013(141): 145-153

[3] Z. J. Liu, S. Y. Zhang, J. Q. Huo, J. Li, X. Y. Qiu (邱曉燕,通訊作者),Effect of HfOx buffer layer on the resistive switching characteristics of g-Fe2O3 nano-particle films (in Chinese). Sci Sin-Phys Mech Astron, 2014, 44: 417–424.

[4] G. D. Zhou, S. Y. Zhang, Y. T. Tu, J. Li, P. Chen, J. Y. Dai, and X. Y. Qiu (邱曉燕,通訊作者),Anisotropy of Weak Ferromagnetism of HfAlOx Film Deposited by Magnetron Sputtering,Integrated Ferroelectrics, 2012(134): 13-15

[5] Y. T. Tu, G. D. Zhou, J. Y. Dai, J. Li, P. Chen, and X. Y. Qiu (邱曉燕,通訊作者).Weak Ferromagnetism of HfO2 Film on Compressively Strained Si83Ge17/Si Substrate, Integrated Ferroelectrics, 2012(134): 10-12

[6] S .Y. Zhang, G. D. Zhou, Z. J. Liu, X. Y. Qiu (邱曉燕,通訊作者). Microstructures, interfacial reactions and dielectric properties of HfAlOx film on compressively strained Si83Ge17/Si substrate (in Chinese). Sci Sin-Phys Mech Astron, 2012(42): 1338–1345

[7] G. D. Zhou, X. F. Chen, Y. T. Tu, S. Y. Zhang, Z. J. Liu, J. Li, P. Chen, X. Y. Qiu (邱曉燕,通訊作者).Weak ferromagnetism of HfOx films deposited by sputtering in different depositing/annealing ambient (in Chinese). Sci Sin-Phys Mech Astron, 2012(42): 926-933

[8] Y. T. Tu, G. D. Zhou, S. Y. Zhang, J. Li, X. Y. Qiu (邱曉燕,通訊作者). Dielectric properties of HfO2 films deposited on compressively strained Si83Ge17/Si substrate by sputtering (in Chinese). Sci Sin Phys Mech Astron, 2012(42): 377-384

[9] X. F. Chen , Y. T. Tu, G. D. Zhou, X. Y. Qiu (邱曉燕,通訊作者). Dielectric properties and interfacial microstructures of HfO2 films deposited in different ambient by sputtering (in Chinese). Sci Sin Phys Mech Astron, 2011(41): 243-248

[10] X. Y. Qiu(邱曉燕), K. C. Chan, P. F. Lee, X. W. Dong and J. Y. Da,Interfacial microstructure and electrical properties of HfAlOx thin films on compressively strained Si83Ge17 grown by RF magnetron sputtering, Microelectronic Engineering,2009 (86): 2247-2250

[11] X. Y. Qiu (邱曉燕), H. W. Liu, F. Fang, M. J. Ha, Z. G. Liu and J.-M. Liu, Interfacial properties of high-k dielectric CaZrOx films deposited by pulsed laser deposition, Applied Physics Letters, 2006 (88): 182907

[12] X. Y. Qiu (邱曉燕), H. W. Liu and J.-M. Liu, Thermal stability and interfacial properties of ZrAlxSiyOz films prepared by pulse-laser deposition, Journal of Applied Physics,2006 (100): 074109

[13] X. Y. Qiu (邱曉燕), H. W. Liu, F. Fang, M. J. Ha, X. H. Zhou, and J. –M. Liu , Thermal stability and dielectric properties of ultrathin CaZrOx films prepared by pulsed laser deposition, Appl. Phys. A Mater. Sci. Proc.2005 (81): 1431-1434

[14] X. Y. Qiu (邱曉燕), H. W. Liu, F. Fang, M. J. Ha, and J.-M. Liu , Interfacial microstructure of high-k dielectric CaZrOx films deposited by pulse laser deposition in low oxygen pressure, Integrated Ferroelectrics, 2005(74): 103-111

[15] X. Y. Qiu (邱曉燕), F. Gao, H. W. Liu, J. S. Zhu, and J.-M. Liu, Phase Separation Enhanced Interfacial Reactions in Complex High-k Dielectric Films,Integrated Ferroelectrics,2006 (86):13-19


1. 2011年,首屆重慶市大學生物理創新競賽指導教師三等獎;

2. 2010年,西南大學物理學院第五屆教師課堂教學技能比賽一等獎;

3. 2010年,西南大學“青年成才基金”提名獎;

4. 2010年,重慶市自然科學三等獎(排名第四)


