1988年赴英國劍橋大學攻讀博士,師從當代拓撲學泰斗,英國著名數學家Peter Johnstone ,
1994年至今在新加坡南洋理工大學 國立教育學院從事教學、研究。
包括拓撲,序理論,廣義積分及Bair函式類,研究成果卓著,在《Proc. of American Mathematical Society》、《Fundamenta Mathematicae》、《Applied Categorical Structures》、《Canadian Mathematical Bulletin》、《Houstone Journal of Mathematics》、《Rocky Mountain Journal Of Mathematics》、《Quaestiones Mathematicae》,《Comment. Math. Univ. Carolinae》、《Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications》等數學名刊上均有論文發表,由於所發表論文被國外專家學者引用較多,其中一篇論文獲2000年ISI世界經典引文獎(Citation Classic Award),是中國首批獲此殊榮的17位數學家之一,在國際數學領域享有很高的讚譽。
2016年,趙東升發表在劍橋大學學報上的《Directed complete poset models of T1spaces》引起全世界研究電腦程式設計語義域理論同行的廣泛關注,這篇文章奠定了趙東升在國際域理論和經典拓撲學界的重要地位,也進一步說明了趙東升在域理論的極大點譜空間方面的研究處於國際領先地位。
2017年開始,趙東升開始主持課題《Modern links between topology and order structures via domains》,項目將揭示拓撲結構和域理論之間的更清晰和更深的連線,並可能在這些領域的進一步研究中套用。本課題所做的研究工作和成果將對域理論和拓撲結構的研究產生重大影響。
1.Maximal classes of spaces and domains determined by topologies on function spaces of domains, X. Xi, H. Liu, W. K. Ho and D. Zhao, Topology and Its Applications。
2.Spaces that have a bounded completedcpomodel,D. Zhao and X. Xi,Rocky Mountain J. Math. (toappear).
3.2-Absorbing delta-primary ideals in commutative rings,F.Brahim and D. Zhao, KyungpookMathematical Journal(to appear).
4.A new cardinal function on topological spaces,D. K. Sariand D. Zhao,Applied General Topology, 18(2017), 1: 75 – 90. PDF
5.Directed completeposetmodels ofTspaces,D. Zhao and X. Xi,Math. Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc.
6.Rank commutators of families of matrices,F. Dong,W. Ho and D. Zhao,Southeast Asian Bulletin ofMaths(to appear).
7.Open set lattices of subspaces of spectrum spaces,Y. T. Nai and D. Zhao,DemonstratioMathematica, 48, 4: 637 – 652, 2015.
8.On ideals ofringsoffractions and polynomials, Y. T. Nai and D. Zhao,KodaiMath.J.38, 2: 333-342, 2015.
9.Well-filtered spaces and theirdcpomodels,X. XiandD. Zhao,Math Structures in Computer Science,
10.Closure spaces and completions ofposets,SemigroupForum,90,2:545-555, 2015.
11.On topologies defined by irreducible sets,D.ZhaoandW. K. Ho,J.Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming, 84,
1: 185 – 195, 2015.
12.Reflexive index of a family of sets,KyungpookMath.J.54, 263-269, 2014.
13.Principal mappings betweenposets,Y. T. Nai and D. Zhao,Inter.J. Math. Math. Sciences,ArticleID 754019, 2014.
14.On the largestoutscribedequilateral triangle,F. Dong, D. Zhao and W. K. Ho,The Mathematical Gazette, 97,2014.
15.Some New Intrinsic Topologies on CompleteLattices and the CartesianClosednessof the Category ofStrongly Continuous Lattices,
X. Wu, Q.Li & D. Zhao, Abstract and applied analysis,Vol. 2013,Article ID 942628, 1-8.
16.A stonetypedualityfororthoposets,KochiJ.Math., Vol.8,pp. 19-34,2013.
17.Partialdcpo’sand some applications,Archiv.Math., Vol.48(4),pp.243-260, 2012.
18.Maximal outboxes of quadrilaterals,International Journal of Math. Education in Science and Technology,Vol. 42(4),pp. 534-540, 2011.
19.Apartialorderon the set of continuousendomappings,Houston J.ofMathematics, Vol. 37(1),pp. 311 – 326, 2011.
20.On reflexive closed set lattices,Z. Yangand D. Zhao,CommentationesMathematicaeUniversitatisCarolinae, Vol. 51(1), pp. 143 – 154, 2010.
21.Dcpo-completion ofposets,D. ZhaoandT. Fan,Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 411,pp. 2167 – 2173,2010.
22.Lattices of Scott-closed sets,W. K. Ho and D. Zhao,CommentationesMathematicaeUniversitatisCarolinae,Vol. 50(2),pp. 297 – 314, 2009.
23.Gauges ofBaireClass One functions,Z.Atok, W.K. Tang and D. Zhao,Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 343, pp. 866-870, 2008.
24.Functions whose composition withBaireclass one functions arebaireclass one,Soochow Journal of Mathematics,Vol. 33(4), pp. 543 – 551,2007.PDF
25.Reflexive families of closed sets,Z. Yang and D. Zhao,FundamentaMathematicae, Vol. 192, pp. 111 – 120, 2006.
26.Lim-infconvergence in partially ordered sets,B. Zhao and D. Zhao,Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 309, pp. 701 – 708, 2005.
27.The Riemann integral using ordered open coverings,D. Zhao and P. Y.Lee,TheRocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 35(6), pp. 2129 – 2147, 2005.
28.A new compactness type topological property,QuaestionesMathematicae, Vol. 28, pp. 1 – 11, 2005.
29.Adjunctions defined by mappings,J.Indonesian Mathematical Society(MIHMI), Vol. 11(2), pp. 163 – 173, 2005.
30.On reflexivesubobjectlattices and reflexiveenodomorphismalgebras,CommentationesMathematicaeUniversitatisCarolinae,Vol. 44(1), pp. 23 – 32, 2003.
31.On the limits of a class of sequences,D. Zhao, T. Y. Lee, C. S. Leeand S. F. Yap,International Journal of Math. Education in Science and Technology, Vol. 33(1), pp. 123-127, 2002.
32.d-primary Ideals of Commutative Rings,KyungpookMathematical Journal,Vol. 41, pp. 17 – 22, 2001.
33.Z-Join SpectraofZ-SupercompactlyGenerated Lattices,M. Erne and D.Zhao,Applied Categorical Structures, Vol. 9(1),41– 63, 2001.
34.An equivalent definition of functions of the firstBaireclass, P. Y. Lee, W. K. Tang and D. Zhao,Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society,Vol. 129(8), pp. 2273 – 2275,2000.
35.MonadicityofInj_0 overTop,D. Zhao andB. Zhao,J. Math. Res. Exposition, vol. 20(4), pp. 475 – 482, 2000.
36.Moore-Smith limits and theHenstockintegral,G. I.June, P. Y.Lee and D. Zhao,Real Analysis Exchange, Vol. 24(1), pp. 447 – 455, 1998/99.MR1691764 (2000d:26010)
37.The categories of m-semilattices,D. Zhao and B. Zhao,Northeastern Mathematics Journal, Vol. 14(4), pp. 419 – 430, 1998.
38.On projective z-frames,Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, Vol. 40(1), pp. 39 – 46, 1997.
39.Semicontinuouslattices,AlgebraUniversalis, Vol. 37, pp. 458 – 476, 1997.
40.Bases of completely distributive lattices,J. Fuzzy Math., Vol. 5(1), pp. 103 – 109, 1997.MR1441019(98f:06008)
41.Nuclei on z-frames,Soochow Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 29(1), pp. 59 – 74,1996.
42.Upper and LowerHenstockIntegrals, P. Y. Lee and D. Zhao,Real Analysis Exchange, Vol. 22, pp. 734-739, 1996/1997.MR1460984(98h: 26010).
43.On the theory of φ-continuousposets,J. Engineering Math. Vol. 9(1), pp. 1-6., 1992.
44.Some characteristics of continuous lattices and completely distributive lattices,Chinese Quarterly Journal of Math,Vol. 1(2), pp. 162-165, 1990.
45.Bi-Scott topologies on lattices,Chinese Ann. Math., Ser. A, Vol.10(2),pp.187 – 193, 1989.MR1010287(91a:06016).
46.The structuresoforderinvolution,J.Shaanxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition),Vol. 17(2),pp. 1 -4, 1989.
47.Pseudo-uniformly continuous orderhomomorphismson Fuzz,Advancesin Mathematics(Beijing),Vol.16(3),pp.305--308.1987.
MR54A40 (03E72).
48.The N-compactness in L-fuzzytopologicalspaces,Journal of mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 128(11), pp. 64 – 79, 1987.
49.A new type of fuzzy connectedness(Chinese), D. Zhao and G. Wang,Fuzzy Math. Vol. 4(4), pp. 15 -22, 1984.MR0844178(87g:54024).
50.The Fuzzy Decision of purchase in library.Y. Zhang, D.Zhao, Z. Yang,Fuzzy Math., Vol. 4,pp. 89-102, 1983.
51.The continuityofthelimit function ofnets of continuous functions,J.Shaanxi Normal University, Vol. 21 (1981), pp. 65 – 68.
52.Some strategies of posing mathematics problems,D. Zhao and C. S. Lee,
Discovering Mathematics, Vol. 28(1), pp. 9 -14, 2006.
53.On some maximum area problem II, D. Zhao, S. F. Yap andC. S. Lee, Mathematical Medley,
Vol. 30(1), pp. 23 – 29, 2003.
54.On some maximum area problem I, D. Zhao, S. F. Yap andC. S. Lee, Mathematical Medley,
Vol. 29(2), pp. 78 – 85, 2002.
55.Asking converse questions and looking for extensions to Gauss’s method for summing
arithmeticprogressions,E. G. Tay and D. Zhao,Math. Educators, Vol. 6(2), pp. 65 – 76, 2002.
56.Different approaches to the solution of a simple problem,T. Y. Lee, D. Zhao, S. F. Yap
andC. S. Lee, Discovering Mathematics, Vol. 23(1), pp. 1 – 9, 2001.
57.A note on an invariant sum problem in Geometry, D. Zhao, T. Y. Lee,S. F. Yap
andC. S. Lee, Mathematical Medley, Vol. 28(1), pp.9 – 12, 2001.
58.DcpomodelsofTspaces,D. Zhao and X. Xi, Proceedings of TACL 2013, pp. 220-223.
59.A generalization of Dilworth’s principal elements, D. Zhao and Y. T.Nai, In: Quantitative Logic and Soft Computing, pp. 573-580, World Scientific, 2012.
60.Some principles andguidelines for designing mathematics disciplinary tasks for Singapore schools,D. Zhao, W. K. Cheng, K. M. Teoand P. Y. Lee, Proceeding ofAAMT&MERGA,Australia,pp. 1107 -1115, 2011.
61.D-completions of net-convergence structures. W. K. Ho, D. Zhao and W. S. Wee,In: Quantitative Logic and Soft Computing, vol. 2, pp. 93 – 110,Springer, 2010.
62.Developing disciplinary tasks to improve mathematics assessment and pedagogy: An exploratory study in Singapore schools.L. Fan,D. Zhao, W. K. Cheangand K. M. Kok,Procedia- Social and Behavioral Sciences,vol. 2(2),pp. 2000 – 2005,Elsevier,2010.
63.Posetmodels of topological spaces,In: Proceeding of International Conference on Quantitative Logic and Quantification of Software,pp. 229-238,Global – Link Publisher,2009.
64.Filter convergence structure in posets.Asian Mathematics Conference (AMC), W. S. Wee, W. K. Ho and D. Zhao, 2009.
65.Scott closed set lattices and applications, Proceeding of the 5Seams – GMU International Conference on Mathematics and Its Applications,pp. 1 -16,Yogyakarta – Indonesia,2007.
66.Problem posingin teaching University Mathematics,D. ZhaoandP. Y. Lee,Proceedingofthe MERA – ERA JointConference,pp. 940 – 944,1999.
1.Scaffolding and Constructing New problems for Teaching Mathematical Proofs in the A-levels,
World Scientific, June 2014.
2 .LINEAR ALGEBRA – An Easy Introduction,
Teo Kok Ming & ZhaoDongsheng,August2013, McGrawHill.
3 .Plane Geometry ---Theorems, examples,exercises ,
ZhaoDongsheng& Yap Sook Fwe ,January 2011.