[2] 利用熱帶太平洋海溫強迫的大氣模態提高中國的氣候預報,(Y200907077)浙江省教育廳科研計畫項目(2009-2011)
Jia XiaoJing and Hai Lin,2011, Influence of forced large-scale atmospheric patterns on surface air temperature in China. Monthly Weather Review, 139(3),830-852.(SCI)
Jia XiaoJing and Zhu PeiJun ,2010, Improving seasonal forecast skill of summer precipitation in China using a dynamical-statistical approach. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 3(2):100-105
Jia XiaoJing, Hai Lin and Jacques Derome,2010, Improving seasonal forecast skill of North American surface air temperature in fall using a post-processing method, Monthly Weather Review.,138:1843-1857. (SCI)
Jia XiaoJing, Hai Lin and Jacques Derome, 2009, The influence of tropical Pacific forcing on the Arctic Oscillation, Climate Dynamics, 32,495-509. (SCI)
Jia XiaoJing, Jacques Derome and Hai Lin, 2007, Comparison of the life cycle of the NAO using different definitions, Journal of Climate, 20: 5992-6011.(SCI)
Feng GuoLin, Dong WenJie and Jia XiaoJing, 2004, Application of retrospective time integration scheme to the prediction oftorrentialrain. Chinese Physics, 13 (3): 413-422. (SCI)
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