賈斌,男,1974年出生,副教授,博士,博士生導師,教育部新世紀優秀人才,1997年畢業於內蒙古科技大學獲學士學位,2000年畢業於內蒙古科技大學,獲碩士學位, 2003年畢業於中國科學技術大學,獲流體力學專業博士學位,2004年起在北京交通大學任教,現為北京交通大學交通運輸學院副教授。主要研究領域是交通流理論和複雜系統建模與分析。

1. 中國交通運行環境下的混合交通流建模及演化機理研究,2006-2008,國家自然科學青年基金項目主持
2. 教育部新世紀人才支持計畫項目,2008-1010,主持
3. 大城市交通擁堵瓶頸的基礎科學問題研究,2006-2011,國家973計畫項目,參加
4. 城市交通網路最佳化與管理的若干基礎問題研究,2006-2010,國家自然科學基金重點項目,參加
5. 城市交通瓶頸處車流複雜特性研究與控制,2005-2007,國家自然科學基金面上項目,參加
6. 交通瓶頸誘導的車流複雜動態特性研究,2003-2005,國家自然科學基金面上項目,參加
高自友,賈斌,李克平,“一種入口匝道與主幹道匯合處的信號控制方法”,專利授權號:ZL 2004100092902,授權日期:2006.02.01。(技術發明專利)

1. Chen T,Jia B(賈斌),Li XG, Jiang R, Gao ZY, Synchronized flow in a cellular automaton model with time headway dependent randomization, Chinese Physics Letters, 25(8): 2795-2798, 2008.(SCI)
2. Jiang R, Hu MB, Jia B(賈斌), Wang RL, Wu QS, Enhancing highway capacity by homogenizing traffic flow. Transportmetrica 4 (1): 51-61, 2008 (SCI).
3. Jiang R, Wu QS, Jia B(賈斌), Intermittent unstable structures induced by incessant constant disturbances in the full velocity difference car-following model. Physica D, 37: 467-474, 2008. (SCI)
4. 李新剛、高自友、趙小梅、賈斌,混合非機動車流的多值元胞自動機模型模擬研究,物理學報,57(8):4777-4785,2008。(SCI)
5. 騰亞帆、高自友、賈斌、李峰,信號燈控制下的主道雙車道入匝道系統交通流特性研究, 物理學報,57(3):1365-1374,2008。(SCI)
6. Jia B(賈斌), Li XG., Jiang R and Gao ZY, Multi-value cellular automata model for mixed bicycle flow, European Physics Journal B, 56:247-252, 2007. (SCI)
7. Jiang R, Hu MB, Jia B(賈斌), Wang RL, Wu QS, Phase transition in a mixture of adaptive cruise control vehicles and manual vehicles,European Physics Journal B, 58: 197–206, 2007. (SCI)
8. Li F, Gao ZY,Jia B(賈斌), Traffic behavior in the on-ramp system with signal controlling, Physica A,385:333-342, 2007. (SCI) .
9. Jiang R, Hu MB, Jia B(賈斌), Wang RL and Wu QS, Spatiotemporal congested traffic patterns in macroscopic version of the Kerner-Klenov speed adaptation model, Physics Letters A, 365(1-2), 6-9, 2007. (SCI)
10. Jiang R, Hu MB, , Wang RL,Hu MB, Jia B(賈斌)and Wu QS, Spontaneous symmetry breaking in a two-lane system with parallel update, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 40, 9213-9225, 2007. (SCI)
11. Jiang R,Wang RL,Hu MB,Jia B(賈斌),Wu QS,Spontaneous symmetry breaking and periodic structure in a multilane system, Physical Review E, 76, 036116, 2007. (SCI)
12. Zhao XM, Gao ZY and Jia B(賈斌), The capacity drop caused by the combined effect of the intersection and the bus stop in a CA model, Physica A, 385(2), 645-658 2007. (SCI)
13. Jia B(賈斌), Jiang R, and Wu QS, Honk effect in the two-lane cellular automaton model for traffic flow, Physica A 348: 544-552 2005. (SCI)
14. Li XG., Jia B(賈斌), Gao ZY and Jiang R, A realistic two-lane cellular automata traffic model considering aggressive lane-changing behavior of fast vehicle, Physica A 367, 479-486, 2006. (SCI)
15. Jiang R, Hu MB, Jia B(賈斌), Wang RL, Wu QS, The effects of reaction delay in the Nagel-Schreckenberg traffic flow model, European Physics Journal B 54: 267-273, 2006. (SCI)
16. 吳清松、姜銳、李曉白、賈斌、胡茂彬,微觀巨觀方法相結合推進交通流理論新發展,交通運輸系統工程與信息,5(3):108-115,2005。
17. Jia B(賈斌), Jiang R, and Wu QS, The effects of accelerating lane in the on-ramp system, Physica A 345: 218-226 2005. (SCI)
18. Jia B(賈斌), Jiang R, Gao ZY and Zhao XM, The effect of mixed vehicles on traffic flow in two lane cellular automata model, International Journal of Modern Physics C 16(10), 1617-1627, 2005. (SCI)
19. Jia B(賈斌), Jiang R, and Wu QS, Traffic behavior near an off ramp in the cellular automaton traffic model, Physical Review E 69, 056105, 2004. (SCI)
20. Jia B(賈斌), Jiang R and Wu QS, A realistic two-lane cellular automaton model for traffic flow, International Journal of Modern Physics C 15: 381-392 2004. (SCI)
21. Jia B(賈斌), Jiang R and Wu QS, The traffic bottleneck effect caused by the lane closing in the cellular automata model, International Journal of Modern Physics C 14, 1295-1303 2003. (SCI)
22. Jia B(賈斌), Gao ZY, Jiang R and Zhao XM., The effect of vehicle parameters in the two-lane cellular model for traffic flow, The 9th Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies: Transportmetrica: Advanced Methods for Transportation Studies, Hong Kong,581-588, 11 December 2004.
23. Jiang R, Jia B(賈斌), Wang XL,Wu QS, Dangerous situations in the velocity effect model, Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and General 37 5777–5787, 2004. (SCI)
24. Jiang R, Jia B(賈斌), Wu QS, Stochastic multi-value cellular automata models for bicycle flow, Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and General 37 (6): 2063-2072, 2004. (SCI)
25. Jiang R, Jia B(賈斌), Wu QS, The stochastic randomization effect in the-on-ramp system: Single-lane main road and two-lane main road situations, Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and General 36 (47): 11713-11723 , 2003. (SCI)
26. Jiang R, Jia B (賈斌)and Wu QS,The lane expansion effect of the tollbooth system on the highway, International Journal of Modern Physics C, 15 (5): 619-628, 2004. (SCI)
27. Li XG., Gao ZY Jia B(賈斌),and Jiang R, Segregation effect in symmetric cellular automata model for two-lane mixed traffic, The European Physics Journal B, 54: 385-391, 2006. (SCI)
28. Jiang R, Hu MB, Jia B(賈斌), Wu QS, Realistic bus route model considering the capacity of the bus, The European Physical Journal B 34 (3): 367-372, 2003. (SCI)