男,1962 年11月出生 。
“長江學者獎勵計畫”特聘教授,從事分散式系統、Internet路由協定、Internet中代理的放置、廣域網中波長轉換器的放置、檔案及其副本的一致性控制、Internet上合作編輯系統一致性控制、移動Ad Hoc網路等方面的研究工作研究項目18項,發表論文130餘篇,其中SCI索引50餘篇。擔任國際雜誌 Journal of Combinatorial Optimization (Kluwer Academic Pub) 的編委, Special Issue on Cluster Computing on the Internet, Cluster Computing: A Journal of Computer Software and Communications (Baltzer Pub) 和 Special Issue on Web Servers and Content Distribution Networks (CDN), Journal of World Wide Web: Internet and Web Information Systems (Kluwer Academic Pub) 的客座編委,是關於分散式系統和計算機通訊方面的很多國際會議的組委會成員或者主席,是IEEE高級會員、IEEE計算機學會和IEEE通信學會會員。2013年05月 第九批入選“千人計畫”國家特聘專家。
無線感測器網路,Ad Hoc網路和計算機網路;
1996-至今香港城市大學計算機科學系移動Ad Hoc和感測器網路實驗室主任
1991-1996澳大利亞昆士蘭大學, 計算機科學系,講師
IEEE Trans on Parallel and Distributed Systems (2006-2009)編委
Wireless Networks (WiNet)編委
World Wide Web: Internet and Web Information Systems編委
Journal of Combinatorial Optimization編委
International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing (IJWMC)編委
International Journal of Sensor Networks (IJSNet)編委
2014.1 - 2016.12
線上社交網路中的最小成本和時間敏感信息擴散 香港研究資助局優配研究基金
2012.9 - 2015.8
雲存儲系統的數據完整性審計和訪問控制 香港研究資助局優配研究基金
2012.1 - 2015.12
無線感測器網路中使用壓縮感知的算法問題 中國國家自然科學基金
2011.1 - 2013.12
室內環境中多廣播的最小成本部署和多速率無線網狀網路的服務質量需求 香港研究資助局優配研究基金
2013IEEE 會士(計算機學會)
2010IEEE 傑出服務獎
2008ACM 服務獎
[1] Zhang Bo, Xiaohua Jia, “Multi-hop Collaborative Relay Networks with Consideration of Contention Overhead of Relay Nodes in IEEE 802.11 DCF”, IEEE Trans. on Communications, to appear.
[2] Weifa Liang, Xiaojiang Ren, Xiaohua Jia, Xu Xu, "Monitoring Quality Maximization Through Fair Rate Allocation in Harvesting Sensor Networks", IEEE Trans on Parallel and Distributed Systems, to appear.
[3] Kan Yang, Xiaohua Jia, "An Efficient and Secure Dynamic Auditing Protocol for Data Storage in Cloud Computing," IEEE Trans. on Parallel and Distributed Systems, to appear.
[4] Gary Wong, Xiaohua Jia, “An Efficient Scheduling Scheme for Hybrid TDMA and SDMA systems with Smart Antennas in WLANs”, Wireless Networks, to appear, 2012.
[5] Jun Zhang, Xiaohua Jia, Yuan Zhou, "Analysis of Capacity Improvement by Directional Antennas in Wireless Sensor Networks", ACM Trans. on Sensor Networks, Vol. 9, Iss. 1, Nov 2012.
[6] Shouling Ji, Zhipeng Cai, Yingshu Li, and Xiaohua Jia, "Continuous Data Collection Capacity of Dual-Radio Multi-Channel Wireless Sensor Networks", IEEE Trans on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol. 23, No. 10, Oct 2012, pp. 1844-1855.
[7] Rui Tan, Guoliang Xing, Benyuan Liu, Jianping Wang and Xiaohua Jia, “Exploiting Data Fusion to Improve the Coverage of Wireless Sensor Networks”, IEEE/ACM Trans. on Networking, Vol. 20, No. 2, Apr 2012, pp 450-462.
[8] Kan Yang, Xiaohua Jia, “Data storage auditing service in cloud computing: challenges, methods and opportunities”, World Wide Web, Vol. 15, No. 4, Apr 2012, pp. 409-428.
[9] Yan Wang, Jianxi Fan, Guodong Zhou, Xiaohua Jia, “Independent spanning trees on twisted cubes”, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Vol. 72, Iss. 1, Jan 2012, pp. 58-69.
[10]Liming Xie, Xiaohua Jia, Kunxiao Zhou, “QoS multicast routing in cognitive radio ad hoc networks”, Journal of Communication Systems, 25(1), 2012, pp. 30-46.
[11]Liu Hai, Xiaowen Chu, Yiu-Wing Leung, Xiaohua Jia, Peng-Jun Wan, "General Maximal Lifetime Sensor-Target Surveillance Problem and Its Solution", IEEE Trans on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol. 22, No. 10, Oct 2011, pp.1757-1765.
[12]Maggie X. Cheng, Xuan Gong, Lin Cai, Xiaohua Jia, “Cross-Layer Throughput Optimization with Power Control in Sensor Networks”, IEEE Trans on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 60, No. 7, Sept 2011, pp. 3300-3308.
[13]Jun Zhang, Xiaohua Jia, Zhongming Zheng, and Yuan Zhou, “Minimizing Cost of Placement of Multi-radio and Multi-power-level Access Points with Rate Adaptation in Indoor Environment”, IEEE Trans on Wireless Communications, Vol. 10, No. 7, Jul 2011, pp. 2186-2195.
[14]Xi Wang, Jianxi Fan, Xiaohua Jia, Shukui Zhang, Jia Yu, “Embedding of meshes into twisted-cubes”, Information Sciences, Vol. 181, Iss. 14, Jul 2011, pp. 3085-3099.
[15]Jianxi Fan, Xiaohua Jia, Baolei Cheng, Jia Yu, “An Efficient Fault-Tolerant Routing Algorithm in Bijective Connection Networks with Restricted Faulty Edges”, Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 412, Iss. 29, Jul 2011.
[16]Jianxi Fan and Xiaohua Jia, Xin Liu, Shukui Zhang, Jia Yu, “Efficient Unicast in Bijective Connection Networks with the Restricted Faulty Node Set”, Information Science, Vol. 181, Iss. 11, Jun 2011, pp. 2303-2315.
[17]Wujun Zhou, Jianxi fan, Xiaohua Jia, Shukui Zhang, “The spined cube: a new hypercube variant with smaller diameter”, Information Processing Letter, Vol. 111, Iss. 12, Jun 2011, pp. 561-567.
[18]Haiyan Cai, Xiaohua Jia, Mo Sha, "Critical Sensor Density for Partial Connectivity in Large Area Wireless Sensor Networks", ACM Trans. on Sensor Networks, vol. 7, iss. 4, Feb. 2011.
[19]Qin Liu, Xiaohua Jia, Yuan Zhou, Topology Control for Multi-Channel Multi-Radio Wireless Mesh Networks Using Directional Antennas, Wireless Networks, vol. 17, no. 1, Jan 2011, pp.41 - 51.
[20]G. Xing, J. Wang, Z. Yuan, R. Tan, L. Sun, Q. Huang, X. Jia and H. C. So, “Mobile Scheduling for Spatiotemporal Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks”, IEEE Trans. on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol. 21, No. 12, Dec 2010, pp.1851-1866.
[21]Scott C.-H. Huang, Min-Te Sun, Qilian Liang, Peng-Jun Wan, Xiaohua Jia, “Interference-Aware, Fully-Distributed Virtual Backbone Construction and its Application in Multi-Hop Wireless Networks”, IEEE Trans on Communications, 58(12), Dec 2010, pp.3550-3560.
[22]N. Xiong, Xiaohua Jia, L. T. Yang, A.V. Vasilakos, Y. Li and Y. Pan, “A Distributed Efficient Flow Control Scheme for Multirate Multicast Networks”, IEEE Trans on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol. 21, No. 9, Sep 2010, pp.1254-1266.
[23]Jun Zhang, Xiaohua Jia, Guoliang Xing, “Real-Time Data Aggregation in Contention-based Wireless Sensor Networks”, ACM Trans. on Sensor Networks, vol 7, iss 1, Aug 2010, pp. 25 pages.
[24]Guoliang Xing, Minming Li, Hongbo Lou, Xiaohua Jia, “Dynamic Multi-resolution Data Dissemination in Wireless Sensor Networks”, IEEE Trans. on Mobile Computing, Sep. 2009, pp.1205 - 1220.
[25]Hejiao Huang, Xiaolu Cao, Xiaohua Jia, Xiaolong Wang: Channel assignment using block design in wireless mesh networks. Computer Communications 32(7-10): 1148-1153 (2009).
[26]P.-J. Wan, C.-W. Yi, Lixin Wang, Frances Yao and Xiaohua Jia, “Asymptotic Critical Transmission Radii for Greedy Forward Routing in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks”, IEEE Trans. on Communications, 57(5), 2009, pp.1433-1443.
[27]Naixue Xiong, Yi Pan, Xiaohua Jia, Jong Hyuk Park, Yingshu Li: Design and analysis of a self-tuning feedback controller for the Internet. Computer Networks 53(11): 1784-1797 (2009).
[28]M. Marzban, Qianping Gu, Xiaohua Jia, “Computational Study on Planar Dominating Set Problem”, Theoretical Computer Science, Feb, 2009.
[29]Qin Liu, Xiaohua Jia, Chanle Wu, “Optimal precomputation for mapping service level agreements in grid computing”, Future Generation Computer Systems, 24, 2008, pp. 849 – 959.
[30]Jianxi Fan and Xiaohua Jia, “Edge-Pancyclicity and Path-Embeddability of Bijective Connection Graphs”, Information Science, Vol. 178, No. 2, 2008, 340-351.
[31]Jianxi Fan, Xiaohua Jia, and Xiaola Lin, “Embedding of Cycles in Twisted Cubes with Edge-Pancyclic”, Algorithmica, Vol. 51, No. 3, 2008, pp.264-282.
[32]X.-J. Chen, X.-D. Hu, Xiaohua. Jia, “Inapproximability and Approximability of Minimal Tree Routing and Coloring”, Journal of Discrete Algorithms, 6 (2008), pp. 341-351.
[33]Ivan Stojmenovic, Dandan Liu, Xiaohua Jia, “A scalable quorum-based location service in ad hoc and sensor networks”, Int’l Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2008, pp. 71-94.
[1]Xiaohua Jia, Ness B. Shroff, Peng-Jun Wan: Proceedings of the 9th ACM Interational Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing, MobiHoc 2008, Hong Kong, China, May 26-30, 2008.
[2]Jiannong Cao, Ivan Stojmenovic, Xiaohua Jia, and Sajal Das (Eds.), Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks, LNCS 4325, Springer, Dec 2006.
[3]Xiaohua Jia, Jie Wu, and Yanxiang He (Eds.), Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks, LNCS 3794, Springer, Dec 2005.
[4]Xiaohua Jia, X.D. Hu and D.Z. Du, Multiwavelength Optical Networks, Kluwer Academic Publisher, 2002, 280 pages.
[5]X. Zhou, J. Fong, Xiaohua Jia, Y.Kambayashi and Y.Zhang (ed.), Proc. of the 1st Int’l Conf. on Web Information Systems Engineering – Vol 2, IEEE Computer Society, Jun 2000.
[6]J. Cao, Xiaohua Jia and Y. Zhang, Advanced Programming in Java, Univ. of Southern Queensland Publishing, Australia, 2000.
[7]K. Shimizu, T.Mario, H.Ashihara, P. K. Sinha, Xiaohua Jia, K.S.Park, N.Utsunomiya, H.Nakano, and M.Maekawa, Distributed Operating Systems (in Japanese), Kyoritsu Publisher, Japan, 1992, 335 pages.
[1]Deying Li, Hongwei Du, and Xiaohua Jia, “Energy efficient broadcast/multicast routing with min-max transmission power in wireless ad hoc networks”, Advances in Wireless and Sensor Networks, M. Cheng and D. Li (Eds.), Springer Sci., 2008, pp.301-311.
[2]Huayi Wu and Xiaohua Jia, “Routing and Bandwidth Allocation for CDMA/TDMA Wireless Networks”, Resource Allocation in Next Generation Wireless Networks, (Vol. 5), Wei Li and Yi Pan (eds.), Nova Science Publishers, 2006, pp.121-142.
[3]Dandan Liu and Xiaohua Jia, “Location Service, Information Dissemination and Object Tracking in Wireless Sensor Networks by Using Quorum Methods”, Wireless Sensor Networks and Applications, Section II Network Management, Y. Li, M. Thai, and W. Wu (eds.), Springer, 2005, pp.366-406.
[4]Hai Liu and Xiaohua Jia, "Linear Programming Approaches to Optimization Problems of Energy Efficiency in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks", Handbook on Theoretical and Algorithmic Aspects of Sensor, Ad Hoc Wireless, and Peer-to-Peer Networks, Jie Wu (ed.), CRC Press LLC, 2005, pp.177-192.
[5]Hai Liu, Xiaohua Jia and Pengjun Wan, "On Energy Efficiency in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks", Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks, Yang Xiao and Yi Pan (eds.), Nova Science Publishers, 2005, pp.27-48.
[6]Xiaohua Jia, D.Z. Du, X.D. Hu, H.J. Huang and D.Y. Li, “Optimal placement of wavelength converters in WDM networks with special topologies”, Optical Networks – Recent Advances, D.Du and L.Ruan (eds.), Kluwer Academic Publisher, 2001, pp.75-98.
[7]Y. Zhang and Xiaohua Jia, “Transaction Processing”, Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, John G.Webster (ed.), John Wiley & Sons, Vol.22, Mar 1999, pp.298-311.
[8]P.K. Sinha, M. Maekawa, K. Shimizu, Xiaohua Jia, H.Ashihara, N.Utsunomiya, K.S.Park, and H.Nakano, “The Architectural Overview of the GALAXY Distributed Operating System”, Readings in Distributed Computing Systems, Chapter 7, T. Casavant & M. Singhal (ed.), IEEE Computer Society Press, 1994, pp.327-345.
[9]M. Maekawa, K. Shimizu, Xiaohua Jia, P.K.Sinha, K.S.Park, H.Ashihara, N.Utsunomiya, H.Nakano, and S.Yamashita, “The GALAXY Distributed Operating System”, Distributed Environments, Y. Ohno (ed.), Springer, 1991, pp.259-289.
[1]Kan Yang, Xiaohua Jia, "Attributed-based Access Control for Multi-Authority Systems in Cloud Storage", IEEE ICDCS 2012, Macau, Jun 2012.
[2]Ruitao Xie and Xiaohua Jia, "Minimum Transmission Data Gathering Trees for Compressive Sensing in Wireless Sensor Networks", IEEE GlobeCom 2011, Dec 2011.
[3]Yanan Chang, Qin Liu, Bo Zhang, Xiaohua Jia and Liming Xie, “Minimum Delay Broadcast Scheduling for Wireless Networks with Directional Antennas”, IEEE GlobeCom, Dec 2011.
[4]Kunxiao Zhou, Xiaohua Jia, Liming Xie and Yanan Chang, “Fault Tolerant AP Placement with QoS Constraint in Wireless Local Area Networks”, IEEE GlobeCom, Dec 2011.
[5]PengJun Wan, Ophir Frieder, Xiaohua Jia, Frances Yao, Xiaohua Xu, Shaojie Tang, “Wireless Link Scheduling under Physical Interference Model”, IEEE InfoCom, Apr 2011.
[6]Shouling Ji, Yingshu Li, Xiaohua Jia “Capacity of Dual-Radio Multi-Channel Wireless Sensor Networks for Continuous Data Collection”, IEEE InfoCom, Apr 2011.
[7]PengJun Wan, Chao Ma, Zhu Wang, Minming Li, Xiaohua Jia, “Weighted Wireless Link Scheduling without Information of Positions And Interference/Communication Radii”, IEEE InfoCom, Apr 2011.
[8]Bo Zhang, Zhongming Zheng, Xiaohua Jia, Kan Yang, “A Distributed Collaborative Relay Protocol for Multi-hop WLAN Accesses”, IEEE GlobeCom 2010, Dec 2010.
[9]Zhongming Zheng, Bo Zhang, Xiaohua Jia, Jun Zhang, and Kan Yang, “Minimum AP Placement for WLAN with Rate Adaptation using Physical Interference Model”, IEEE GlobeCom 2010, Dec 2010.
[10]Kan Yang, Xiaohua Jia, Bo Zhang, Zhongming Zheng, “Threshold Key Redistribution for Dynamic Change of Authentication Group in Wireless Mesh Networks”, IEEE GlobeCom 2010, Dec 2010.
[11]Kunxiao Zhou and Xiaohua Jia, “Collision-load Balancing Topology Control with Rate Adaptation for Wireless Mesh Networks”, IEEE GlobeCom 2010, Dec 2010.
[12]Liming Xie and Xiaohua Jia, “QoS Multicast Routing and Transmission Scheduling in Multi-hop Cognitive Radio Networks”, IEEE GlobeCom 2010 Workshop on pervasive group communications, Dec 2010.
[13]Haiyan, Xiaohua Jia, Mo Sha, “Critical Sensor Density for Partial Connectivity in Large Area Wireless Sensor Networks”, IEEE INFOCOM Mini-Conference, 2010.
[14]Guoliang Xing, Rui Tan, Benyuan Liu, JianpingWang, Xiaohua Jia, Chih-Wei Yi, “Data fusion improves the coverage of wireless sensor networks”, ACM MOBICOM 2009, pp.157-168.
[15]Hai Liu, Xiaowen Chu, Yiu-Wing Leung, Xiaohua Jia, Peng-Jun Wan, “Maximizing Lifetime of Sensor-Target Surveillance in Wireless Sensor Networks”, IEEE Globecom, 2009.
[16]Jun Zhang, Baobing Wang, Xiaohua Jia, “Relative-Closest Connect-First Method For Topology Control in Wireless Mesh Networks”, IEEE Globecom, 2009.
[17]Baobing Wang, Xiaohua Jia, “Reducing Data Aggregation Latency by Using Partially Overlapped Channels in Sensor Networks”, IEEE Globecom, 2009.
[18]P.-J. Wan, C.-H. Huang, L. Wang, Z.-Y. Wan, and Xiaohua Jia, Minimum-Latency Aggregation Scheduling in Multihop Wireless Networks, ACM MOBIHOC 2009, pp. 185-194.
[19]Peng-Jun Wan, Xiaohua Xu, L. Wang, Xiaohua Jia, and E.K. Park, “Minimum-Latency Beaconing Schedule in Multihop Wireless Networks”, IEEE INFOCOM, 2009.
[20]Jun Zhang, Xiaohua Jia, “Capacity analysis of wireless mesh networks with omni or directional antennas”, IEEE INFOCOM Mini-Conference, 2009.
[21]Jun Zhang, Zhongming Zheng, Xiaohua Jia, “Improved topology control method for maximizing traffic delivery ratio in wireless mesh networks with directional antennas”, IEEE ICC, 2009.
[22]Jianxi Fan, Shukui Zhang, Xiaohua Jia, Guangquan Zhang: The Restricted Connectivity of Locally Twisted Cubes. ISPAN 2009: 574-578.
[23]Jun Zhang, Zhongming Zheng, Xiaohua Jia, “Topology Control for Max-min Traffic Delivery Ratio using Directional Antennas for Wireless Mesh Networks”, IEEE GlobeCom, 2008.
[24]Marjan Marzban, Qianping Gu, Xiaohua Jia, “Computational Study on Dominating Set Problem of Planar Graphs”, COCOA 2008, LNCS 5165, 2008, pp.89-102.
[25]Guoliang Xing, Jianping Wang, Ke Shen, Qingfeng Huang, Xiaohua Jia and Hing Cheung So, "Mobility-assisted Spatiotemporal Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks," IEEE 28th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), Beijing, China, Jun 17-20, 2008.