謝祖彬, 1964年生,男,博士,研究員,2000年進入中國科學院知識創新工程,創新方向為“全球環境變化與土壤物質生物化學過程”;研究內容為“全球環境變化下土壤—植物養分循環、C、N轉化及環境效應。1987年畢業於原北京農業大學土壤農業化學系(現中國農業大學資源與環境學院),曾受中國科學院委派出任廣西區巴馬瑤族自治縣副縣長,曾作為高級訪問學者於2002-2003年赴英國帝國理工大學進行“瑞士FACE(free air carbon-dioxide enrichment)項目”研究。目前主持的研究課題:國家重大基礎研究規劃項目“973”二級課題“陸地生態系統碳循環的生物過程適應性研究---大氣CO2濃度升高對陸地生態系統碳循環的FACE研究”;國家自然科學基金項目“大氣CO2濃度升高對農田土壤微量元素生物有效性的影響”;國家自然科學基金“大氣CO2濃度升高對稻麥輪作農田土壤碳周轉的影響”等;發表論文論著50餘篇,其中SCI論文14篇。研究領域
Zubin Xie, Jianguo Zhu, Gang Liu, Chunmei Chen, Huifeng Sun, Haoyan Tang, Qing Zeng, 2007. Soil organic carbon stocks in China and changes from 1980s to 2000s. Global Change Biology 13(9), 1989-2007. Zubin Xie, Georg Cadisch, Grant Edwards, Elizabeth M. Baggs, and Herbert Blum, 2005. Carbon dynamics in a temperate grassland soil after 9 years exposure to elevated CO2 (Swiss FACE), Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 1387-1395Zubin Xie, Jianguo Zhu, Gang Liu, Chunmei Chen, Huifeng Sun, Haoyan Tang, Qing Zeng, 2007. Soil organic carbon stocks in China and changes from 1980s to 2000s. Global Change Biology,13(9), 1989-2007.
Zubin Xie, Georg Cadisch, Grant Edwards, Elizabeth M. Baggs, and Herbert Blum, 2005. Carbon dynamics in a temperate grassland soil after 9 years exposure to elevated CO2 (Swiss FACE), Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 1387-1395。
Z. B. Xie, J. G. Zhu, H. Y. Chu, Y. L. Zhang, Q. Zheng, H. L. Ma, Z. H. Chao, 2002. Effect of Lanthanum on Rice Production, Nutrient Uptake and distribution. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 25 (10), 2315-2331.
Taiji Kou, Jianguo Zhu, Zubin Xie, Toshihiro Hasegawa, Katia Heiduk, 2007. Effect of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration on soil and root respiration in winter wheat by using a respiration partitioning chamber. Plant and Soil, 299: 237-249。
Hongliang Ma, Jianguo Zhu, Zubin Xie, Gang Liu, Qing Zeng, Yong Han, 2007. Response of rice and wheat to free-air CO2 enrichment (China FACE) at rice/wheat rotation system. Plant and Soil, 294, 137-146.