

《Promise Don't Come Easy》(諾言來之不易)是 Caron Nightingale 在2008年收錄在專輯《Reflections》里的一首歌曲。


《Promise Don't Come Easy》(諾言來之不易)



Caron Nightingale(卡洛·南丁格爾)


I should have known all along, there was something wrong 我早該察覺,自始至終,總有些不對.

I just never read between the lines 我只是不曾深究

Then I woke up one day and found you on your way 於是有一天醒來發現你有你的路要走

Leaving nothing but my heart behind 什麼都沒說,把我的真心丟在腦後

What can I do to make it up to you 要我怎么做才能和你重歸舊好 .

Promises don't come easy 諾言難許

But tell me if there's a way to bring you back home to stay 但只要你說有什麼能讓你回到我身邊

Well I'd promises anything to you 那么讓我承諾你什麼都好

I've been walking' around with my head hanging down 我在路上漫無目的,垂頭喪氣

Wondering' what I'm gonna do 想知道還可以做什麼

'Cause when you walked out that door, I knew I needed you more 因為自從你離開家,我發現自己需要的是你,

Than to take a chance on losing you 而不是要再有一次機會失去你.

What can I do to make it up to you 要我怎樣才能和你重歸舊好

Promises don't come easy 諾言難許

You know I've made up my mind to make it work this time 要知道這次我已經下定決心給你承諾

That's the promise that I give to you 這就是我給你的諾言

You never thought I loved you 你從沒想過我是愛你的

I guess you never thought I cared 我猜你不曾想到我在意你

I was just too proud to say it out loud 我只是太在乎我的驕傲而不曾大聲的說

Now I know, to let my feelings go (so tell me) 現在我知道,讓我的感情去傾瀉(所以告訴我)

What can I do to make it up to you 要我怎樣才能和你重歸舊好.

Promises don't come easy 諾言難許

You know I've made up my mind to make it work this time 要知道這次我已經下定決心給你承諾

That's the promise I can give to you 這就是我給你的諾言

What can I do to make it up to you 怎么才能和你重歸舊好?


Caron Nightingale是自加拿大多倫多從事作曲、演唱、製作和發行的音樂才女。她的音樂別具一格,她的唱腔中帶著標誌性的鼻音,輕柔地,舒緩地襯托出一種難以言傳的味道,令聽者從耳膜開始發癢,然後如此顫慄的感覺會逐漸遍布全身,直達靈魂深處。


為大眾所熟悉的<Promises Don't Come Easy>,曾被香港電視劇《創世紀》選作插曲。這首歌以內心獨白的方式,對於應該如何對待感情進行了反思,說出了Promises Don't Come Easy的心聲。這首歌中Nightingale溫暖的中音與蔡琴頗有些相似,舒緩的演唱娓娓道來,容易引起聽者的共鳴,加上上口的旋律,使之成為一首百聽不厭的好歌。


