Xiaojuan Xu
學 位:理學博士
簡 歷
1. 新型真菌凝膠的結構和流變性能研究, 國家自然科學基金項目(20404010),2005. 1~2007. 12。
2. 生物活性香菇葡聚糖的二級結構及構校關係研究,湖北省自然科學基金,2005. 1~2006. 12。
1. Xiaojuan Xu, Xufeng Zhang,LINAZhang, Chi Wu, Collapse and Association of Denatured Lentinan in Water/Dimethlysulfoxide Solutions, Biomacromolecules, 2004, 5, 1893-1898.
2. Xiaojuan Xu, Dong Ruan, Yong Jin, Lina Zhang et al., Chemical structure of aeromonas gum––extracellular polysaccharide from Aeromonas nichidenii 5797, Carbohydr., Res., 2004, 339, 1631-1636.
3. Xufeng Zhang, Lina Zhang, Xiaojuan Xu, Morphologies andconformationTransition of Lentinan in Aqueous NaOH aqueous Solution, Biopolymers, 2004, 75, 187-195.
4. Xiaojuan Xu, Lina Zhang, Takashi Norisuye, Chain Stiffness of Aeromonas Gum, a Heteropolysaccharide, in dilute Solution: Dynamic Light Scattering Study, Biopolymers, 2002, 65, 387-394.
5. Xiaojuan Xu, Lina Zhang, Molecular Weight and Aggregation of Aeromonas Gum Treated with Dimethyl Sulfoxide in Aqueous Soultion, J. Polym. Sci.: Part B: Polym Phys., 2002, 40, 2269-2276.
6. Lina Zhang, Li Chen, Xiaojuan Xu, Effect of molecular mass on antitumor activities of heteropolysaccharide from PoriaCocos, Biosci. Biochem. Biotechnol., 2005, 69(3), 631-634.
7. Lina Zhang, Xuelian Li, Xiaojuan Xu, Fanbo Zeng, Correlation between antitumoral activity, molecular weight, and Conformation of lentinan, Carbohydr. Res., 2005, 340, 1515-1521.
8. Xiaojuan Xu, Lina Zhang, Takashi Norisuye, Dilute-Solution Behavior of Aeromonas Gum, a Heteropolysaccharide, Polym Bull., 2002, 48, 491-498.
9. Xiaojuan Xu, Lina Zhang, Aggregation and disaggregation of Aeromonas gum in an aqueous solution under different conditions, J. Polym. Sci.: Part B: Polym. Phys., 2000, 38, 2644-2651.
10. Lina Zhang, Xioajuan Xu, Su Pan, Effect of thermal history and concentration on the aggregation of Erwinia gum in an aqueous solution, J. Polym. Sci.:Part B: Polym. Phys., 2000, 38, 1352-1358.