1978—1982 東南大學物理系本科生1982—1984 東南大學物理系助教1984—1987 東南大學物理碩士在職進修1987—1994 東南大學講師、副教授1995—1996 美國明尼蘇達大學物理系訪問學者1997-1998 東南大學物理系副教授1999- 東南大學物理系教授
1.Measurement of charge centroid location in a thin polymer film. J.Appl.Phys, Vol.72. P361, 1992, 解希順(第一作者)等 SCI2.Theoretical calculation of delayed radiation induced conductivity in electron beam chargedpolymer foils. Chin. Phys. Lett. Vol.7. P425. 1993. 解希順(第一作者)等 SCI
3.Instantaneous electron concentration in crystalline insulator foils being irradiated by charge-neutral rays. Chin. Phys. Lett. Vol.8, P443, 1994. 解希順(第一作者)等 SCI
4.Elegant calculations of the Coulomb force between two hemispherical surfaces with uniform charge densities. Americon J. Phys. Vol.62, P952, 1994. 解希順(第一作者)等SCI
5.Delayed radiation induced conductivity of a thin uniformly charged insulator foil. J. of Electrostatics. Vol.33, P379. 1994. 解希順(第一作者)等 SCI
6.An approximate solution of conduction electron concentration in an insulator exposed to radiation. Radiation effects and defects in solids. Vol.133, P103, 1995. 解希順(第二作者)等 SCI
7.Irradiation effects on electron trapping in thin dielectric films. IEEE Ann. Rep, Vol.1, P224, 1996. 解希順(第一作者)等 EI
8.Conjecture on the time scales of intramolecular dynamics and Lyapunov relaxation. Chin. Phys. Lett. Vol.14, P336, 1997. 解希順(第一作者)等 EI
9.A note on calculation of threshold resonance by the method of complex scaling. Chin. Phys. Lett. Vol.13, No.4, P241, 1996. 解希順(第二作者)等 SCI
10.Charge injection and transporting of thin film electrets in vacuum. ISDEIV'2000. 2000 解希順(第一作者)等 EI
11.Fabrication and analisis of electret back-plates in microphones. IEEE Ann.Rep. 353, 2002 解希順(第一作者)等EI
12.Motion of a charged particle in the electric field of a dipole. J. Electrostatics. 2004, accepted.