西田幸二(Kohji Nishida)簡介
1988年,西田教授在日本大阪大學取得醫學博士學位, 1992年加入京都府立醫科大學任特聘教授,1998-2000年作為海洋生物學助理培訓的身份到索爾克醫學研究所(聖地亞哥,加利福尼亞州)繼續深造。在此期間,西田教授開展海洋生物學的臨床和教學工作,以及生物活性酶在眼病中套用的相關研究。2006年開始擔任日本東北大學醫學研究生院教授和眼科系教授,並受聘成為日本富士生物工程研究院首席專家。
日本再生醫療學會(2007/08- 編集委員) |
日本眼科學會(2006/04- 評議員) |
日本富士生物工學研究所(2003/02-理事長) 日本角膜學會(2006/04- 理事) |
日本バイオマテリアル學會(2006/04- 評議員) |
日本眼科學會(2006/04-) |
日本眼科醫會(2006/04-) |
日本角膜學會(2006/04-) |
日本角膜移植學會(2006/04- 理事) |
日本眼科手術學會(2006/04-) |
日本コンタクトレンズ學會(2006/04-) |
日本組織工學會(2006/04-) |
日本バイオマテリアル學會(2006/04-) |
日本炎症?再生醫學會(2006/04-) |
日本再生醫療學會(2006/04-) |
日本遺伝子治療學會(2006/04-) |
AAO (American Academy of Ophthalmology)(2006/04-) |
ARVO (Association for Research in Vision & Ophthalmology)(2006/04-) |
ICER (International Society for Eye Research)(2006/04-) |
日本再生醫療學會臨床研究ガイドライン委員會(2007/08- 委員) |
日本バイオマテリアル學會 |
(評議員 2006- 國內) |
日本角膜學會 |
(理事 2006- 國內) |
日本眼科學會 |
(評議員 2006- 國內) |
日本角膜移植學會 |
(理事 2006- 國內) |
日本再生醫療學會 |
(編集委員 2007- 國內) |
仙台醫師會會報(2006) GeNii出版社:??
人工臓器(2006) GeNii
再生醫療技術の最前線(2007) GeNii
醫學のあゆみ(2007) GeNii
Bios(2007) GeNii
実験醫學(2008) GeNii
角膜上皮の再生醫療進みつづける細胞移植治療の実際 下巻(2008) GeNii
N-cadherin is expressed by putative stem/progenitor cells and melanocytes in the human limbal epithelial stem cell niche |
Stem Cells ,??/, 2006 (學術雑志) |
Conversion of mammalian Muller glial cells into a neuronal lineage by in vitro aggregate-culture |
Biochem Biophys Res Commun ,??/, 2006 (學術雑志) |
Expression of Integrin beta3 Is Correlated to the Properties of Quiescent Hemopoietic Stem Cells Possessing the Side Population Phenotype |
J Immunol 177(11) ,7733-7739/, 2006 (學術雑志) |
Pre-Treatment of Posterior Subtenon Injection of Triamcinolone Acetonide Has Beneficial Effects for Grid Pattern Photocoagulation against Diffuse Diabetic Macular Edema |
Br J Ophthalmol ,??/, 2006 (學術雑志) |
Corneal epithelial stem cell delivery using cell sheet engineering |
Not lost in transplantation. J Drug Target 14(7) ,471-482/, 2006 (學術雑志) |
Matrix morphogenesis in cornea is mediated by the modification of keratan sulfate by GlcNAc 6-O-sulfotransferase |
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 103(36) ,??/, 2006 (學術雑志) |
Cell delivery in regenerative medicine: The cell sheet engineering approach |
J Control Release ,??/, 2006 (學術雑志) |
The effect of micropores in the surface of temperature-responsive culture inserts on the fabrication of transplantable canine oral mucosal epithelial cell sheets |
Biomaterials 27/32, 5518-5523 2006 (學術雑志) |
Transplantable retinal pigment epithelial cell sheets for tissue engineering |
Biomaterials 27/19, 3639-3644 2006 (學術雑志) |
Screening of the MERTK gene for mutations in Japanese patients with autosomal recessive retinitis pigmentosa |
Mol Vis 9/12, 441-444 2006 (學術雑志) |
Ultrasound biomicroscopic examination of acute hydrops in patients with keratoconus |
Am J Ophthalmol 141/6, 1134-1136 2006 (學術雑志) |
Transplantation of tissue-engineered epithelial cell sheets after excimer laser photoablation reduces postoperative corneal haze |
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 47/2, 552-557 2006 (學術雑志) |
Functional human corneal endothelial cell sheets harvested from temperature-responsive culture surfaces |
FASEB J 20/, 392-394 2006 (學術雑志) |
Structural characterization of bioengineered human corneal endothelial cell sheets fabricated on temperature-responsive culture dishes |
Biomaterials 27/, 607-614 2006 (學術雑志) |
Limbal epithelial side population cells have stem cell-like properties, including quiescent state |
Stem Cells 24/1, 86-94 2006 (學術雑志) |
Macular degeneration in a Japanse patient with aceruloplasminemia |
RETINAL CASES & BRIEF REPORTS 1/, 264-266 2007 (學術雑志) |
Development of transplantable genetically modified corneal epithelial cell sheets for gene therapy |
Biomaterials 28/4, 745-749 2007 (學術雑志) |
N-cadherin is expressed by putative stem/progenitor cells and melanocytes in the human limbal epithelial stem cell niche |
Stem Cells 25/2, 289-296 2007 (學術雑志) |
Ultrahigh-resolution imaging of human donor cornea using full-field optical coherence tomography |
J Biomed Opt. 12/4, ? 2007 (學術雑志) |
Enzymes responsible for synthesis of corneal keratan sulfate glycosaminoglycans |
J Biol Chem 282/41, 30085-30096 2007 (學術雑志) |
Progress in the development of tissue engineering of the cornea in Japan |
Nippon Ganka Gakkai Zasshi. 111/7, 493-503 2007 (學術雑志) |
Association between primary open-angle glaucoma and WDR36 DNA sequence variants in Japanese. |
Mol Vis ,1912-1919/, 2007 (學術雑志) |
Visual prognosis and vitreous cytokine levels after arteriovenous sheathotomy in branch retinal vein occlusion associated with macular oedema. |
Acta Ophthalmol Scand 26/, ?? 2007 (學術雑志) |
Subcutaneous transplantation of autologous oral mucosal epithelial cell sheets fabricated on temperature-responsive culture dishes |
J Biomed Mater Res A ,??/, 2007 (學術雑志) |
Analysis of angiogenesis induced by cultured corneal and oral mucosal epithelial cell sheets in vitro. |
Exp Eye Res 85/6, 772-781 2007 (學術雑志) |
Diclofenac prevents an early event of macular thickening after cataract surgery in patients with diabetes |
J Ocul Pharmacol Ther ,284-291/, 2007 (學術雑志) |
Pretreatment of posterior subtenon injection of triamcinolone acetonide has beneficial effects for grid pattern photocoagulation against diffuse diabetic macular oedema |
Br J Ophthalmol 91/4, 449-454 2007 (學術雑志) |
Temporal and spatial differences in expression of TrkB isoforms in rat retina during constant light exposure |
Exp Eye Res. 85/3, 346-355 2007 (學術雑志) |
Human adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells as a novel feeder layer for epithelial cells |
Journal of engineering and regenerative medicine ,445-449/, 2008 (學術雑志) |
Differential expression of MUC16 in human oral mucosal epithelium and cultivated epithelial sheets |
Experimental Eye Research xxx ,??/, 2008 (學術雑志) |
Sulphation Patterns of Keratan Sulphate in Different Macular Corneal Dystrophy Immunophenotypes using Three Different Probes |
Bjophthalmol ,??/, 2008 (學術雑志) |
ERK1 plays a critical protective role against N-methyl-D-aspartate-induced retinal injury. |
J Neurosci Res 86/1, 136-144 2008 (學術雑志) |
Enrichment of corneal epithelial stem/progenitor cells using cell surface markers, integrin alpha6 and CD71 |
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 367/2, 256-263 2008 (學術雑志) |
Abnormal keratocytes and stromal inflammation in chronic phase of severe ocular surface diseases with stem cell deficiencies |
Br J Ophthalmol 92/3, 404-410 2008 (學術雑志) |
Expression of Vasohibin, an Antiangiogenice Factor, in Human Choroidal Neovascular Membranes |
Am J Ophthalmol ,??/, 2008 (學術雑志) |
Topical doxycycline can induce expression of BDNF in transduced retinal pigment epithelial cells transplanted into the subretinal space. |
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 49/8, 3631-3639 2008 (學術雑志) |
Evaluation of LOXL1 polymorphisms in eyes with exfoliation glaucoma in Japanese. |
Mol Vis 14/, 1338-1343 2008 (學術雑志) |
Expression of vasohibin, an antiangiogenic factor, in human choroidal neovascular membranes. |
Am J Ophthalmol 146/2, 235-243 2008 (學術雑志) |
Comparative therapy evaluation of intravitreal bevacizumab and triamcinolone acetonide on persistent diffuse diabetic macular edema. |
Am J Ophthalmol 145/5, 854-861 2008 (學術雑志) |
Visual prognosis and vitreous cytokine levels after arteriovenous sheathotomy in branch retinal vein occlusion associated with macular oedema. |
Acta Ophthalmol 86/4, 377-384 2008 (學術雑志) |
Characteristics of ocular higher-order aberrations in patients with pellucid marginal corneal degeneration. |
J Cataract Refract Surg 34/11, 1928-1934 2008 (學術雑志) |
Human adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells as a novel feeder layer for epithelial cells. |
J Tissue Eng Regen Med 2/7, 445-449 2008 (學術雑志) |
Differential expression of MUC16 in human oral mucosal epithelium and cultivated epithelial sheets. |
Exp Eye Res 87/3, 191-196 2008 (學術雑志) |
Susceptibility comparisons of normal preoperative conjunctival bacteria to fluoroquinolones. |
J Cataract Refract Surg 35/3, 475-479 2009 (學術雑志) |
Analysis of soluble vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-1 secreted from cultured corneal and oral mucosal epithelial cell sheets in vitro. |
Br J Ophthalmol 93/2, 263-267 2009 (學術雑志) |
角膜再生 (治療) |
治療 90/, 2570 2008 (學術雑志) |
角膜再生醫療 (醫學のあゆみ) |
醫學のあゆみ 226/11, 956 2008 (學術雑志) |
前眼部OCT検査の機器使用経験 (あたらしい眼科) |
あたらしい眼科 25/, 631 2008 (學術雑志) |
特集 角膜の新しい手術法 最新の角膜外科的治療 (NANO OPHTHALMOLOGY) |
NANO OPHTHALMOLOGY /35, 3 2008 (學術雑志) |
後嚢切開術と晩発性眼內炎 (眼科プラクティス) |
眼科プラクティス ,327/, 2009 (學術雑志) |
眼球(角膜上皮) (醫學と薬學) |
醫學と薬學 61/3, 287-292 2009 (學術雑志) |
後部多形性角膜內皮ジストロフィとPosterior Corneal Vesicles (あたらしい眼科) |
あたらしい眼科 26/, 159-162 2009 (學術雑志) |
動物細胞培養用培地、及びそれを用いた動物細胞培養方法 |
出願人: 西田 幸二、岡野 光夫 発明者: 西田 幸二、岡野 光夫、大和 雅之 特開2004-248655 |
再生角膜內皮細胞シート、製造方法及びその利用方法 |
出願人: 株式會社セルシード、西田 幸二 発明者: 岡野 光夫、西田 幸二、大和 雅之 WO2004-073761 |
上皮系細胞の重層化培養方法、それから得られる重層化上皮系細胞シート及びその利用方法 |
出願人: 岡野 光夫 発明者: 西田 幸二、大和 雅之、岡野 光夫 特開2005-130838 |
高生著性角膜上皮代替細胞シート、製造方法及びその利用方法 |
出願人: 岡野 光夫、西田 幸二 発明者: 岡野 光夫、西田 幸二、大和 雅之 特開2004-261533 |
高生著性再生角膜上皮細胞シート、製造方法及びその利用方法 |
出願人: 岡野 光夫 発明者: 岡野 光夫、西田 幸二、大和 雅之、田野 保雄 特開2004-261532 |
再生治療システム |
出願人: 西田 幸二、前田 和久 発明者: 西田 幸二、前田 和久 WO2005-035739 |