
region isen iron



蔡安輝,男,1970年生,漢族,中共黨員,湖南新化縣人,博士後,副教授,湖南理工學院機械工程學院院長助理,材料工程學術帶頭人,湖南省“十一五”重點建設學科機械製造及其自動化學科計算機仿真技術方向帶頭人,湖南省121人才,湖南省高校青年骨幹教師培養對象,岳陽市首屆優秀青年科技獎獲得者。主要從事材料成分與製備工藝的最佳化設計、合金非晶形成能力的表征與預測、納米複合材料的製備及其性能表征等研究工作。Mater. Sci. <> A、J. Mater. <> Perf.、J. Non-Cryst. Solids等雜誌的評審專家,主持國家自然科學基金、中<國>博士後科學研究基金、湖南省博士後科學研究基金、中南大學粉末冶金國家重點實驗室開放基金、湖南省教育廳科研項目各1項,參與國家自然科學基金項目1項和省部級科研項目多項,獲湖南省自然科學優秀論文二等獎和岳陽市自然優秀論文一等獎各1項,申請國家發明專利1項,在Appl. Phys. Lett.、Comp. Mater. Sci.、Euro. Phys. J. B、Mater. Sci. <> A、 J. Alloys Compd.、J. Non-Cryst. Solids、Mater. Sci. Technol.、Mater. Des., 中國工程科學,套用科學學報,鑄造等國內外核心期刊上發表科研論文40餘篇,其中SCIEI收錄30餘篇。
現從事專業 材料加工
研究方向 金屬基複合材料
學科、專業名稱 機械設計及理論
兼職單位 湖南科技大學


&#91;1&#93; An-hui Cai, Xiang xiong, Yong Liu, Wei-ke An, Jing-ying Tan. Artificial neural network modeling of reduced glass transition temperature of glass forming alloys. Appl. Phys. Lett., 2008, 92(12):038812
&#91;2&#93; An-hui Cai, Xiang Xiong, Yong Liu, Wei-ke An, Jing-ying Tan, Yun, luo. Artificial neural network modeling for undercooled liquid region of glass forming alloys. Comp. Mater. Sci., 2010, 48: 109-114
&#91;3&#93; An-Hui Cai, X. Xiong, Y. Liu, H. Chen, W. K. An, X. S. Li, Y. Zhou, Y. Luo, Estimation of Kauzmann temperature and isenthalpic temperature of metallic glasses, Euro. Phys. J. B, 2008, 64: 147-151
&#91;4&#93; An-hui Cai, Xiang Xiong, Yong Liu, Jiang-Hong Li, Wei-ke An, Yun Luo. Characteristics of near- and off-eutectic Zr-Al-Ni-Cu glass forming alloys. Mater. Sci. Eng.A, 2009, 516 (1-2): 100-102
&#91;5&#93; An-hui Cai, Xiang Xiong, Yong Liu, Wei-ke An, Jing-ying Tan, Ye Pan. Design of new Zr-Al-Ni-Cu bulk metallic glasses. J. Alloys Compd., 2009, 468 (1-2): 432-437
&#91;6&#93; An-hui Cai, Hua Chen, Wei-ke An, Jing-ying Tan, Yong Zhou, Ye Pan, Guo-xiong Sun. Melting enthalpy for describing glass forming ability of bulk metallic glasses. J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 2008,354(15-16):1808-1816
&#91;7&#93; An-hui Cai, Yong Zhou, Jing-ying Tan, Yun Luo, Tie-lin Li, Min Chen, Wei-ke An. Optimization of composition of heat-treated chromium white cast iron casting by phosphate graphite mold. J. Alloys Compd., 2008, 466: 273-280
&#91;8&#93; An-hui Cai, Hua Chen, Jing-ying Tan, Min Chen, Xiao-song Li, Yong Zhou, Wei-ke An. Optimization of compositional and technological parameters for phosphate graphite sand. J. Mater. Eng. Perf., 2008, 17: 465-471
&#91;9&#93; An-hui Cai, Hui Wang, Xiao-Song Li, Hua Chen, Yong Zhou,Zheng-su Wan. New model of Gibbs free energy difference for bulk metallic glasses. Mater. Sci. Eng.A, 2006,435-436:478-483
&#91;10&#93; An-hui Cai, Hui Wang, Xiao-song Li, Hua Chen, Wei-ke An. Progress of component design methods for bulk metallic glass. Mater. Des., 2007, 28(10): 2694-2697
&#91;11&#93; An-hui Cai, Ye Pan, Jun Gu, Guo-xiong Sun. New criterion for glass forming ability of bulk metallic glasses. Mater. Sci. Technol., 2006, 22(07): 859-863
&#91;12&#93; An-hui Cai, Guo-xiong Sun, Ye Pan. Evaluation for the parameters related with glass forming ability of bulk metallic glasses. Mater. Des., 2006, 27(06):479-488
&#91;13&#93; An-hui Cai, Ye Pan, Guo-xiong Sun. A new thermodynamic parameter describing glass forming ability of bulk metallic glasses. Mater. Sci. Technol., 2005, 21(10):1222-1226



