萬帥,女,1979年11月生。教授,IEEE會員,電子與信息工程系主任。分別於2001年6月和2004年3月獲得西安電子科技大學通信工程專業本科和通信與信息系統專業碩士學位,2007年6月獲倫敦大學電子工程專業博士學位。2007年7-8月為歐盟項目(FP6-001765)研究人員。2007年11月加入西北工業大學電子信息學院,2008年4月特評副教授。2008年開始招收碩士研究生,2012年開始對國際班授課。以主要完成人或參加者參與歐盟研究項目、國家自然科學基金面上及重點項目、國防預研項目等國際國內重要科研項目。目前所在學科為“信號與信息處理”,主要研究方向為多光譜圖像、視頻編碼與處理。長期承擔 IEEE /IET期刊及國際會議的審稿工作,擔任四個國際會議的技術委員會成員,並參與兩個國際會議的組織工作。在包括IEEE transactions on Image Processing等重要期刊和國際會議發表論文31篇,其中SCI檢索6篇,EI檢索13篇,ISTP檢索5篇。參與國際國內專利申請7項。
姓 名:萬帥
學 科:信息與信號處理
郵 編:710072
傳 真:見網址
2005-2007倫敦大學(Queen Mary學院),博士/助教/歐盟項目研究人員,專業:電子工程
[1] 2014-2017: “基於感知失真度量的高效視頻編碼(HEVC)率失真最佳化研究”, 國家自然科學基金。
[2] 2010-2012:“可伸縮視頻編碼多目標解析度率失真最佳化方法研究”,國家自然科學基金。
[3] 2010-2011:“基於主觀質量最優的可伸縮視頻時-空-質量解析度分配策略研究”,教育部博士點新教師基金。
[4] 2008-2009:“面向網路傳輸的可伸縮視頻編碼關鍵技術研究”,人力資源與社會保障部/陝西省外專局,留學回國人員擇優資助項目。
[5] 2009-2010:“真實環境的物理表達、認知和互動研究”,西北工業大學新人新事新方向交叉學科研究項目。
[6] 2010-2012:西北工業大學翱翔之星計畫。
[7] 2010-2012:“基於視覺感知的視頻三維率失真模型研究”,西北工業大學基礎研究基金(JC201038)。
[8] 2012:“視頻編碼算法技術合作”,深圳(華為)海思半導體(HITC2011)。
[1] 2008-2011:“多視角大視角高光譜探測與成像研究”,國家自然科學基金重點項目。
[2] 2012-2015:“高光譜遙感圖像的高精度高分辨混合像元分解處理及並行化研究”,國家自然科學基金面上項目。
[1] 2008年獲英國工程學會IET第五屆視覺信息工程國際會議傑出貢獻獎
[2] 2010年獲西北工業大學電子信息學院“優秀青年教師”稱號
[3] 2011年獲西北工業大學吳亞軍青年教師獎教金
[4] 2012年執教的《數位訊號處理》課程獲陝西省精品課程(排名第四)
[5] 2013年“電子信息通信類創新型人才協同培養的改革與實踐”獲陝西省教學成果獎一等獎(排名第五)
[6] 2013年獲校講課比賽一等獎(小組第一)
[7] 2013年優秀女教職工,三八紅旗手
IEEE 會員。
擔任下列兩個國際期刊編委 :
《Recent Patents on Computer Science》(ISSN: 1874-4796)
《Current Development in Theory and Applications of Computer Science, Engineering and Technology》(ISSN: 0976-1438)
擔任國際會議 ICIEA2009 大會秘書, VIE2008 本地組委會成員
2012年:International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence(西班牙布魯塞爾);
2011年:International Conference on Neural Computation Theory and Applications(法國巴黎),International Conference on Advanced Infocomm Technology(中國武漢)
2010年:International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision(新加坡),International Conference on Computer and Information Application(中國天津),Visual Communication(德國Freiburg),Satellite data compression, communication and archiving 2010(美國聖地亞哥)
2009年:Visual Communication(葡萄牙Algarve),Satellite data compression, communication and archiving(美國聖地亞哥)
[1] 萬帥,楊付正《快速傅立葉變換:算法與套用》,機械工業出版社,2013年3月。(註:美國德克薩斯大學教授K. R. Rao是離散餘弦變換DCT的發明人之一,是多媒體技術業內公認的的學術泰斗。本書系2010年受K.R.Rao教授當面委託,翻譯其當年最新著作)
[1] K. Yang, S. Wan, Y. Gong, and Y. Feng, “A fast algorithm of bitstream extraction using distortion prediction based on simulated annealing,” Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, vol.24, No.7, pp.752-759, October 2013. [2] F. Yang and S. Wan, “Bitstream-Based Quality Assessment for Networked Video - A Review,” IEEE Communications Magazine, vol 50, no.11, pp.203-209, Nov. 2012. [3] F. Yang, J. Song, S. Wan and H. R. Wu, “Content-adaptive packet-layer model for quality assessment of networked video services,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, vol.6, no. 6, pp.672-683, Oct. 2012. [4] J. Hou and S. Wan, “Optimal bitstream adaptation for scalable video based on two-dimensional rate and quality model,” International Journal of Computers, Communication and Control,vol.7, no.3, 2012. [5] S. Wan, Y. Gong and F. Yang, “Perception of temporal of pumping artifact in video coding with the hierarchical prediction structure”, 2012 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, July 2012. [6] S. Wan, K. Yang and H. Zhou,“Efficient bitstream extraction for scalable video based on simulated annealing”, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Vol. 24, No. 11, pp. 1223-1230, Aug. 2012. [7] S. Wan, J. Hou and F. Yang, Two-Dimensional Rate Model for Video Coding, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol. 87, (Advanced Electrical and Electronics Engineering), Pages 155-162, 2011. [8] F. Yang, S. Wan, Q. Xie and H. R. Wu, “No-reference Quality Assessment for Networked Video via Primary Analysis of Bit-stream,” IEEE Trans. on Circuits Systems for Video Technology, vol.20, no. 11, pp.1544-1554, Nov. 2010. [9] M. Li, Y. Chang, F. Yang, and S. Wan, “Rate-Distortion Criterion Based Picture Padding for Arbitrary Resolution Video Coding Using H.264/MPEG-4 AVC,” IEEE Trans. on Circuits Systems for Video Technology, vol.20, no. 9, pp. 1233-1241, Sep. 2010. [10] F. Yang, S. Wan, and Q. Xie, “Perceived coding distortion assessment for streaming video”, Journal of Multimedia, vol.5, no. 2, 2010. [11] S. Wan, F. Yang, and E. Izquierdo, “Lagrange multiplier selection in wavelet-based scalable video coding for quality scalability”, Signal Processing: Image Communication, vol. 24, no. 9, pp. 730-739, Oct. 2009. [12] M. Li, Y. Chang, F. Yang, S. Wan, S. Lin, and L. Xiong, “Frame layer rate control for H.264/AVC with hierarchical B-frames,” Signal Processing: Image Communication, vol. 24, no. 3, pp.177-199, March 2009. [13] S. Wan and E. Izquierdo, “Rate-distortion optimized motion-compensated prediction for packet loss resilient video coding,” IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 1327-1338, May 2007. [14] S. Wan, M. Mrak, N. Ramzan, and E. Izquierdo, “Perceptually Adaptive Joint Deringing-Deblocking Filtering for Scalable Video Transmission over Wireless Networks,” Signal Processing: Image Communications, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 266-276, March 2007. [15] N. Ramzan, S. Wan, and E. Izquierdo, “Joint source-channel coding for wavelet-based scalable video transmission using an adaptive turbo code,” EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing, vol. 2007, Article ID 47517, 12 pages, 2007. [16] F. Yang, S. Wan, Y. Chang et al,“A novel objective no-reference metric for digital video quality assessment,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 12, no.10, pp.685-689, 2005. (SCI, EI) (因為本文提出的方法新穎並且性能優越,相關內容已被編入《Digital Video Image Quality and Perceptual Coding》(Taylor & Francis CRC出版)一書中) [17] F. Yang, Y. Chang and S. Wan,“Gradient-threshold edge detection based on the human visual system,” Optical Engineering, vol. 44, no 2, Feb. 2005, 020205. [18] S. Wan, Y. Gong, and F. Yang, “Perception of Temporal Fluctuations in Video Coding with the Hierarchical Prediction Structure,” in Proceedings of IEEE Int. Conf. on Multimedia and Expo, Melbourne, Australia, Jul. 2012. [19] S. Wan, F. Yang, X. Zhang and C. Jiang, “Frame-Loss Adaptive Temporal Pooling for Video Quality Assessment”, in Proceedings of Visual Communications and Image Processing 2010, Huangshan, China, July 2010.(邀請論文) [20] F. Yang, S. Wan, and E. Izquierdo, “Lagrange multiplier selection for 3D wavelet based scalable video coding,” in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 2007, San Antonio, USA, Sep. 2007. [21] N. Ramzan, S. Wan, E. Izquierdo, “Error robustness scheme for scalable video based on the concatenation of LDPC and Turbo codes,” in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 2007, San Antonio, USA, Sep. 2007. [22] N. Ramzan, S. Wan, E. Izquierdo, “An efficient joint source-channel coding for wavelet based scalable video,” in Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Circuit and Systems 2007, New Orleans, USA, May 2007. [23] S. Wan, E. Izquierdo, F. Yang and Y. Chang, “End-to-end rate-distortion optimized motion estimation,” in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 2006, Atlanta, USA, Oct. 2006. 國際標準提案 [1] F. Yang, W. Li, S. Wan, and Y. Chang, CTB splitting on frame boundary for arbitrary resolution video, JCTVC-C025, Oct. 2010. (HEVC標準提案) [2] F. Yang, W. Li, S. Wan, and Y. Chang, Proposal of frame parameters FLCTB and FSCTB for video content adaptation, JCTVC-C026, Oct. 2010. (HEVC標準提案) [3] M. Mrak, N. Sprljan, T. Zgaljic, N. Ramzan, S. Wan, E. Izquierdo, “Performance evidence of software proposal for wavelet video coding exploration group,” ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11/MPEG2006/M13146, 76th MPEG Meeting, Montreux, Switzerland, Apr. 2006. |