

《華爾街圖片》是一款IOS平台的套用。 是一款能讓你領略華爾街風光的工具


華爾街 華爾街

- 地圖更新於2013年!我們的第四個生產創新華爾街今年映射為您的iPhone和iPad 。 - 我們很自豪地宣布, MapTool的X用於世界各地!該應用程式已被下載下面所有的國家:美國,義大利,法國,韓國,中國,馬來西亞,沙烏地阿拉伯,科威特,新加坡,印尼,加拿大,澳大利亞,德國,英國,科威特,阿聯阿拉伯聯合酋長國,以色列,土耳其,俄羅斯,西班牙,荷蘭,泰國,巴西,瑞士,瑞典,日本,羅馬尼亞,突尼西亞,台灣和香港。 ---在9000企業映射到它們各自的股票部門和細分行業! - 該應用程式適用於您的iPhone或iPad 。 - 超過200個行業被映射! - 評估華爾街的競爭格局! 華爾街圖片' MapTool的X是一個創新的投資分析映射工具,自我導向的投資者,金融專業人士,學生,以及市場愛好者。 MapTool的X可以讓你比較和對比大,中型公司和小公司,讓你可以直觀地識別出統治力的球員在華爾街的行業。該應用程式使用了最新的股市數據來創建一個非常直觀的互動式地圖,讓人想起舊世界地圖達爾文主義風格。該MapTool的動態景觀X的更新和轉變公司在每一個華爾街的行業不同地區,因為他們成長更大和更小的尺寸。 MapTool的帶X,你可以很容易: - 搜尋按名稱或股票代碼中我們詳細的資料庫公司,涵蓋所有美國交易的股票 - 創建收藏夾列表 - 瀏覽按行業或部門的故障地圖 由大小過濾和排序的公司 - 自定義您的地圖 其他功能還包括: - 教程部分,以幫助指導你通過自定義和理解你的地圖 地圖演示華爾街行業內的“進入壁壘”和“勢力的競爭”元素 MapTool的下載X要充分利用這一強大的分析工具,可視化的股市數據在競爭激烈的風景線! -Maps are updated for 2013! Our fourth year of producing innovative Wall Street maps for your iPhone and iPad. -We are proud to announce that Maptool X is used all over the world! The app has been downloaded in all the following countries: USA, Italy, France, Korea, China, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Singapore, Indonesia, Canada, Australia, Germany, England, Kuwait, United Arab of Emirates, Israel, Turkey, Russia, Spain, Netherlands, Thailand, Brazil, Switzerland, Sweden, Japan, Romania, Tunisia, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. --- Over 9000 companies mapped into their respective stock sector and sub-industry! -The app works on your iPhone or iPad. -Over 200 industries are mapped! -Evaluate the competitive landscape of Wall Street! Wall Street Images’ Maptool X is an innovative investment analytical mapping tool for self-directed investors, financial professionals, students, and market enthusiasts. Maptool X allows you to compare and contrast large, midsize and small companies so that you can visually identify the dominant players in a Wall Street industry. The app uses up-to-date stock market data to create a highly visual and interactive map, reminiscent of old world Darwinian map styles. The dynamic Maptool X landscape updates and shifts companies in every Wall Street industry to different territories as they grow larger and smaller in size. With Maptool X, you can easily: -Search for companies by name or ticker symbol in our detailed database covering all US traded stocks -Create a favorites list -Browse maps by industry or sector breakdowns -Customize your maps by filtering and sorting companies by size Other features include: -Tutorial section to help guide you through customizing and understanding your maps -Map elements that demonstrate the “barriers to entry” and “forces of competition” within a Wall Street Industry Download Maptool X to take full advantage of this powerful analytical tool for visualizing stock market data in a competitive landscape!


