
他的研究已經發表於以下領先的學術期刊中:管理科學、行銷科學、數量行銷和經濟學、經濟與管理戰略期刊、管理信息系統期刊、經濟學通訊、市場學通訊等。同時為行銷科學的編委會成員。他的榮譽包括Beta Gamma Sigma、《美國商業高等教育名人錄》、《美國名人錄》等。主要發表論作
1. Adoption of Internet-based Product Customization and Pricing Strategies, (joint with Rajiv Dewan, and Abraham Seidmann) Journal of Management Information Systems, Fall 2000.2. Product Customization and Price Competition on the Internet, (joint with Rajiv Dewan, and Abraham Seidmann), Management Science, Aug. 2003.
3. On the Profitability of Firms in a Differentiated Industry, Marketing Science, May-June 2006.
4. Network Externalities and Market Segmentation in a Monopoly, Economics Letters, April 2007.
5. Product Differentiation under Imperfect Information: When does Offering a Lower Quality Pay? Quantitative Marketing and Economics, forthcoming, March 2007.
6. Finite Brand Loyalty and Equilibrium Price Promotions, (joint with Zhong Wen), Journal of Economics and Management Strategy.
7. Putting One-to-One Marketing to Work: Personalization, Customization and Choice, Marketing Letters(forthcoming).
1. Product Line Equilibrium in a Sales Model, (joint with John Zhang).2. User Learning Costs, Product Differentiation, and Interface Design.
3. Sales with Capacity Constraints.
4. Network externality, Quality Asymmetry, and Product-Line Design.
5. Screening R&D Targets for Product Innovation.
6. Bundling Complementary Goods.
Beta Gamma Sigma.Who's Who in Business Higher Education
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