
ten ten ten


出版社: 蘇州大學出版社; 第1版 (2009年1月1日)
叢書名: 高等院校研究性學習英語系列教材
平裝: 221頁
正文語種: 簡體中文, 英語
開本: 16
ISBN: 9787811371932
條形碼: 9787811371932
尺寸: 22.9 x 18.3 x 1 cm
重量: 299 g








Unit 1 Preliminaries about Grammar
Pre-Class Reading/1
1.1 Language and its grammar/1
1.2 Grammatical knowledge/1
1.3 Grammatical competence/2
1.4 Learning English grammar/3
In-Class Activities/4
Post-Class Tasks/7
Project Work/7
Part One The Structure of English Sentences
Unit 2 Constructing English Sentences
Pre-Class Reading/13
2.1 Sentence components in English/13
2.2 Sentence patterns in English/14
2.3 Movements of sentence components/15
In-Class Activities/16
Post-Class Tasks/20
Project Work/22
Unit 3 Functional Taxonomy of English Sentences
Pre-Class Reading/23
3.1 Declarative sentences in English/23
3.2 Interrogative sentences in English/23
3.3 Imperative sentences in English/25
3.4 exclamatory sentences in English/25
In-Class Activities/26
Post-Class Tasks/31
Project Work/33
Unit 4 Grammatical Markers in English Sentences
Pre-Class Reading/34
4.1 The plurality marker/34
4.2 The possessive case marker/35
4.3 The tense/aspect markers/36
4.4 Degree markers for adjectives/adverbs/37
In-Class Activities/38
Post-Class Tasks/41
Project Work/43
Part Two The Subject and the Object
Unit 5 The Subject
Pre-Class Reading/47
5.1 The form choices of the Subject/47
5.2 The meaning choices of the subject/48
5.3 The subject-predicate agreement in number/49
In-Class Activities/50
Post-Class Tasks/54
Project Work/58
Unit 6 The Object
Pre-Class Reading/59
6.1 Defining the object/59
6.2 The form choices of the object/60
6.3 The meaning choices of the object/61
In-Class Activities/62
Post-Class Tasks/64
Project Work/67
Unit 7 Determiners in Noun Phrases
Pre-Class Reading/68
7.1 Defining the notion of "determiner"/68
7.2 Types of determiners/69
7.3 The co-occurrence of determiners/70
In-Class Activities/71
Post-Class Tasks/76
Project Work/80
Unit 8 Attributives: Modifiers in Noun Phrases
Pre-Class Reading/81
8.1 The definition of the attributive/81
8.2 The form choices of the attributive/82
8.3 The relative clause/84
8.4 Ordering modifiers in noun phrases/87
In-Class Activities/88
Post-Class Tasks/92
Project Work/96
Part Three The Predicate and Related Grammatical Categories
Unit 9 The Terse and Aspect Systems
Pre-Class Reading/99
9.1 The predicate/99
9.2 The tense of the predicate/100
9.3 The aspect of the predicate/101
9.4 Present tenses/102
9.5 Past tenses/104
9.6 Future times/104
In-Class Activities/106
Post-Class Tasks/110
Project Work/115
Unit 10 The Mood System
Pre-Class Reading/117
10.1 Mood as a grammatical category/117
10.2 Form choices of the subjunctive mood/118
10.3 Function choices of the subjunctive mood/120
In-Class Activities/122
Post-Class Tasks/126
Project Work/130
Unit 11 The Modality System
Pre-Class Reading/131
11.1 Types of modal verbs/131
11.2 Categories of modality/132
11.3 Modality and politeness/132
In-Class Activities/133
Post-Class Tasks/138
Project Work/140
Part Four The Adverbial and the Complement
Unit 12 The Adverbial
Unit 13 The Complement
Part five Grammar and Text
Unit 14 Inversion
Unit 15 ellipsis and Substitution
Unit 16 Cohesion in English Texts
Refefences 210
Glossary 213


