

《英語初級聽力(教師用書)》有以下幾個特點:1.教程的第三冊適合巨語專業高年級學生使用,以達到教委大綱中第六級和第八級對聽力的要求。2.內容新穎,聽力材料均選自80年代後期國外的有聲資料。3.錄音以標準的美國音或英國音為主,聲音清晰。4.練習形式活潑。練習的設計參考了美TOEFL考試和英國Cambridge Certificate 考試的形式,並增加了是非題、填充題、聽寫、講座摘記和根據筆記回答問題等多種形式。5.《教師用書》中的補充讀物均摘自英美報刊和書籍,不僅能夠為教師備課提供必要的歷史文化背景,也可以作為學生的課外閱讀材料,以擴大學生的知識面。以上特點不僅使該教程適合課堂教學,同時也為英語專業學生和社會各層次的英語愛好者提供了自學的良好模式。Listen to Thes 1適用於大學一年級學生和英語初學者。錄音材料選自80年代中期以來英美的錄音材料。全書共有5課預備課文和36課正式課文,以便教師根據學生的水平選擇一年級聽力課的起點。每課由三個部分組成,形式活潑多樣,涉及了日常生活和社交活動的各個方面。不公演有助於提高學生的聽力技能,也有益於提高學生的英語交際能力。


《英語初級聽力(教師用書)》整套教程共分為三冊。第一冊適合大學一年級學生或英語初學者使用;第二冊的對象是大學二年級學生和有中等英語水平的自學者;第三冊可供大學三、四年級學生和有較高英語水平的自學者使用。每冊均含《學生用書》(Student's Book)和《教師用書》(Teacher's Book),功用不同,相輔相成。《學生用書》以錄音材料中的生詞表、文化背景注釋和配套的練習為主




聽力是英語教學中四項基本技能之一,也是中國學生的一個難點。突破這個難關不僅有助於其它單項技能的訓練,同時也為培養學生的英語交際能力奠定一個良好的基礎。在國家教委最近頒布的《高等學校英語專業基礎階段英語教學大綱》和《高等學校英語專業高年級英語教學大綱》中,對於大學一、二、三、四年級學生在聽力方面應該達到的標準都作出了詳細的規定。Listen to This 就是按照這兩個大綱的要求,根據中國英語教學的特點而編寫的一套聽力教程。
整套教程共分為三冊。第一冊適合大學一年級學生或英語初學者使用;第二冊的對象是大學二年級學生和有中等英語水平的自學者;第三冊可供大學三、四年級學生和有較高英語水平的自學者使用。每冊均含《學生用書》(Student's Book)和《教師用書》(Teacher's Book),功用不同,相輔相成。《學生用書》以錄音材料中的生詞表、文化背景注釋和配套的練習為主。
和國內現有的聽力教程相比,Listen to This 有以下幾個特點:
4.練習形式活潑。練習的設計參考了美國TOEFL考試和英國Cambridge Certificate考試的形式,並增加了是非題、填充題、聽寫、講座摘記和根據筆記回答問題等多種形式。
Listen to This 1 適用於大學一年級學生和英語初學者。錄音材料選自80年代中期以來英美的錄音材料。全書共有5課預備課文和36課正式課文,以便教師根據學生的水平選擇一年級聽力課的起點。每課由三個部分組成,形式活潑多樣,涉及了日常生活和社交活動的各個方面。不僅有助於提高學生的聽力技能,也有益於提高學生的英語交際能力。


Preparatory Lesson One
Ⅰ. Numbers,Dates,Addresses
Ⅱ. Dialogues (1-5)
Ⅲ. Dictation of Words
Preparatory Lesson Two
Ⅰ. Numbers, Letters, Times
Ⅱ. Dialogues(1-6)
Ⅲ. Dictation of Words
Preparatory Lesson Three
Ⅰ.A. Numbers
B. Easyway Shopping List
Ⅱ.A. Dialogues(1-4)
B. Easyway Shopping List
Ⅲ.Dictation of Words
Preparatory Lesson Four
Ⅰ. Numbers
Ⅱ. Dialogues (1-4)
Ⅲ. Dictation of Sentences
Preparatory Lesson Five
Lesson One
Lesson Two
Lesson Three
Lesson Four
Lesson Five
Lesson Six
Lesson Seven
Lesson Eight
Lesson Nine
Lesson Ten
Lesson Eleven
Lesson Twelve
Lesson Thirteen
Lesson Fourteen
Lesson Fifteen
Lesson Sixteen
Lesson Seventeen
Lesson Eighteen
Lesson Nineteen
Lesson Twenty
Lesson Twenty-One
Lesson Twenty-Two
Lesson Twenty-Three
Lesson Twenty-Four
Lesson Twenty-Five
Lesson Twenty-Six
Lesson Twenty-Seven
Lesson Twenty-Eight
Lesson Twenty-Nine
Lesson Thiry
Lesson Thiry-One
Lesson Thiry-Two
Lesson Thiry-Three
Lesson Thiry-Four
Lesson Thiry-Five
Lesson Thiry-Six


Dialogue 1:
Robert: Hello,I'm Robert.What's your name?
Sylvia: My name's Sylvia.
Robert: Are you French?
Sylvia: No,I'm not. I'm Swiss.
Dialogue 2:
Ronnie: Where do you come from?
Susie: From Switzerland.
Ronnie: What do you do?
Susie: I work in a travel agency.
Ronnie: Do you? I work in a bank.
Dialogue 3:
Tony: Who's that girl over there?
George: Which one?
Tony: The tall one with fair hair.
George: That's Lisa.
Tony: She's nice.isn't she?
Section One:
Dialogue 1:
--What are you going to do after this lesson?
--I'm probably going to have a cup of tea. What about you?
--Oh, I'm going to the post office.
--I see.
Dialogue 2:
--Can you come and see me at nine o'clock?
--I'm afraid not. You see, I'm meeting Mr. Green at nine.
Dialogue 3:
--I hear you are playing at a concert tomorrow. How do you feel about it?
--Oh, I'm really worried about it.
--I'm not surprised. So would I be.
Dialogue 4:
--What are your plans for tomorrow, Brenda?
--Well, first, I'm going to do the washing up.
--Poor you! While you're doing the washing up, I'll be having breakfast in bed.
--It's alright for some people.
Dialogue 5:
--I'd like to withdraw fifty pounds from my deposit account.
--Certainly. Would you please sign this form?
--Oh, yes. There you are.
--How would you like the money?
--In fives, please.
--Fine. Here you are.
--Thanks. Goodbye.
Dialogue 6:
--How are you, Brenda?
--Fine, apart from the backache.
--Oh, dear, I'm sorry to hear that.
--Yes. My back's killing me.
--Oh, I hope you'll soon feel better.
B.Restaurant English:
Dialogue 1:
Man: Waitress! This meat is like old leather! It's enough to break every tooth in your head.
Waitress: Perhaps you'd like to change your order, sir. The sirloin is very tender.
Dialogue 2:
Woman: John, look what that waiter's gone and done! Spilt soup all over my new dress!
Waiter: I'm terribly sorry, madam. Perhaps if I could sponge it with a little warm water ...
Man: Leave it alone man, you'll only make it worse.
Woman: I want to speak to the Manager!
Waiter: Very good, madam.
Manager: I do apologize for this unfortunate accident, madam. If you would like to have the dress cleaned and send the bill to us, we will be happy to take care of it.
Woman: Oh no, it doesn't matter. Forget it. It probably won't stain very much.
Dialogue 3:
Man: Waiter, this just won't do. This wine's got a most peculiar flavor.
Waiter: Yes, sir. I'll take it back. Perhaps you would like to choose another wine instead, sir?
Section One:
Dialogue 1:
--What flights are there from London to Vienna tomorrow?
--If you'd like to take a seat, I'll find out for you.
--I'd like to travel first class, please.
--BEA Flight BE 502 takes off from Heathrow at 0925, and flies direct.
--What time have I got to get there?
--You'll have to beat West LondonAir Terminal by 08I0 at the latest.
Dialogue 2:
--Another piece of meat pie?
--No, thanks, really. I'm on a diet.
--Please do. You've hardly eaten anything. It's delicious, but I don't think I ought to.
Dialogue 3:
--How about a nice cup of tea before you go?
--Yes, I'd love one.
--How do you like it?
--A strong one with three spoons for me, please.
--What are you going to have to drink?
--I'd like something cool.
--Would you care for some cake?
--Yes, I'll try a piece of cheese cake.
--It certainly looks tempting. I wouldn't mind some myself,
Dialogue 5:
--Have you chosen something, sir?
--Yes, I think I'll have the curry, please.
--What would you like afterwards?
--I'd like some fruit if you have any.
Dialogue 6:
--Would you like a cigarette?
--No, thanks. I'm trying to cut down.
--Go on. I owe you one from yesterday.
--OK, but next time you must have one of mine.
Dialogue 7:
--I wonder if you could help me-I'm looking for a room.
--I have got a vacancy, yes.
--What sort of price are you asking?
--Eight pounds fifty a week excluding laundry.
--Would it be convenient to see the room?
--Can you call back later?. We're right in the middle of lunch.
Dialogue 8:
--Will Dr.Black be able to see me at about 9.15 tomorrow?
--Sorry, but he's fully booked tll eleven unless there's a cancel1ation.
--Would ten to one be convenient?
--Yes, he's free then.
Dialogue 9:
--Can you fix me up with a part-time job?
--Anything in particular that appeals to you?
--I was rathor hoping to find something in a school.
--Have you done that kind of thing before?
--Yes, I was doing the same job last summer.
--I might be able to help you, but I'd need references.


聽力是英語教學中四項基本技能之一,也是中國學生的一個難點。突破這個難關不僅有助於其它單項技能的訓練,同時也為培養學生的英語交際能力奠定一個良好的基礎。在國家教委最近頒布的《高等學校英語專業基礎階段英語教學大綱》和《高等學校英語專業高年級英語教學大綱》中,對於大學一、二、三、四年級學生在聽力方面應該達到的標準都作出了詳細的規定。Listen to This 就是按照這兩個大綱的要求,根據中國英語教學的特點而編寫的一套聽力教程。
整套教程共分為三冊。第一冊適合大學一年級學生或英語初學者使用;第二冊的對象是大學二年級學生和有中等英語水平的自學者;第三冊可供大學三、四年級學生和有較高英語水平的自學者使用。每冊均含《學生用書》(Student's Book)和《教師用書》(Teacher's Book),功用不同,相輔相成。《學生用書》以錄音材料中的生詞表、文化背景注釋和配套的練習為主。
和國內現有的聽力教程相比,Listen to This 有以下幾個特點:
4.練習形式活潑。練習的設計參考了美國TOEFL考試和英國Cambridge Certificate考試的形式,並增加了是非題、填充題、聽寫、講座摘記和根據筆記回答問題等多種形式。
Listen to This 1 適用於大學一年級學生和英語初學者。錄音材料選自80年代中期以來英美的錄音材料。全書共有5課預備課文和36課正式課文,以便教師根據學生的水平選擇一年級聽力課的起點。每課由三個部分組成,形式活潑多樣,涉及了日常生活和社交活動的各個方面。不僅有助於提高學生的聽力技能,也有益於提高學生的英語交際能力。


