

Love Love Late



ISBN:9787888660359 [十位:7888660355]
頁數:330 重約:0.214KG




塵世之貴 The earthly Treasure
Is It worth It? 是否值得?
Who You Love 你到底愛誰
Speak Out Your Love 勇敢表達心中之愛
A Simple Gesture 舉手之勞
A Friend in Need 患難真情
The List 缺點單
It Was a Good Barn 那曾是一座好穀倉
Cookies 小甜餅
My Best Friend and I 好友和我
Big Oak Tree 大橡樹
The Powerful Gift of Love 強大的愛之禮
If SO for Birds,Why Not for Man? 鳥尚且如此,何況人呢?
Flying 飛翔
Salty Coffee 鹹味咖啡
Color of Friendship 友誼的顏色
真情的紐帶Chain of Love
The Rewards of a Good Deed 善有善報
A Trick 惡作劇
The Gift 禮物
Lose-Win 不該讓步時不要妥協
We Did It! 我們成功了!
He Made Me an Angel 他讓我成為了天使
A Teacher’S Lesson 教師的一課
One Glass of Milk 一杯牛奶的溫暖
Jessie’s Glove 傑西的手套
The Splashes of Life 生命的波紋
The Secret of Happiness 快樂的秘訣
The Underestimated Power of Kindness 被輕視的友善之力
The Sociolocjy Class 一堂社會學課
Growing Good Corn 種好玉米
The Carpenter and the Fence 木匠和柵欄
永恆之愛Eternal Love
Words from the Heart 心靈之聲
A Brother Like That 兄弟情深
Love Without M easure 無條件的愛
Ome Hour 一小時
Date with Mamma 我與媽媽有個約會
Love Is Just a Thread 愛只是一根線
The Wooden Bowl 一隻木碗
Say“I Love You” 說出“我愛你”
A Mother’s Love Outlasts Everything 永恆母愛
Kiss in a Box 盒子中的吻
Love Can Last Forever 愛無止境
Butterfly Kisses 蝶吻
The Pickle Jar 鹹菜罈子
Keep on Singing 繼續歌唱
Be Kind to Your Family 善待家人
感懷瞬間 Flavor of the Moment
The Real Meaning of Peace 寧靜的真諦
Late at Night,Do You Turn off Your Cell Phone? 今夜不關機
Dance Like No One’s Watching 縱情起舞,就像無人觀看
Run Freely 自由奔跑
A Trip to the Supermarket 超市追憶
Blue’s Song 布魯的歌
The Crying Place 傷心之地
Heartsrings 心弦
Every Day Is a Gift 珍惜每一天 擁抱現在
Moved by the Moon 為月亮而感動
Run Through The Rain 冒雨跑過去
Mickey’S Goal 米基的進球
The Day I Finally Cried 那天,我終於哭了
Tommy’s Scribble 湯米的作業紙



