
Question Question Question


出版社: 中國農業大學出版社; 第1版 (2011年7月1日)
外文書名: English Academic Writing
平裝: 272頁
正文語種: 英語
開本: 16
ISBN: 7565502464, 9787565502460
條形碼: 9787565502460
尺寸: 22.6 x 16.8 x 1.2 cm
重量: 358 g




Chapter 1 Introduction to Academic Research Writing
1 Definition of Academic Research
1.1 A Simplified Mode| of Academic Research
1.2 Classification of Academic Research
2 Definition of Academic Research Writing
2.1 Characteristics of Good Academic Research Writing
2.2 Classification of Academic Research Papers
2.3 Process of Academic Research Writing
2.4 Structure of Academic Research Writing
Questions for Thought
Chapter 2 Style in English Academic Writing
1 Definition of Academic Writing Style
2 General Characteristics of English Academic Writing Style
2.1 Complexity
2.2 formality
2.3 Objectivity
2.4 Explicitness
2.5 Accuracy
2.6 Hedging
2.7 Responsibility
3 Specific Items to Realize English Academic Writing Style
3.1 Diction
3.2 Tone
3.3 Voice
3.4 Economy
3.5 Tense
3.6 Sentence Structure
3.7 Parallelism
3.8 Logical Consistency
3.9 Coherence
3.10 Unbiased Language
Questions for Thought
Chapter 3 Mechanics in Academic Research Writing
1 Definition of Mechanics in Academic Writing
2 The Items of Mechanics in Academic Writing
2.1 Spelling
2.2 Abbreviations
2.3 Hyphenation
2.4 Italics
2.5 Titles of Works
2.6 Capitalization
2.7 Numbers
2.8 Enumeration
Questions for Thought
Chapter 4 E-Library
1 Information Literacy
2 Ethics in the Information Age
3 Library vs. Web
3.1 The Library
3.2 The Web
3.3 Characteristics of Commercial Website
3.4 Finding Scholarly Content on the Web
4 Evaluation of Website Information
4.1 Authority
4.2 Accuracy
4.3 Objectivity
4.4 Currency
4.5 Coverage
5 Academic Databases
6 Fair Use Guidelines
7 Website for Self-study
Questions for Thought
Chapter 5 Writing Research Papers
1 Choosing a Topic
1.1 Identify a General Subject
1.2 Define a Specific Topic
1.3 Narrow Down the Topic
2 The Title Page
2.1 Titles
2.2 Authors
2.3 Abstract and Keywords
3 Introductions
4 Materials and Methods
4.1 Structure of Materials and Methods Section
4.2 Content of Materials and Methods Section
4.3 Grammatical Feature
5 Results
5.1 Content of the Results
5.2 Structure of the Results
5.3 How to Present the Results
6 Discussion
6.1 Structure of the Discussion Section
6.2 Development of Arguments
7 Conclusion
8 Acknowledgement
9 References
Questions for Thought
Chapter 6 Documentation and Citation
1 Definition
2 Citation Styles
3 Academic misconduct
4 Common Reference List Errors(Based on APA Style)
5 Penalties
6 Chinese Reference
7 Online Publishing
7.1 Definition
7.2 Open Access (OA)
7.3 For and Against Open Access
8 Websites for Self-Study
Questions for Thought
Chapter 7 IUustration of Scientific Papers
1 Format
2 Illustration
3 Interpreting Date in Charts and Graphs
3.1 Definitions
3.2 Useful Sentences
3.3 Verbs and Related Nouns
4 Vocabulary to Use in Drawing Conclusions
5 Websites for Self-Study
Questions for Thought
Chapter 8 Paper Publication
1 Choosing Where to Publish
1.1 Choosing the Right Journal
1.2 Prestige and Impact Factors
1.3 Publishing Online
2 Preparing to Publish
2.1 Identifying the Style of a Target Journal
2.2 A Friendly Critique and Proof Reading
2.3 Prepare the Manuscript Packet
3 Communication with Journal Editors
3.1 The Author-Editor Relationship
3.2 The Query Letter
3.3 Responding Letter to Reviews and Decisions
Questions for Thought


