
Listen Listen Listen


出版社: 高等教育出版社; 第2版 (2006年1月1日)
叢書名: 全國成人高等教育規劃教材
平裝: 254頁
正文語種: 簡體中文, 英語
開本: 16
ISBN: 7040185148, 9787040185140
條形碼: 9787040185140
尺寸: 25.5 x 19.5 x 1 cm
重量: 440 g




UNIT 1 Education in the Air
Listening In and Speaking Out
Reading In and Writing Out
Passage Higher Education in the United Applied Writing
Grammar Focus
Merry Learning
UNIT 2 Western Holidays
Listening In and Speaking Out
Reading In and Writing Out
Passage Thanksgiving
Applied Writing
Grammar Focus
Merry Learning
UNIT 3 Social Customs
Listening In and Speaking Out
Reading In and Writing Out
Passage What and When Americans Eat
Applied Writing
Grammar Focus
Merry Learning
UNIT 4 How to Use a Bank
Listening In and Speaking Ou
Reading In and Writing Out
Passage Investment
Applied Writing
Grammar Focus
Merry Learning
UNIT 5 How Does the Stock Exchange Work?
Listening In and Speaking Out
Reading In and Writing Out
Passage How Do I Decide What to Buy?
Applied Writing
Grammar Focus
Merry Learning
Test One (Unit 1 - Unit 5)
UNIT 6 Do You Follow Ads?
Listening In and Speaking Out
Reading In and Writing Out
Passage Advertising in the USA
Applied Writing
Grammar Focus
Merry Learning
UNIT 7 Are You a Football Fan?
Listening In and Speaking Out
Reading In and Writing Out
Passage Track Events
Applied Writing
Grammar Focus
Merry Learning
UNIT 8 Food Culture
Listening In and Speaking Out
Reading In and Writing Out
Passage vegetarian Guests
Applied Writing
Grammar Focus
Merry Learning
UNIT 9 Online Smiley Face
Listening In and Speaking Out
Reading In and Writing Out
Passage How to Buy a laptop?
Applied Writing
Grammar Focus
Merry Learning
UNIT 10 Do They Save Time or Waste Time?
Listening In and Speaking Out
Reading In and Writing Out
Passage Why Animals Get Emotional Problem
Applied Writing
Grammar Focus
Merry Learning
Test Two (Unit 6-Unit 10)
Key to Exercises


