
ration Relation ation


出版社: 科學出版社; 第1版 (2009年1月1日)
精裝: 261頁
正文語種: 英語
開本: 32
ISBN: 9787030217899
條形碼: 9787030217899
尺寸: 21.2 x 15 x 1.8 cm
重量: 558 g


就詞例的信息性而言,詞典編纂者須考慮語料庫檢索工具在詞例選取中的運用以及相關的語言學理論對詞例選取的啟示。一些實用的檢索工具,如WordSmith,World Sketch Engine和FrameNet等,可直接用於提取信息量大的詞例。而信息豐富的詞例通常顯示目標詞的語義、搭配和(或)句法信息。框架語義學闡明了辭彙單位的典型框架以及框架成分,對於如何選取語義信息凸現的典型詞例起著指導作用。相關的短語搭配研究則有助於選取搭配信息充分的詞例。配價理論和句法轉換理論中的一些規則對於詞例的選擇起著句法制約作用。


Chapter One Introduction
1.1 rationale for the Present Research
1.2 Overview of Exemplification Research
1.3 Research Objectives
1.4 Research Methodology
1.5 Research Framework
1.6 Outline of the Book
Chapter Two Intentionality of Illustrative Examples
2.1 Evidence for the Functions of Illustrative Examples
2.1.1 Psycholmguistic Evidence
2.1.2 Empirical Evidence
2.2 Nature of Illustrative Examples
2.2.1 Infinite Utterances vs. Prototypical Examples
2.2.2 Syntagmatic Relationship vs. Paradigmatic Relationship
2.3 Classification of Examples' Functions
2.3.1 Descriptive Approach
2.3.2 User-oriented Approach
2.3.3 A Refined Classification of Examples' Functions
2.3.4 A Case Study of the Exemplification of the Word monopoly
2.3.5 Discussion
2.4 Evincing lexicographic Intentions in Illustrative Examples
2.5 Summary
Chapter Three Informativity of Illustrative Examples
3.1 Impacts of Technological Innovations on the Choice of Dictionary Examples
3.1.1 Manual Collection of Data
3.1.2 Computer Corpus and KWIC Concordancing
3.1.3 Word Sketch Engine
3.1.4 FrameNet Concordancing
3.1.5 Summary of the Technological Advances
3.2 Semantic Information in Illustrative Examples
3.2.1 Overview of Frame Semantics
3.2.2 Implications of Frame Semantics for lexicography
3.2.3 Application of Frame Semantics to Exemplification: A Case Study of the Lemma conclude
3.2.4 Procedures for Selecting informative Examples from Corpus
3.3 Combinatory Information in Illustrative Examples
3.3.1 Significance of Word Combinatory Information in Linguistics and in Lexicography
3.3.2 Classification of Word Combinations: An Overview
3.3.3 Approaches to Phraseological Study
3.3.4 Method
3.3.5 Results
3.3.6 Discussion
3.3.7 Principles of Exemplifying Collocations
3.4 Syntactic Information in Illustrative Examples
3.4.1 Overview of Lexicogrammars
3.4.2 Treatment of Syntactic Information in Illustrative Examples in the "Big Five
3.5 Summary
Chapter Four cohesion Between the Illustrative Example and the Source Text
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Relevant Studies
4:2.1 Theoretical Underpinnings
4.2.2 Critique of Relevant Research
4.3 Method
4.4 Results
4.4.1 Number of Example Sentences in the Sample Data
4.4.2 Person Deictic Expressions in Example Sentences
4.4.3 Place Deictic Expressions in Example Sentences
4.4.4 Time Deictic Expressions in Example Sentences 2
4.5 Discussion
4.5.1 Person Deictics from a Perspective of Information Structure Theory
4.5.2 here and there: Markers of Simultaneous Spoken Discourse
4.5.3 Conditions for Using Minor Types of Verb Tenses
4.6 Summary
Chapter Five Cohesion Between the Illustrative Example and the Dictionary Text
5.1 Relevant Studies
5.2 Method
5.3 Results
5.3.1 Effects of Word Frequency, Part-of-Speech and Lexical Meaning on Exemplification
5.3.2 Factors Affecting Exemplification of Regionalisms
5.3.3 Effects of a Word's Subject Field on Exemplification
5.3.4 Effects of a Word's Currency on Exemplification
5.3.5 Effects of a Word's Style on Exemplification
5.3.6 Effects of a Word's Attitude on Exemplification
5.3.7 Summary of the Results
5.4 Discussion
5.5 Summary
Chapter Six Acceptability of Illustrative Examples to EFL Learners
6.1 Relevant Studies
6.1.1 User's Needs for Examples
6.1.2 Effectiveness of Different Types of Examples in Language Learning Tasks
6.1.3 Effects of the User's Proficiency Level and the Background Knowledge on the Selection of Examples
6.1.4 Summary of Previous Studies
6.2 Method
6.3 Results
6.3.1 Results of the Questionnaire Survey
6.3.2 Results of the CLEC Concordances of the Erroneous Structure although...but..
6.4 Discussion: Theorizing the Findings with Relevance Theory
6.4.1 Overview of Relevance Theory
6.4.2 Interpreting with Relevance Theory the Criterion of Acceptability for Illustrative Examples
6.5 Summary
Chapter Seven Conclusions
7.1 Main Findings
7.2 Implications
7.2.1 Implications for the Practice of Dictionary Exemplification
7.2.2 Implications for the Development of Metalexicographical Theory
7.3 Limitations of the
7.4 Concluding Remarks
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3
Appendix 4
Appendix 5


