1 Swi ng Song/鞦韆歌
2 The Fou r Seasons/四季
3 Risk/冒險
4 Life/生活
5 Words to Live By/人生箴言
6 The Leopard and the Fox/豹子和狐狸
7 Sprin9/春天
8 Kill the Goose That Lay the Golden Eggs/殺雞取卵
9Twinkle,Twinkle,Little Star/小星星,亮晶晶
10 The Ant and the Cricket/螞蟻和蟋蟀
11 The Most Valuable and the Most Worthless Thin9/無價之寶與一文不值
12 The Donkey in the Lion’S Skin/披著獅皮的驢
1 3 Work While You Work/乾的時候好好乾
14 A Story of Isaac Newton/艾薩克·牛頓的故事
15 A Forgetful Professor/健忘的教授
16 The Troublemaker/惹是生非者
17 Baby Son9/嬰兒歌
18 Three Wishes/三個願望
19 Teach Yourself/自學
20 The Boy and the Nettle/男孩和蕁麻
21 Try,Try Again/嘗試,再嘗試
22 I Don’t Like the School/我不喜歡這所學校
23 I Learned to Drive a Car/我在學開車
24 The Oak and the Reed/橡樹和蘆葦
25 Theusefulnessof Trees/樹木的益處
26 Little Things/微不足道的東西
27 The Kind but Ca reless Farmer/粗心而善良的農夫
28 The Fox and the Goat/狐狸和山羊
29 Wrong Socks/穿錯的襪子
30 The Lion and the BuIl/獅子和公牛
3 1 Misunderstandin9/誤解
32 Mirror/鏡子
33 A Strict Mother/嚴母
34 The Hare and the Tortoise/兔子和烏龜
35 It’S a Small World/小小世界
36 Abeggarand a Farmer/乞丐和農夫
37 The Lion and the Fox/獅子和狐狸
38 High Flyer/翱翔者
39 A Clever Hare/聰明的兔子
40 The Foolish Mouse/愚蠢的老鼠
4 1 The Frog and the Ox/青蛙與公牛
42 Faithfulcurly/忠誠的科利
42,Good Night,Sleep Tight/道聲晚安好好睡
44 Do It Now/現在就做
45 Mother’S Day/母親節
46 The Day That Changed My Life/改變我生活的一天
47 J’||Try/我決心嘗試
48 An Artist and a Farmer/藝術家和農夫
49 A Young Man’S Dream/一個青年的夢想
50 Doctor WoIf/狼醫生
5l No More/不再
52 A Friend in Need Is a Friend I ndeed/患難朋友才是真正的朋友
53 My G randfather/我的爺爺
54 The Man and His Hats/賣帽人
55 Bed in Summer/夏日上床
56 A Terrible Storm/可怕的暴風雨
57 A Clever Rat/一隻聰明的老鼠
58 An Arguing/一場爭論
59 The Fox and the Hen/狐狸和母雞
60 Mr.Fat/胖子先生