

胡文成 男,1967年3月出生。1991年畢業於成都科技大學,獲碩士學位,電子科技大學微電子與固體電子學院教授,博導,現為中國電子學會高級會員。主要從事納米粉體、無機材料、薄膜的製備與性能研究。現研究的項目為973子課題“紅外熱釋電薄膜性能研究”。



男,電子科技大學微電子與固體電子學院教授,博導,1967年3月出生。1991年畢業於成都科技大學,獲碩士學位,現為中國電子學會高級會員。完成科研項目二項,著作一部,發表論文20餘篇,講授“無機材料合成”、“物理化學”、“印製電路技術”等課程。主要從事納米粉體、無機材料、薄膜的製備與性能研究。現研究的項目為973子課題“紅外熱釋電薄膜性能研究”。 承擔國家973子課題、四川省科技攻關項目、成都市科技攻關項目、中國工程物理研究院院外基金等在研項目。已發表刊物論文40餘篇,其中在國外重要刊物“Applied Physics Letters”、“Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electrics”、“Journal of Sol-gel Science and Technology”、“Ceramics International”、“Ferroelectrics”、“Integrated Ferroelectrics”等上發表論文13篇,被SCI、Ei收錄20餘篇次。


2005.09-2008.06 電子科技大學 微電子與固體電子專業 博士學位

1988.09-1991.06 成都科技大學 無機化工專業 碩士學位

1984.09-1988.06 成都電訊工程學院 套用化學專業 學士學位


1991.07-1993.06 電子科技大學 助教

1993.07-1996.06 電子科技大學 講師

1996.07-2007.06 電子科技大學 副教授

2007.07- 至今 電子科技大學 教授(博導)




研究生 《無機材料合成》



1. 碳材料的改性研究, 包括活性炭,碳納米管,石墨烯等;

2. 多孔過渡金屬氧化物電極材料研究,包括NiO,MnO2, V2O5等;

3. 有機導電聚合物電極材料研究,包括PPy, PANI等。


1. 多孔金屬的製備及性能研究,包括多孔銅,多孔鎳,等;

2. 電鍍金新工藝的研究。


1. 納米金屬顆粒的製備及性能研究,包括納米銅,納米金,納米銀等;

2. 納米金屬氧化物的製備及性能研究,包括四氧化三鐵,二氧化錳等。


1. 本實驗室有多種材料合成設備,包括靜電紡絲設備,DHJF-4002型冷凍乾燥設備,KW-4A型台式勻膠機,B25型高速乳化劑,SW-CJ-1D型單人淨化工作檯,數控雙脈衝電源,高壓電源,水熱反應釜,蒸發沉積設備,惰性氣體手套箱等。

2. 本實驗室擁有多種材料測試設備,包括BT 25S十萬分之一電子天平,EC500型金相顯微鏡,CHI-660D型和PGSTAT-302N型電化學工作站,RTS-8型四探針測試儀,UNICO-2100S型可見光分光光度計,JW-BK112型靜態氮吸附儀,LAND2001A型充放電測試儀,XRF-2000L型薄膜測厚儀。

3. 本實驗室擁有多種實驗輔助設備,包括恆溫鼓風乾燥箱,電子天平,高溫烘箱,真空乾燥箱,恆溫水浴設備,高速離心機,高溫管式爐等。

4. 本實驗室長期與其他測試單位合作,包括場發射掃描電子顯微鏡,高分辨投射電子顯微鏡,原子力顯微鏡等。


[60]J. Luo, J. Yin, H. Zhang, M. Yao, W. Hu.Direct sputtering- and electro-deposition of gold coating onto theclosed surface of ultralow-density carbon-hydrogen foam cylinder. Fusion Engineering and Design, 2016, 113: 51-56 [IF: 1.301]

[59]J.Yin, H. Zhang, J. Luo, M. Yao, W.Hu. High-boiling-point solvent synthesis of mesoporous NiCo2S4 with high specific surface area as supercapacitor electrode material. J Mater Sci: Mater Electron,DOI: 10.1007/s10854-016-5771-z [IF: 1.798]

[58]N. Wang, P. Zhao, K. Liang, M. Yao, Y. Yang, W. Hu.CVD-grown polypyrrole nanofilms on highly mesoporous structureMnO2 for high performance asymmetric supercapacitors. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 307: 105-112 [IF: 5.310]

[57]M. Yao, N. Wang, W Hu. In situ removal of template to synthesize mesoporous NiCo2O4for high performance battery–type electrode. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2016, 782: 133-137 [IF: 2.822]

[56]Y Liu, N Wang, C Yang, W Hu. Sol–gel synthesis of nanoporous NiCo2O4 thin films on ITO glass as high-performance supercapacitor electrodes. Ceramics International, 2016, 42(9): 11411-11416 [IF: 2.758]

[55]Y Dai, N Wang, Y Li, M Yao, H Gan, W Hu. Reversed preparation of low-density poly(divinylbenzene/styrene) foam columns coated with gold films. Fusion Engineering and Design. 2016, 107: 51–57 [IF: 1.301]

[54] N. Wang, M. Yao, P. Zhao, Q. Zhang, W. Hu. Highly mesoporous structure nickel cobalt oxides with an ultra-high specific surface area for supercapacitor electrode materials[J]. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 2016,20(5), 1429-1434 [IF: 2.446]

[53] K. Liang, X. Tang, W. Hu, Y. Yang. Ultrafine V2O5 nanowires in 3D current for high-performance supercapacitor[J]. Chemelectrochem, 2016, 3 (5): 704-708 [IF: 3.506]

[52] Y. Li, P. Zhao, Y. Dai, M.Yao, H. Gan, W. Hu. Electrochemical deposition of Al-Mg alloys on tungsten wires from AlCl3-NaCl-KCl melts[J]. Fusion Engineering and Design, 2016, 103: 8-12 [IF: 1.152]

[51] M. Zhou, Y. Deng, X. Liu, W. Hu. Preparation of mesoporous La2NiO4/NiO filled activated carbon composite for high performance electrochemical electrodes[J]. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics,2015, 26(8): 6306-6313 [IF: 1.966]

[50] M. Zhou, Y. Deng, K. Liang, X. Liu, B. Wei, W. Hu. One-step route synthesis of active carbon@La2NiO4/NiO hybrid coatings as supercapacitor electrode materials: Significant improvements in electrochemical performance[J]. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2015, 742: 1-7 [IF: 2.871]

[49] L. Hu, Y. Deng, K. Liang, X. Liu, W. Hu. LaNiO3/NiO hollow nanofibers with mesoporous wall: a significant improvement in NiO electrodes for supercapacitors[J]. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 2015, 19: 629-637 [IF: 2.446]

[48] K. Liang, T. Gu, Z. Cao, X. Tang, W. Hu, B. Wei. In situ synthesis of SWNTs@MnO2/polypyrrole hybrid film as binder-free supercapacitor electrode[J]. Nano Energy, 2014, 9: 245-251 [IF: 10.211]

[47] Y. Gao, W. Hu, X. Gao, B. Duan. Electrodeposition of SnBi coatings based on deep eutectic solvent[J]. Surface Engineering,2014, 30: 59-63 [IF: 1.51]

[46] K. Liang, X. Tang, B. Wei, W. Hu. Fabrication and characterization of a nanoporous NiO film with high specific energy and power via an electrochemical dealloying approach[J]. Materials Research Bulletin, 2013, 48: 3829-3833 [IF: 1.968]

[45] X. Gao, W. Hu, Y. Gao. Preparation of ultrafine tungsten wire via electrochemical method in an ionic liquid[J]. Fusion Engineering and Design, 2013, 88: 23-27 [IF: 1.149]

[44] K. Liang, N. Wang, M. Zhou, Z. Cao, T. Gu, Q. Zhang, X. Tang, W. Hu, B. Wei. Mesoporous LaNiO3/NiO nanostructured thin films for high-performance supercapacitors[J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2013, 1: 9730-9736. [IF:6.626]

[43] Y. Gao, W. Hu, X. Gao, B. Duan. Electrodeposition of CdZn coatings based on deep eutectic solvent[J]. Surface Engineering, 2012, 28: 590-593 [IF: 1.51]

[42] X. Wan, Y. Deng, C. Tang, Y. Zhang, L. Zhang, N. Wang, W. H u. The Influence of Additive Agent on Surface Morphology of Iron Coatings From Chloride Electroplating Bath[J]. Materials Review, 2012, S1

[41] K. Liang, X. Tang, W. Hu. High-performance three-dimensional nanoporous NiO film as a supercapacitor electrode[J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2012, 22: 11062-11607 [IF:6.626]

[40] D. Dong, N. Wang, X. Liu, W. Xue, W. Hu. Temperature dependence of the dielectric properties of mesoporous silica films prepared by a sol–gel route in the presence of polyether modified polydimethylsiloxane[J]. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2011, 22: 1667-1673 [IF: 1.966]

[39] K. Liang, X. Tang, L. Yu, N. Wang, W. Hu. Investigation of preparation and characteristics of Sn–Bi eutectic powders derived from a high shear mechanical approach[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2011, 509: 9836-9841 [IF: 2.726]

[38] N. Wang, W. Hu, Y. Lu, Y. Deng, X. Wan, Y. Zhang, K. Du, L. Zhang. Role of surfactants in construction of porous copper film by electrodeposition approach[J]. Transactions of the IMF, 2011, 89: 261-267

[37] D. Dong, W. Xue, X. Liu, W. He, W. Hu. Thermal conductivity of porous silica films using modified polydimethylsiloxane and polyethyleneglycol as templates by sol–gel process[J]. Microporous Mesoporous Materials, 2011, 143: 54-59 [IF: 3.209]

[36] D. Dong, X. Liu, W. Hu. The structure and mechanism of porous silica films by sol–gel method using poly (ethylene glycol) and side-chain polyether modified polydimethylsiloxane with terminal Si–CH3 as templates[J]. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2011, 22: 944-948 [IF: 1.966]

[35] D. Dong, X. Liu, H. Yu, W. Hu. Fabrication of highly dispersed crystallized nanoparticles of barium strontium titanate in the presence of N, N-dimethylacetamide[J]. Ceramics International, 2011, 37: 579-583 [IF: 2.086]

[34] L. Li, W. Hu, Y. Zhang, X. Wan, L. Zhang. Investigation of effect of additives on electroless iron deposition[J]. Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing, 2011, 89: 95-98 [IF: 0.747]

[33] M. Zhang, L. Li, W. He, W. Hu, X. Wan, Y. Zhang, K. Du, L. Zhang. Optimized Study on the Amount of Complexing Agents in Electroless Iron Plating Process[J]. Experiment Science and Technology, 2011, 6: 003

[32] M. Zhang, L. Li, W. He, W. Hu, X. Wan, Y. Zhang, K. Du, L. Zhang. Experimental Investigation on the Effect of Key Factors on Plating Rate of Electroless Iron Plating[J]. Materials Review, 2011, 22: 023

[31] D. Dong, X. Liu, W. Hu. Investigation on viscosity of silica sol catalyzed by nitric acid[J]. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering,2010, 39: 99-102 [IF: 0.153]

[30] D. Dong, X. Liu , W. Hu. Stability of the silica sols prepared by acid/base two-step catalytic sol-gel process[J]. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2010, 39(S2): 61-64 [IF: 0.153]

[29] D. Dong, X. Liu, J. Li, C. Shang, W. Hu. Effects of growth conditions on the microstructure characteristics of CdS thin films by AP-MOCVD[J]. Journal of Electronic Science and Technology, 2010, 8:149-153

[28] W. Hu, C. Yang, W. Zhang. Fabrication and characteristics of La, Cd and Sn doped BST thin films by sol–gel method[J]. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2008, 19: 1197-1201 [IF: 1.966]

[27] J. Li, W. Hu, D. Dong. Research Progress in Doping of Cadmium Sulfide[J]. Materials Review, 2008, S1

[26] X. Fang, W. Hu, D. Dong.Research Progress in Cracking of Porous Silica Films Prepared by Sol-gel Process[J]. Materials Review, 2008, S3

[25] W. Hu, C. Yang, X. Liu, W. He, X. Tang. Characterization of Sn-doped BST thin films on LaNiO3–coated Si substrate[J]. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2008, 19(1): 61-66 [IF: 1.966]

[24] W. Hu, D. Dong, X. Tang, W. He, X. Liu. Sol–Gel Preparation and Characterization of Ba0.65Sr0.35 (Ti0.95Sn0.05)O3 Thin Films[J]. Integrated Ferroelectrics, 2007, 92: 135-146 [IF: 0.371]

[23] W. Hu, C. Yang, W. Zhang, G. Liu. Characteristics of Ba0.8Sr0.2TiO3 ferroelectric thin films by RF magnetron sputtering[J]. Ceramics International, 2007, 33: 1299-1303 [IF: 2.086]

[22] W. Hu, L. Zhu, D. Dong, W. He, X. Tang, X. Liu. Thermal behavior of copper powder prepared by hydrothermal treatment[J]. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2007, 18: 817-821 [IF: 1.966]

[21] W. Hu, C. Yang, Z. Wanli, D. Dong, G. Liu. Fabrication and conductive characteristic of highly oriented LaNiO3 thin films[J]. Integrated Ferroelectrics, 2007, 91: 73-79 [IF: 0.371]

[20] W. Hu, C. Yang, W. Zhang, X. Liao. Thermodynamic equilibrium model of pyroelectric polycrystalline thin films[J]. Applied physics letters, 2007, 90: 152902 [IF: 3,515]

[19] D. Dong, W. Hu, W. Zhan, G. Liu. Surface morphology of LaNiO3 thin films and its dependence on annealing temperature[J]. T ransactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing, 2007, 85: 107-110 [IF: 0.747]

[18] Z. Xie, C. Long, C. Deng, W. H u.Effect of High Deposition Rate on Chemical Bonds and Properties of SiN Film[J]. Chinese Journal of Liquid Crystals and Displays, 2007, 1:006

[17] W. Hu, D. Dong, G. Hou, Y. Shen, W. He. Fabrication of BST Ferroelectric Thin Films by Sol-gel Method[J]. Experiment Science & Technology, 2007, 6:046

[16] W. Leng, C. Yang, J. Zhang, H. Chen, W. Hu, H. Ji, J. Tang, W. Qin, J. Li, H. Lin. Nonlinear optical properties of the lanthanum-modified lead zirconate titanate ferroelectric thin films using Z-scan technique[J]. Japanese journal of applied physics, 2007, 46: L7 [IF: 1.057]

[15] W. Hu, C. Yang, W. Zhang, Y. Qiu, L. Zhu. Ferroelectric properties of Ba0.8Sr0.2TiO3 thin films prepared by RF magnetron sputtering[J]. Integrated Ferroelectrics, 2006, 79: 131-138 [IF: 0.371]

[14] W. Hu, C. Yang, W. Zhang, G. Liu, D. Dong. The diffusion of Pt in BST films on Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si substrate by sol-gel method[J]. Journal of Sol-Gel Science Technology, 2006, 39: 293-298 [IF: 1.547]

[13] G. Liu, W. Hu, L. Zhu, Z. Xie. Research Progress in Doping Modification of Strontium Barium Titanate[J]. Materials Review, 2006, S2

[12] W. Hu, C. Yang, W. Zhang, Y. Qiu. Dielectric characteristics of sol-gel-derived BST/BSLaT/BST multilayer[J]. Journal of Sol-Gel Science Technology, 2005, 36: 249-255 [IF: 1.547]

[11] W. Hu, C. Yang, W. Zhang, X. Liao The Simulation Curves of TSG and GTGS Pyroelectric Crystals by Thermodynamics Model[J]. Journal of Functional Materials, 2005, 36: 1786-8

[10] W. Hu, C. Yang, W. Zhang, Y. Qiu, L. Zhu. The surface morphology of Ba0. 65Sr0. 35TiO3 thin film by sol-gel method [J]. Integrated Ferroelectrics, 2005, 72: 1-11 [IF: 0.371]

[9] W. Hu, C. Yang, W. Zhang, X. Liao. Simulating pyroelectric curves of TGS series crystals by pseudo thermodynamic model[J]. Ferroelectrics, 2005, 315: 83-9 [IF: 0.383]

[8] W. Hu, C. Yang, Y. Qiu, L. Zhu. Fbarication of a high heat dissipating double-sided printed circuit board[J]. Plating & Surface Finishing, 2005, 92(10): 42-45

[7] Y. Li, X. Tang, W. H u. Synthesis and characterization of photosensitive polyimides containing chalcone moiety in the main chain[J]. Journal of Functional Materials, 2005, 01 [IF: 0.383]

[6] Y. Li, X. Tang, W. H u. Synthesis of benzocyclobutene and its polymer[J]. Journal of Molecular Science, 2004, 4:27-30

[5] Y. Qiu, W. H u. Synthesis of Spinel LiMn2O4 Used As the Cathode Material for Lithium Ion Batteries[J]. China's Manganese Industry, 2003, 4(21):36-38

[4] C. Fu, C. Yang, H. Chen, W. Hu, W. Li. The Progress of Research on the Film of Barium Strontium Titanate: Preparations and Applications[J]. Electronic Components and Materials, 2003, 22(5): 47-50

[3] C. Fu, H. Chen, C. Huang, J. Hu, W. Hu, W. Li, C. Yang, . Ba(Mg1/3Ta2/3)O3 substrate for BaxSr1-xTiO3 Thin film used for phase shifter; proceedings of the SPIE's International Symposium on Smart Materials, Nano-, and Micro-Smart Systems, F, 2002 [C]. International Society for Optics and Photonics.2002, 260-269.

[2] W. He, W. Hu, X. Tang, L. Chi. Electroreduction Sugars to Polyalcohols from Alkaline Aqueous Media on Mercury Electrodes[J]. Journal of Electronic Science and Technology of China, 1999, 28:324-328

[1] G. Liu, W. Hu, Y. Shen, . Dielectric Characteristics of Ba0.65Sr0.35TiO3 Thin Films by Sol-Gel Method[J]. Journal of Electronic Science and Technology of China, 2007, 5: 47- 48





