在英國研究期間獲美國能源部(DOE US.)全額資助,並聯合世界企業五百強美國霍尼韋爾UOP公司、密西根大學、西北大學、范德比爾特大學完成美國能源部重大專項1項(項目號:DEFC26-07NT43092);聯合英國帝國理工學院、倫敦大學學院、曼徹斯特大學、聖安德魯斯大學、卡迪夫大學完成英國工程及自然科學基金重點項目1項(項目號:EPG060129;聯合美國霍尼韋爾UOP公司、康塔公司完成英國工程及自然科學基金重點項目1項(項目號:EPI010939)。發表各類國際學術論文十餘篇,先後五次在美國化學工程師協會年會(AIChE)上作報告。
2014年歸國後加入湘潭大學化工學院,先後主持國家自然科學基金項目,湖南省自然科學基金聯合基金重點項目以及國有上市企業橫向技術開發項目等多項,並同英美多所全球知名高校保持長期項目技術合作與交流,目前擔任AIChE J.,Ind. & Eng. Chem. Res., Micropor. Mesopor. Mat., Adsorption等SCI期刊通訊評審人。先後獲得湘潭市第六批專業技術骨幹人才,享受市政府津貼;以及2013-2015年度湘潭市自然科學優秀論文一等獎等獎勵。
1 .《化工原理》相關課程
工業溫室氣體及大氣污染氣體減排技術研究:CO2,SOX, NOX,甲醛及霧霾的吸附分離技術;
1.工業溫室氣體及大氣污染氣體減排技術研究:CO2,SOX, NOX,甲醛及霧霾的吸附分離技術;
Xiayi Hu*, Enzo Mangano, Daniel Friedrich, Hyungwoong Ahn and Stefano Brandani, Diffusion mechanism of CO2 in 13X zeolite beads. Adsorption. 2014; 20,121-35.
Huidan Wang, Stefano Brandani, Guiping Lin, Xiayi Hu*, Flowrate Correction for the Determination of Isotherms and Darken Thermodynamic Factors from Zero Length Column (ZLC) Experiments. Adsorption. 2011, 17, 687 - 694.
Xiayi Hu*, Stefano Brandani, Annabelle I. Benin and Richard R. Willis, Development of Semi-Automated Zero Length Column (ZLC) Technique: Rapid Screen Ranking of Novel Adsorbents base on Equilibrium Capacity, Ind. & Eng. Chem. Res.,2015, 54, 6772–6780.
Xiayi Hu*, Stefano Brandani, Annabelle I. Benin and Richard R. Willis, Development of Semi-Automated Zero Length Column (ZLC) Technique:Study of Diffusion Behaviors of CO2 in MOFs, Ind. & Eng. Chem. Res., 2015, 54, 5777–5783.
Xiayi Hu*, Stefano Brandani, Annabelle I. Benin and Richard R. Willis, Development of a Semi-Automated ZLC System for Rapid Screening of Adsorbents for Carbon Capture Applications, PBAST-7, Xiamen, 2015.
Enzo Mangano, Xiayi Hu*, Daniel Friedrich, Hyungwoong Ahn and Stefano Brandani, Diffusion Mechanism of CO2 in 13X Zeolite Pellets. AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 2013.
Daniel Friedrich, Enzo Mangano, Xiayi Hu*, Maria-Chiara Ferrari and Stefano Brandani, Automated Analysis of ZLC Experiments: Fitting of Kinetic and Isotherm Parameters. AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 2013.
Xiayi Hu*, Enzo Mangano, Stefano Brandani, Lozinka M.M.L., Wright P. A., Kahr J., Croad M., McKeown N.,Shamsipour H., Budd P. Screening Novel CO2 Adsorbents in the UK IGSCC Project. Separation Technologies for CO2 Capture. IChemE Conference, Swansea, UK, 2011.
Xiayi Hu*, Stefano Brandani, Tina Duran, Study of Metal-Organic Frameworks for Carbon Capture. UKERC, Warwick, UK, 2011.
Xiayi Hu*, Stefano Brandani, Tina Duran, Annabelle I. Benin and Richard R. Willis, Novel Adsorbents for CCS Technology. EPSRC China-UK Forum on CCS Technology, Beijing, China, 2010.
Daniel Friedrich, Enzo Mangano, Xiayi Hu*, Stefano Brandani, Automated Estimation of Kinetic and Isotherm Parameters from ZLC Experiments. 11th International Conference on Fundamentals of Adsorption, MD, USA, 2013.
Stefano Brandani, Xiayi Hu*, Annabelle I. Benin and Richard R. Willis, A Semi-Automated ZLC System for Rapid Screening of Adsorbents for Carbon Capture. 10th International Conference on Fundamentals of Adsorption, Awaji, Japan, 2010.
Enzo Mangano, Xiayi Hu*, Hyungwoong Ahn and Stefano Brandani, Efficient and Rapid Screening of Novel Adsorbents for Carbon Capture in the UK IGSCC Project, AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, USA, 2010.
Xiayi Hu*, Martin Sweatman, Stefano Brandani. Screening CO2 Adsorbents using the Zero Length Column Technique. UKCCSC Meeting, Edinburgh, UK, 2010.15. Stefano Brandani, Xiayi Hu* and Richard R. Willis .Development of a Semi-Automated ZLC System for Rapid Screening of Adsorbents for Carbon Capture, AIChE Annual Meeting, 2009.
Annabelle I. Benin, Syed Faheem, John J. Low, Richard R. Willis, Antek G. Wong-Foy, Kyoungmoo Koh, Adam J. Matzger, A. Ozgur Yazaydin, Randall Q. Snurr, Xiayi Hu*, Stefano Brandani, Jian Liu, and M. Douglas LeVan. Metal Organic Frameworks for Carbon Dioxide Adsorption from Flue Gas. AIChE Annual Meeting, 2008.
1.Xiayi Hu*, Enzo Mangano, Daniel Friedrich, Hyungwoong Ahn and Stefano Brandani, Diffusion mechanism of CO2 in 13X zeolite beads. Adsorption. 2014; 20,121-35.
2.Huidan Wang, Stefano Brandani, Guiping Lin, Xiayi Hu*, Flowrate Correction for the Determination of Isotherms and Darken Thermodynamic Factors from Zero Length Column (ZLC) Experiments. Adsorption. 2011, 17, 687 - 694.
3.Xiayi Hu*, Stefano Brandani, Annabelle I. Benin and Richard R. Willis, Development of Semi-Automated Zero Length Column (ZLC) Technique: Rapid Screen Ranking of Novel Adsorbents base on Equilibrium Capacity, Ind. & Eng. Chem. Res.,2015, 54, 6772–6780.
4.Xiayi Hu*, Stefano Brandani, Annabelle I. Benin and Richard R. Willis, Development of Semi-Automated Zero Length Column (ZLC) Technique:Study of Diffusion Behaviors of CO2 in MOFs, Ind. & Eng. Chem. Res., 2015, 54, 5777–5783.
5.Xiayi Hu*, Stefano Brandani, Annabelle I. Benin and Richard R. Willis, Development of a Semi-Automated ZLC System for Rapid Screening of Adsorbents for Carbon Capture Applications, PBAST-7, Xiamen, 2015.
6.Enzo Mangano, Xiayi Hu*, Daniel Friedrich, Hyungwoong Ahn and Stefano Brandani, Diffusion Mechanism of CO2 in 13X Zeolite Pellets. AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 2013.
7.Daniel Friedrich, Enzo Mangano, Xiayi Hu*, Maria-Chiara Ferrari and Stefano Brandani, Automated Analysis of ZLC Experiments: Fitting of Kinetic and Isotherm Parameters. AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 2013.
8.Xiayi Hu*, Enzo Mangano, Stefano Brandani, Lozinka M.M.L., Wright P. A., Kahr J., Croad M., McKeown N.,Shamsipour H., Budd P. Screening Novel CO2 Adsorbents in the UK IGSCC Project. Separation Technologies for CO2 Capture. IChemE Conference, Swansea, UK, 2011.
9.Xiayi Hu*, Stefano Brandani, Tina Duran, Study of Metal-Organic Frameworks for Carbon Capture. UKERC, Warwick, UK, 2011.
10.Xiayi Hu*, Stefano Brandani, Tina Duran, Annabelle I. Benin and Richard R. Willis, Novel Adsorbents for CCS Technology. EPSRC China-UK Forum on CCS Technology, Beijing, China, 2010.
11.Daniel Friedrich, Enzo Mangano, Xiayi Hu*, Stefano Brandani, Automated Estimation of Kinetic and Isotherm Parameters from ZLC Experiments. 11th International Conference on Fundamentals of Adsorption, MD, USA, 2013.
12.Stefano Brandani, Xiayi Hu*, Annabelle I. Benin and Richard R. Willis, A Semi-Automated ZLC System for Rapid Screening of Adsorbents for Carbon Capture. 10th International Conference on Fundamentals of Adsorption, Awaji, Japan, 2010.
13.Enzo Mangano, Xiayi Hu*, Hyungwoong Ahn and Stefano Brandani, Efficient and Rapid Screening of Novel Adsorbents for Carbon Capture in the UK IGSCC Project, AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, USA, 2010.
14.Xiayi Hu*, Martin Sweatman, Stefano Brandani. Screening CO2 Adsorbents using the Zero Length Column Technique. UKCCSC Meeting, Edinburgh, UK, 2010.15. Stefano Brandani, Xiayi Hu* and Richard R. Willis .Development of a Semi-Automated ZLC System for Rapid Screening of Adsorbents for Carbon Capture, AIChE Annual Meeting, 2009.
15.Annabelle I. Benin, Syed Faheem, John J. Low, Richard R. Willis, Antek G. Wong-Foy, Kyoungmoo Koh, Adam J. Matzger, A. Ozgur Yazaydin, Randall Q. Snurr, Xiayi Hu*, Stefano Brandani, Jian Liu, and M. Douglas LeVan. Metal Organic Frameworks for Carbon Dioxide Adsorption from Flue Gas. AIChE Annual Meeting, 2008.
1.美國能源部(DOE. US)青年科學研究者獎勵,2012;
3. 2013-2015年度湘潭市自然科學優秀論文一等獎。