
Section Section Section


出版社: 大連理工大學出版社; 第1版 (2010年5月1日)
叢書名: 聽知認之
平裝: 302頁
正文語種: 英語, 簡體中文
開本: 32
ISBN: 7561154488, 9787561154489
條形碼: 9787561154489
尺寸: 21.4 x 16.2 x 2 cm
重量: 340 g




Unit 1 Polygon Prism
Section A
Short Conversations
Long Conversations
Section B
Passage One Modem Means of Communication——Telephone
Passage Two Online Shopping——Our New Lifestyle
Passage Three Living Online, Have You tried?
Section C
Compound Dictation On Cellphone
Unit 2 Focus
Section A
Short Conversations
Long Conversations
Section B
Passage One Living in the City, Attractive or Not
Passage Two Choosing Bicycle as the City's Transportation
Passage Three Housing Problem in the USA
Section C
Compound Dictation Competition of Modem Society
Unit 3 The Social Hot Spots
Section A
Short Conversations
Long Conversations
Section B
Passage One shortage of Oil
Passage Two Facing Grain Crisis
Passage Three On Water Resources
Section C
Compound Dictation More Concerns about Environmental Crisis, Please
Unit 4 Career Development
Section A
Short Conversations
Long Conversations
Section B
Passage One On Interview
Passage Two Most Women Prefer Working for Male Bosses
Passage Three Interview, Have You Suceeded?
Section C
Compound Dictation Tall People Lead Happier Lives
Unit 5 Life of Wealth
Section A
Short Conversations
Long Conversations
Section B
Passage One Woolworths Faces Bankruptcy
Passage Two The Business of America Is Business
Passage Three Bumper Chinese Car Sales
Section C
Compound Dictation US Households Getting Richer
Unit 6 Figures
Section A
Short Conversations
Long Conversations
Section B
Passage One Nina Simone: American Famous Singer
Passage Two Mary Cassatt Broke Social Barriers with Her Art
Passage Three The First Black Player in Modem Major League Baseball
Section C
Compound Dictation Father of Hollywood
Unit 7 Being Healthy
Section A
Short Conversations
Long Conversations
Section B
Passage One A Lifetime of Dental Care
Passage Two Hoarseness: A Sign of Serious Illness
Passage Three Sleep Drugs Do More Than Make You Sleep
Section C
Compound Dictation Emotions on Health
Unit 8 Bright Life
Section A
Short Conversations
Long Conversations
Section B
Passage One Names in America
Passage Two Wedding Customs in the US
Passage Three Electronic Gifts Loved by American Youth
Section C
Compound Dictation The unemployed? The Volunteer?
Unit 9 Foreign Culture
Section A
Short Conversations
Long Conversations
Section B
Passage One Welcome to American Parties
Passage Two The Birth of Father's Day
Passage Three What Do You Know about the White House
Section C
Compound Dictation Have a Wonderful Christmas in the US
Unit 10 Education
Section A
Short Conversations
Long Conversations
Section B
Passage One How to Write a Term Paper
Passage Two Education: A New Start
Passage Three Studying in the US: A Free Year at a Community College
Section C
Compound Dictation NYU Pushes Foreign Study
Unit 11 Human and Nature
Unit 12 Entertainment Circles
Unit 13 Science and Technology
Unit 14 Language
Unit 15 Aero Space

