





交通9.工作 10.新聞。每個Unit含幾個Sections,每個Section由幾個Parts組成,其內容都和人們


少的語言和背景知識。在選材上注重AuthenticEnglish, 目的在於使讀者不但能聽懂播音員照本宣讀式














Unit One Directions
Section 1
Part 1 How Can 1 Get to Your House?(Supplementary Reading)
Part 2 What Did You Do Last Night?
Section 2
Part 1 Finding a Garage(Supplementary Reading)
Part 2 Working Out How to Get Downtown(Supplementary Reading)
Section 3
Part 1 Can You Tell Me the Way, Please?
Part 2 Where Are They Going?
Unit Two Descriptions
Section 1
Part 1 At the Youth Club
Part 2 Has Anyone Seen This Person?
Section 2
Part 1 What Did She Look Like?
Part 2 What Did He Look Like?
Section 3
Part 1 Who Are They?
Part 2 What Kind of Person Is He?
Part 3 Could You Describe Them?(Supplementary Speaking)(Supplementary Reading)
Section 4
Part 1 Which One is It?
Part 2 Could You Describe It to Me, Please?
Section 5
Part 1 Animals(Supplementary Writing)
Unit Three Positions
Section 1
Part 1 I'm Interested in Buying a Car(Supplementary Speaking)
Part 2 Which One's Peter?
Section 2
Part 1 How Are You Going to Decorate and Fumish the Kitchen?
Part 2 Where Shall 1 Put It?
Section 3
Part 1 Where Shall We Meet?
Part 2 Where Is Room 4?
Section 4
Part 1 We've Got a House for You
Part 2 This Is the House
Section 5
Part 1 The Seaview Hotel
Part 2 George Square
Unit Four Accommodation
Section 1
Part 1 Finding Somewhere to Live
Part 2 A Roof over Your Head
Part 3 Apartment Hunting(Supplementary Reading)
Section 2
Part 1 The New Student
Part 2 Anything Interesting in the Paper Today?(Supplementary Reading)
Section 3
Part 1 Advice
Part 2 The Apartment
Section 4
Part 1 This Is What We Want
Part 2 The Past and the Present(Supplementary Reading)
Section 5
Part 1 Looking for a Quiet Accommodation
Part 2 Advertisements
Section 6
Part 1 Apartment Problems
Part 2 A Neglected House(Supplementary Reading)
Unit Five Travel (1)
Section 1
Part 1 At a Travel Agency
Part 2 Calling a Travel Agency
Part 3 Package Holidays
Section 2
Part 1 1 Want to Fly to Hamburg
Part 2 Can You Tell Me the Times of the Trains to Newcastle?
Part 3 At a Ticket Window
Section 3
Part 1 Airport Announcements
Part 2 May 1 Have Your Attention, Please?
Part 3 How to Get a British Passport?(Supplementary Reading)
Section 4
Part 1 At the Check-in Counter
Part 2 Go Through the Security Check
part 3 Coming Through Immigration
Section 5
Part 1 At the Customs (1)
Part 2 At the Customs (2)
Part 3 Have You Anything to Declare?(Supplementary Reading)
Section 6
Part 1 Reserving Hotel Accommodation
Part 2 I'dLikeaRoom,Please.
Part 3 Recommending Hotels for a Holiday(Supplementary Reading)
Unit Six Travel (2)
Section 1
Part 1 Do You Like Travelling?
Part 2 You Can Imagine How We Felt(Supplementary Reading)
Section 2
Part 1 A Good Experience
Part 2 A Camping Holiday
Section 3
Part 1 Travel Troubles
Part 2 Advice from Experts
Section 4
Part 1 Jet Lag(Supplementary Reading)
Part 2 How Did You Get Around?(Supplementary Exercises)
Section 5
Part 1 The Best Way to Travel
Part 2 Plans about Visiting Canberra
Section 6
Part 1 Presenting Tour Packages
Part 2 Talking about a Holiday
Section 7
Part 1 The Man Who Missed the Plane
Part 2 Planning a Holiday
Unit Seven Announcements
Section 1
Part 1 Airport Announcements (1)
Part 2 Airport Announcements (2)
Part 3 Airport Announcements (3)
Part 4 Announcements for Air Passengers
Part 5 In-flight Announcements
Section 2
Part 1 At the Railwav Station
Part 2 Announcement in a Bus
Part 3 Announcements for Sea Travelers
Section 3
Part 1 Radio Announcements
Part 2 Public Announcements
Part 3 Broadcast Announcements
Section 4
Part 1 Announcement at a Meeting
Part 2 Announcement for Advertisement
Unit Eight Transportation
Section 1
Part 1 Hiring a Car
Part 2 At the Petrol Station
Part 3 Getting about by Train(Supplementary Reading)
Section 2
Part 1 You Mustn't Talk to Me While I'm Driving
Part 2 lAmaVerylmportantMan(1)
Part 3 1 Am a Very Important Man (2)(Supplementary Reading)
Section 3
Part 1 Letter to the Editor
Part 2 Everyday Experiences
Part 3 Judy in a Jam(Supplementary Reading)
Section 4
Part 1 Back-seat Driving
Part 2 One Man's Work
Part 3 Likes and Dislikes(Supplementary Reading and Speaking)
Section 5
Part 1 When Did It Happen?
Part 2 Drunk Driver
Part 3 Hit and Run(Supplementary Speaking and Reading)
Section 6
Part 1 Transport Facilities
Part 2 Not the End, But the Beginning
Part 3 The Difficulties Facing British Rail(Supplementary Reading)
Unit Nine Jobs
Section 1
Part 1 Finding Job Resources(Supplementary Reading)
Part 2 Reading Newspaper Job Ads(Supplementary Reading)
Part 3 Using Telephone Book Yellow Pages(Supplementary Reading)
Section 2
Part 1 A New Job
Part 2 Ringing about Ad. for an Accountant(Supplementary Reading)
Section 3
Part 1 Richard Gets a New Job
Part 2 An Interview for a Job(Supplementary Reading)
Section 4
Part 1 Unemployment
Part 2 I'm Not Very Pleased with You(Supplementary Reading)
Section 5
Part 1 Part-time Work in Britain
Part 2 Job Outlook(Supplementary Reading)
Section 6
Part 1 How to Manage to Get an Interview
Part 2 What Are Suitable Replies?(Supplementarv Readine)
Unit Ten Newscast
Section 1 VOA News in Special English (1)
Part 1 The Top Political Adviser
Part 2 The Explosion
Part 3 Humanitarian Assistance
Part 4 The Nation's Presidential Election
Section 2 VOA News in Special English (2)
Part 1 Weather News
Part 2 Investigations about the Bombing
Part 3 Food Poisoning
Part 4 Air Crash
Section 3 VOA News in Standard English (1)
Part 1 Moving Troops
Part 2 Economic Sanctions Against Iraq(Supplementary Reading)
Part 3 The Clashes(Supplementary Reading)
Part 4 Summit Meeting
Section 4 VOA News in Standard English (2)
Part 1 Negotiation Between Russia and Chechnya
Part 2 Oil Spill
Part 3 Food Aid
Part 4 The Bombing Case
Section 5 BBC English News (1)
Part 1 General Elections
Part 2 Things are Getting Better
Part 3 Food Aid
Part 4 About Single Currency
Section 6 BBC English news (2)
Part 1 On The Currency Market
Part 2 The Deadlock was Broken
Part 3 Britain Goes Metric
Part 4 Local Radio Programme


