耶克斯—多德森定律(The Yerks_Dobson Law)表明,操作與激動水平之間的曲線關係,隨著操作的難易和情緒的高低而發生變化。操作困難的代數問題的最佳狀態,處於較低的激動水平;操作初步算術技能的高峰處於中等水平;操作簡單眼應的高峰,處於較高的激動水平。這說明,學習內容越困難,學內容越困難,學習效果越容易受到較高激動水平的干擾。如高度憤怒或過分高興時,解答難題的效果不佳,簡單的操作高度的激動水平效果較佳;而一般操作,適宜於中等激動水平。
The Yerkes-Dodson law demonstrates an empirical relationship between arousal and performance. It dictates that performance increases with cognitive arousal, but only to a certain point: when levels of arousal become too high, performance will decrease. A corollary is that there is an optimal level of arousal for a given task.
It is a scientific principle developed by psychologists Robert M. Yerkes and J. D. Dodson in 1908 and is grounded within the discourses of biopsychology and neuroscience.
The process is often demonstrated graphically as an inverted U-shaped curve (curvilinear), increasing and then decreasing with higher levels of arousal. (However, there is also a linear component which proposes that in a simple task, performance increases with arousal. Therefore, in a simple task the relationship between arousal and performance is linear. According to the Yerkes-Dodson law, only in a difficult task is the relationship between arousal and performance curvilinear.)
It has been proposed that different tasks may require different levels of arousal. For example, difficult or intellectually demanding tasks may require a lower level of arousal for optimal performance (to facilitate concentration), whereas tasks demanding stamina or persistence may be performed better with higher levels of arousal (to increase motivation).
The effect of the difficulty of tasks later on led to the hypothesis that the Yerkes-Dodson Law can be decomposed into two distinct factors. The upward part of the converted U can be thought of as the energizing effect of arousal. The downward part on the other hand is caused by negative effects of arousal (or stress) on cognitive processes, like attention ("tunnel vision"), memory, and problem-solving.
There has been research indicating that the correlation suggested by Yerkes and Dodson exists (such as that of Broadhurst, 1959; Duffy, 1962; Anderson, 1988), but a cause of the correlation has not yet successfully been established (Anderson, Revelle, & Lynch, 1989).
Despite some evidence to the contrary, the law is generally respected.
