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Unit One The Early American Literature
Chapter Ⅰ The Seventeenth Century Literature
Chapter Ⅱ The Eighteenth Century Literature
Benjamin Franklin
1.About the Author
2.Selected Reading
The Autobiography (excerpts)
Unit Two The Age Of Romanticism
Chapter Ⅰ American Literature of Pro-Romanticism
Washington Irving
1.About the Author
2.Selected Reading
Rip Van Winkle (excerpts)
Chapter Ⅱ American Literature of Post-Romanticism
Ralph Waldo Emerson
1.About the Author
2.Selected Reading
Self- Reliance (excerpts)
Edgar Allan Poe
1.About the Author
2.Selected Reading
The Cask of Amontillado (excerpts)
Nathaniel Hawthorne
1.About the Author
2.Selected Reading
The Scarlet Letter (Chapter 19 )
Walt Whitman
1.About the Author
2.Selected Reading
I Hear America Singing
Come Up from the Fields Father
From Song of Myself ( Section 1 )
O Captain ! My Captain !
Emily Dickinson
1.About the Author
2.Selected Reading
Success Is Counted Sweetest
There's a Certain Slant of Light
Again His Voice Is at the Door
I'm Nobody! Who Are You?
Unit Three The Age of Realism and Naturalism
Chapter Ⅰ American Literature of the Middle and Late Nineteenth Century
Mark Twain
1.About the Author
2.Selected Reading
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn ( Chapter 11 )
Henry James
1.About the Author
2.Selected Reading
Chapter Ⅱ American Literature at the Turn of the Century
Theodore Dreiser
1.About the Author
2.Selected Reading
Sister Carrie ( Chapter 1 )
Jack London
1.About the Author
2.Selected Reading
Love of Life (excerpts)
Unit Four The Twentieth Century American Literature
Chapter Ⅰ Between the Two World Wars
Robert Frost
1.About the Author
2.Selected Reading
The Road Not Taken
Mending Wall
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
Fire and Ice
Ezra Pound
1.About the Author
2.Selected Reading
In a Station of the Metro
A Pact
Ernest Hemingway
1.About the Author
2.Selected Reading
In Another Country
Francis Scott Fitzgerald
1.About the Author
2.Selected Reading
The Great Gatsby (Chapter 3 excerpts)
John Steinbeck
1.About the Author
2.Selected Reading
The Grapes of Wrath ( Chapter 25 )
William Faulkner
1.About the Author
2.Selected Reading
A Rose for Emily
Eugene O'Neill
1.About the Author
2.Selected Reading
Long Day's Journey into
Night ( Act 2, Scene 2)
Chapter Ⅱ American Literature Since 1945
Saul Bellow
1.About the Author
2.Selected Reading
The Adventures of Augie
March ( Chapter 21 )
Ralph Ellison
1.About the Author
2.Selected Reading
Invisible Man ( Chapter 1 )
Joseph Heller
1.About the Author
2.Selected Reading
Catch-22 (Chapter 5 excerpts)
Arthur Miller
1.About the Author
2.Selected Reading
Death of a Salesman (Act Ⅱ )


