1999-2003 武漢大學生物技術系 學士
2003-2010 美國康乃狄克大學生理及神經生物學系 博士
2010-2014 美國華盛頓大學藥理學系 博士後
2014-至今 武漢大學生命科學學院 副教授
1. Luo J*, Chen X*, Pan YW, Lu S, Xia Z and Storm DR (2015). The Type 3 Adenylyl Cyclase Is Required for the Survival and Maturation of Newly Generated Granule Cells in the Olfactory Bulb. PLoS One (in press)(*co-primary authors)
2. Saraf A*, Luo J*, Morris DR and Storm DR (2014). Phosphorylation of Eukaryotic Translation Initiation factor 4E, Eukaryotic Translation Initiation factor 4E -binding protein (4EBP), and their Upstream Signaling Components Undergo Diurnal Oscillation in the Mouse Hippocampus: Implications for Memory Persistence. Journal of Biological Chemistry 289(29): 20129-38. (*co-primary authors)
3. Luo J, Phan TX, Yang Y, Garelick MG and Storm DR (2013). Increases in cAMP, MAPK Activity and CREB Phosphorylation during REM Sleep: Implications for REM Sleep and Memory Consolidation. Journal of Neuroscience 33(15): 6460-8.
4. Luo J, Shook BA, Daniels SB and Conover JC (2008). Subventricular Zone-Mediated Ependyma Repair in the Adult Mammalian Brain. Journal of Neuroscience 28(14): 3804-13.
5. Luo J, Daniels SB, Lennington JB, Notti RQ and Conover JC (2006). The Aging Neurogenic Subventricular Zone. Aging Cell 5: 139-52.